What is better: photo-epilation or laser epilation, principle of operation, result, main contraindications
Today, cosmetology clinics offer a variety of methods to deal with unwanted hair on the body, regardless of the zone of their location - on the face (for example, the antennae over the upper lip) legs, hands, intimate area.
And they are equally available for both women and the representatives of the stronger sex.
However, many visitors to beauty salons have a question of what is better: photo-epilation or laser hair removal, because in many respects they are similar to each other. In addition, dozens of topics on women's forums are devoted to the same topic.
Hair removal with wax, resin or melted sugar consists in mechanically pulling out the hair follicles. In this case, the cells of the growth zone remain intact, and after a few weeks, unwanted vegetation appears again. Electropilation has become the first method of complete and long hair removal.
The essence of the technique was reduced to the use of devices that generate electrical impulses that irreversibly destroy hair follicles. But the widespread use of such a procedure was hampered by severe pain (especially in sensitive areas of the skin in the bikini area, axilla) in combination with a long session.
The situation has changed with the advent of photoepilation and almost simultaneously with it - laser. If we talk about the effect on hair growth, the difference between these methods is small.
And that, and other radiation selectively affect the coloring pigment of the hair follicle - melanin. Heating it to 80º and above first provokes rapid atrophy, and then the death of the hair bulb. At the same time, the vessel that feeds the follicle coagulates, which disturbs the blood supply to the hair and speeds up the epilation process. The only difference between these methods is the type of generated radiation.
In photoepilation, it is light radiation with a wavelength from 560 to 1200 nm, all of which act on the hair simultaneously. There is no harm to surrounding tissues, since a special filter cuts off ultraviolet rays that adversely affect the skin. When laser hair removal results are achieved due to the radiation produced by alexandrite, neodymium or diode laser. However, photoepilation has a narrow range of effectiveness.
The result of the procedure will appear only if it is necessary to remove dark, hard hair from fair skin. And modern laser devices are less sensitive to the shade of vegetation and epidermal cover. Therefore, if it is necessary to remove loose, thin and light hair, the comparison will not be in favor of the method of photo-epilation.
Given the similar principle of action, the contraindications to conducting these procedures are the same:
- increased susceptibility of the skin to light radiation;
It is worth noting
A similar effect is sometimes noted when taking drugs based on tetracycline and its analogs, decoctions of Hypericum perforatum.
- malignant neoplasms of the skin and internal organs;
- period of childbearing and breastfeeding;
- open skin damage in the radiation treatment area;
- active course of dermatitis, manifestations of herpes infection;
- minor age;
- diabetes mellitus, marked microcirculation disorders.
A rather short list of contraindications and high efficiency make epilation by photo or laser treatment very popular.
The difference in cost between them is relatively small, so the deciding factor is the opinion of a cosmetologist who, during a preliminary examination, will determine the skin phototype, hair color and recommend which method to choose for their removal.
Photoepilator or laser epilator: which is better, areas of impact, equipment for conducting sessions, pain
Both photo and laser epilator are suitable for processing practically any part of the body. Hair removal is carried out from the intimate area, legs (legs or completely), face , armpits, abdomen, chest and back in men.
It is worth noting
Today, devices for laser and photo-epilation can be purchased in specialized stores, which allows for the procedure at home.
They do not differ much in cost (the price of those and others ranges from 250-500 dollars depending on the parameters). But the advantage of the photoepilator is the larger size of the treated area (up to 6 cm2). A device for laser radiation affects only a small area of the skin (usually not more than 60 mm2), which significantly increases the duration of the procedure for removing unwanted hair from the body.
The photoepilator lamp life is limited, most of the budget models require the replacement of radiation-generating elements in 4-5 sessions. Their price is low, but finding components on long-released devices is not easy.
Laser epilators do not have this disadvantage. As for the parameters of the study, photoepilators work in the range of up to 1200 nm, the wavelength is adjusted depending on the skin type. Most portable devices for laser hair removal function in the same mode — 750 nm; however, professional devices used in cosmetology clinics have a wider spectrum of activity.
It is worth noting
As for the result, the effect can be assessed by numerous photos on the Internet. However, it is noticeable only after 2-3 weeks after the first skin treatment, and sometimes later (after subsequent sessions).
With regard to the discomfort that occurs during the procedure, to answer the question, which is better: photoepilator or laser epilator, is quite difficult. Both are equipped with a special device that cools the skin and eliminates discomfort. When removing hair from sensitive areas, you can use external means for local anesthesia.
Differences of laser hair removal from photo-epilation, possible complications, number of sessions, cost
Considering both physical, aesthetic and financial aspects of these methods of hair removal, the main differences of such procedures are:
- The principle of the impact on the skin and hair. In cosmetology salons, laser equipment parameters are selected specifically for each client (wavelength, pulse frequency changes), photoepilation is devoid of this advantage.
- The area of the treated epidermal cover. In photoepilator it is more, however, it increases the risk of skin damage when epilating small areas of the body (for example, on the face, groin area).
- The duration of the session. Photoepilation procedure is faster.
- Cost Approximately the same.
- Discomfort during the procedure. Regardless of the method of hair removal, patients are offered preliminary anesthesia, without anesthesia, a sensation of heat or tingling may occur.
- Efficiency. According to experts, photoepilation can remove from 50 to 70% of hair follicles, the effectiveness of laser beams reaches 80-85%.
These methods of getting rid of unwanted vegetation are completely safe. The depth of penetration of rays into the skin does not exceed 0.4 cm, which is clearly not enough to affect the functioning of internal organs and structures.
It is worth noting
The risk of complications and side effects equally depends on the qualifications of the cosmetologist and the client’s “discipline” in terms of following the doctor’s recommendations.
Laser hair removal "works" more selectively, so in most cases 5-8 procedures are enough to achieve the desired result. Exposure to rays of light is slower active, and a full course of hair removal lasts longer.
It is worth noting
In some cases, even after the recommended number of epilation sessions, hairs remain on the body. As a rule, this occurs in people with dark skin or too light hair. In this case, the radiation simply does not act on the pigment and leaves the vegetation intact.
Side effects are extremely rare, but some patients may experience:
- thermal burns of the skin;
- symptoms of hypersensitivity reactions (rash, itching);
- slight swelling and redness (passes independently on the second day after the session);
- the appearance of foci of pigmentation disorders on the skin.
To avoid undesirable symptoms, it is necessary to refrain from sunburn for 14–20 days after the procedure, avoid applying alcohol-containing cosmetics and avoid contact with hot steam or water on skin treated with light or laser radiation.
Another difference between laser hair removal and photoepilation is the cost of the procedure. The latter is about one and a half times cheaper, but given the need for more sessions, the total price of the course is almost the same.