Diode laser hair removal: description, equipment used, advantages and disadvantages of the method
Laser hair removal has recently seemed to be something of a fantasy. For a long time, such a procedure was unavailable for many women and men, but recently with the proliferation of new generation equipment, there are more and more people who want to get rid of the vegetation using this method. Diode laser hair removal is now offered in almost every salon. This method of hair removal combines versatility, safety and efficiency.
There are several types of hair:
- the fluff hair covering all body, they are light, very thin and short, it is almost impossible to see them with the naked eye;
- long hair on the scalp;
- bristly hairs, the appearance and growth of which is not related to the work of the endocrine glands, these are eyelashes, eyebrows, vegetation, performing protective functions in the nasal and auditory passages;
- bristly hair that occurs as puberty on the pubis, legs, armpits, men - on the back, abdomen, face, although sometimes the fair sex suffer from the appearance of "antennae" over the upper lip.
The latter and serve as a target for all kinds of female hair removal, but by the way, men often resort to such services of cosmetologists. Hair growth occurs due to constant cell division of the hair follicle (or bulb). In the process of differentiation, the outer cuticle and the underlying cortical and medulla appear in the hair structure. Removal of unwanted vegetation can be done in several ways.
The most simple and affordable is the usual shave. However, this method is short-lived, after a few days (and in some women the next morning), the skin is covered with stiff, short, spiny hairs. Depilation creams work in the same way. In this case, under the influence of aggressive chemicals, the hair structure is destroyed (more precisely, that part of it that is located above the surface of the epidermal cover).
As a result, they are weakened so that they can be removed with a plastic spatula. Hair removal methods, based on pulling hair out of a hair bulb, are considered more “durable”. The essence of such methods is simple: a sticky mass is applied to the skin (this is sugar paste, wax, or tar), the hairs are firmly attached to it and removed.
The effect of the procedures lasts up to 3-4 weeks, not more. Women note that after such a manipulation, the vegetation becomes invisible. Given the low cost of this method of hair removal and a limited list of contraindications, it is considered the most common.
The situation radically changed after the appearance of lasers in the cosmetology market — devices that generate radiation, disrupt the activity of cells in the hair growth zone in the follicle and destroy it. Additionally, the rays coagulate and the vessel feeding the hair follicle.
But how does a laser “recognize” a target for impact? The fact is that our hair “owes” to the coloring pigment - melanin - to its shade. It is also present in the internal organs (the cortex of the adrenal glands, nervous tissue), but its main part is concentrated in the skin, hair, iris of the eye. Due to the difference in color between the hair and the epidermal coat, the laser radiation “clings” precisely to the melanin in the hairs, heats it and, as a result, causes further follicle destruction.
But the question arises whether the skin is not damaged as a result of such an impact, and how to be if the epidermis is of a rather tan color and the hair is, on the contrary, light?
Indeed, laser hair removal devices of previous generations (ruby, alexandrite, sapphire, etc.) were very sensitive to the contrast between skin and unwanted vegetation. Modern devices work on a different principle. If earlier crystals, gases, or particles and vapors of metals were used as the radiation-generating active medium, semiconductors are currently used.
This technology of hair removal is called diode laser hair removal. This technique has several advantages. The main thing is the ability to adjust the wavelength. The greater this parameter, the deeper the active radiation penetrates the skin, which significantly expands the possibilities of the procedure with respect to the hair of a light shade. However, laser pulses do not reach the internal organs, so the epilation session is absolutely safe.
Currently, in cosmetology clinics such types of devices are used for diode epilation:
- MeDioStar from Asclepion. The advantage of the device is the ability to adjust the wavelength settings - 810 and 940 nm. This allows us to provide an individual approach to each patient and to carry out hair removal for clients with a tan tinge of the skin. In addition, the device is equipped with several nozzles for a manipulator with a size from 4 mm to 1.4 cm. Thus, small, hard-to-reach places can be processed. Also, the device is equipped with a manipulator to remove external manifestations of vascular pathologies, which expands the list of indications for its use.
- LightSheer ET from Lumenis. Generates radiation with a wavelength of 820 nm. The size of the manipulator is 0.9 × 0.9 cm, however the advantage of this device is its power. For most devices, it is 1 Hz, and for Light Sheer ET - twice as much. This reduces the duration of diode epilation by half. So, according to experts, the processing time of the bikini area does not exceed 30-40 minutes, when usually this period can be more than an hour.
- Soprano XL Platinum from AlmaLasers. The device allows you to choose a wavelength of three ranges - 810, 755 or 1064 nm, which makes epilation such a device the most effective and safe. Hair removal can be performed on various skin phototypes, including tanned ones.
All devices intended for diode epilation are equipped with a special cooler that delivers cold air to the skin during the procedure. Thus, the session is the most comfortable for the patient and causes a minimum of unpleasant painful sensations.
The advantages of diode laser hair removal are:
- short duration of the unwanted hair removal session;
- painlessness;
- long-term result, depending on the state of the endocrine system, the skin remains clean for 5 to 7 years after the end of the full course of epilation;
- independence from skin phototype and hair shade;
- the ability to remove unwanted vegetation in hard to reach places.
But at the same time, diode laser hair removal has several disadvantages. It:
- high price;
- the need for a full course of sessions, since during the procedure, the radiation acts only on actively dividing cells of the hair follicles;
- the presence of a number of contraindications;
- the need for preliminary preparation for a session of hair removal and compliance with the rules of subsequent care
- the result is noticeable only a few weeks later.
Modern technologies of diode epilation procedure allow to solve a number of problems. In addition to removing unwanted vegetation, the use of such semiconductor devices improves skin condition, removes small vascular pathologies, and normalizes the activity of apocrine glands (sebaceous and sweat glands).
Laser hair removal with a diode laser: features of preparation for a session, skin care after the procedure, cost
There are no strict indications for conducting a session for eliminating unwanted vegetation by this method.
However, this method of hair removal is recommended:
- with the frequent problem of hair ingrowth after conventional removal methods;
- the presence of undesirable vegetation on visible areas of the skin (face, hands);
- intolerance, allergic reaction to wax, resin, depilatory creams;
- severe skin irritation, burns after usual methods of epilation;
- frequent folliculitis.
It is worth noting
But laser hair removal with a diode laser is quite accessible to almost every woman (as well as a man) seeking to get clear skin without black spots, inflammations and other traces of permanent hair growth.
But before a laser skin treatment session, it is necessary to take into account the fact that this method of removing unwanted body hair has a number of contraindications.
The main ones are:
- the period of childbearing and breastfeeding;
- dysfunction or hyperactivity of the thyroid gland, by the way, this group of endocrine diseases serves as contraindications to any physical procedures;
- malignant and benign skin neoplasms in the area of radiation exposure;
- oncological diseases;
- tendency to spontaneous bleeding;
- pronounced organ and functional pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
- neurological disorders accompanied by convulsive seizures and other symptoms that may interfere with the procedure;
- rashes, skin injuries in the area of impact;
- diabetes mellitus, accompanied by an unstable concentration of glucose in the blood.
It is worth noting
Laser epilation of the bikini area is not carried out for pathologies of the gynecological sphere, axillary hollows for mastopathy and other diseases of the mammary glands, inflammation of the lymph nodes.
A relative contraindication is a violation of the secretory activity of the sex glands. The hormones produced by these organs determine the localization and thickness of hair, so any disruption to their work can adversely affect the result of the epilation session.
Preparation for the procedure involves the implementation of a number of simple rules. The main thing - to avoid sunburn in the sun and in the solarium. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation increases skin susceptibility to light and concentration of melanin. Therefore, the additional influence of laser waves can cause burns and cause the appearance of pigment spots.
In addition, you can not:
- wipe or clean the skin where the epilation will be carried out with cosmetics or self-made tinctures containing alcohol;
- 2-3 weeks to carry out hair removal wax, resin or melted sugar.
It is worth noting
Some medications can increase the photosensitivity of the skin, so you need to warn the beautician about the passage of any drug therapy.
Diode laser hair removal is most effective if the hair length in the area of exposure to laser radiation does not exceed 1-2 mm. The session begins with cleansing the skin with an alcohol-free solution. In some cases, the skin is treated with an aerosol or gel with lidocaine or another local anesthetic.
It is worth noting
In most beauty salons, the use of painkillers increases the cost of the procedure.
To protect the organs of vision, the beautician puts on glasses both himself and the client, after which he switches on the device and slowly drives the manipulator over the skin. There is a slight warmth or tingling sensation. The session time depends on the area being processed, the pulse generation rate, the laser power and the size of the manipulator itself. As a rule, it lasts from 15-20 minutes to an hour on one site. Then a regenerating anti-inflammatory cream is applied to the skin.
After the procedure, the beautician explains the basic principles of epilated skin care to the client in detail. Any type of tanning, alcohol-containing solutions, other methods of hair removal (except shaving) remain prohibited. Patients with a tendency to hyperhidrosis in the first few days after the session are recommended to refrain from heavy physical labor and stress. This can provoke inflammation of the hair follicles.
A single session removing unwanted vegetation is not enough. The duration of the course depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. On average, it takes from 5 to 8 procedures to achieve the desired result, sometimes more.
Laser hair removal with diode laser is safe and effective. Adverse reactions occur in isolated cases and, as a rule, when non-compliance with the principles of preparation and care of the skin. The cost of one session depends on the treatment area and averages up to 2,000 rubles for the upper lip and chin area, 4,000–7,000 for epilation of the legs, 4,000–5,000 for the hands. Removal of unwanted vegetation in the bikini zone will cost 5,000-10,000 rubles.