Fractional laser rejuvenation: indications and contraindications for the procedure

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Modern cosmetology has restored the skin of many women to youth and a fresh look through plastic surgery.

Today, there is an alternative to plastic - fractional laser rejuvenation. It is many times more effective, as well as completely harmless. This unique procedure has proven itself well even in Hollywood.

Fractional laser has a relatively low cost, so it can be available to any fashionista who pays attention to her appearance.

Before you go to the clinic to do this procedure, it is advisable to learn more about the aspects of laser exposure, as well as what effects to expect.

What is fractional laser rejuvenation?

Experts have created a new technology for the rejuvenation of skin cells and conducted a series of studies that showed good results. We know that over time, some cells may die off, and some do not even work.

With age, people inhibited the synthesis of substances such as collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. Fractional laser rejuvenation can make asleep cells work again.

What is the effect of the effect of laser beams:

  • An important point in this procedure is the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which leads to the rejuvenation of skin cells.
  • Cells are exposed to strong heat radiation, causing awakening.
  • Old cells that can no longer perform their functions die and disappear.
  • In turn, the working cells divide, restoring damaged skin.

These manipulations are done with a special device that emits laser light. Rays are broken into many small rays that create a lattice. Thus, the rays become thinner. Before a session on the zone of influence of the laser is recommended to apply a gel-anesthetic.

Types of fractional laser rejuvenation

This procedure (photoremolysis) can be of several types. Ablative. This type of laser irradiation is characterized by the fact that its rays affect a certain area of ​​the skin, while its upper layer evaporates. Thus, all problem points are removed on the skin, and small folds disappear instantly. This procedure is recommended to apply in 28-35 years.

It is at this age that the first symptoms of aging appear. Non-ablative method. In this case, photothermolysis affects the skin cells that are in the deeper layers. At the same time, the process of cell recovery begins from the inside. Initially, the collagen begins to function in the inner layers of the dermis, and then external results are visible.

If you use two types of fractional laser rejuvenation in the complex, the effect will be much more expressive. You can quickly return youth with the help of fractional CO2 rejuvenation. The procedure involves polishing the skin.

After evaporation of the epidermis in the old area, young tissue is formed at the site of the evaporated epidermis. The CO2 laser strongly warms the collagen fibers, which are beginning to shrink. At the same time, the skin is stretched and becomes elastic. This effect can last for 6 months. All manipulations are performed using local anesthesia.

In this case, the patient may feel a slight burning or tingling sensation. It is worth noting that immediately after the procedure, swelling appears on the face. Depending on which zone the laser is directed to, as well as how deep, the puffiness can last from 60 minutes to 2 days.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Photoremolysis has not a small number of indications. Miraculous procedure can have a rejuvenating effect in any case.

There are a number of indications that, under the influence of laser radiation, obtain an excellent result:

  • Scars, visible network of vessels, asterisks.
  • Porous surface of the skin.
  • Acne
  • The presence of pigment spots of small and large sizes.
  • Sagging areas of old skin.
  • Superficial and deep furrows on the face.

This is not the entire list of indications for this procedure. Any skin problem can be solved with fractional rejuvenation. If for any reason you cannot use such a laser treatment, you can find other ways. Laser rejuvenation procedure has some contraindications, therefore it is not suitable for every patient. Before using this technology, you should contact a specialist for advice.

You may be denied the application of this procedure in such cases:

  • an inflamed area of ​​skin that is prepared for treatment;
  • skin infections;
  • psoriasis;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergic reaction;
  • the presence of malignant tumors in the zone of influence of laser beams.

Fractional Laser Rejuvenation: Method Efficiency

Fractional grinding with a laser does not harm the skin. It is able to renew the skin with special care, improve its texture and establish the process of nourishing the cells. In combination with thermo radiolifting, such sessions lead to volumetric rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation procedure

Method effectiveness

Rejuvenation fractional laser is carried out quickly without pain. In addition, for the procedure no surgical intervention is required, as well as a long recovery after the sessions. The acupressure of the laser beam does not harm the skin.

The patient in 3-4 days can see the renewed skin without any traces after the manipulations. This technology allows you to clean the problem areas of the skin in one session.

At the same time, the regenerative resource of the skin cells of the skin is preserved and even increases. This makes it possible to maintain a positive effect for a long time. In order to get the best results, it is recommended to carry out several manipulations on rejuvenation.

And the order of their conduct should appoint a doctor. After the procedure, your skin will get rid of gray, wrinkles, dark spots, stretch marks, etc. The replacement will come elastic skin of natural color, wrinkles will not remain and a trace, and the facial contour will become more expressive.

Description of the procedure

Rejuvenation by a fractional laser is simple, painless and quite effective. The specialist starts a special device and sets the necessary parameters for the procedure. The creation of thermolysis is carried out through special nozzles. Before the session, the problem areas of the skin are cleaned with antiseptic agents.

During the procedure, the patient feels only a weak tingling. A session of laser therapy lasts a certain time set by the doctor, who, in the first place, takes into account the size of the area and the condition of the patient. So, with laser chin correction, the procedure lasts 20 minutes.

Laser skin treatment of the face will take at least 40 minutes. Grinding small areas of your skin takes very little time. After its termination of photothermolysis, a cream with a calming effect is applied to the treated area. But know that the effects of manipulation, such as redness and swelling can be observed several days after the treatment.

Fractional skin rejuvenation and the cost of the procedure

An important advantage of this method is the short rehabilitation period. After the session, the patient can go home. It is necessary to tune in to the feeling of weak discomfort that will accompany him for 2-3 days, sometimes up to 5 days.

Fractional Laser Rejuvenation

These days there is a clear peeling of the skin. Dry plates can not be torn off. The regenerative process of the layers of the skin should take place under natural conditions. To help eliminate the peeling, you can use weak scrubs and emollient ointments.

After 5-6 days, peeling of the skin disappears, and only in some places you can see a slight redness. It can be hidden with the help of cosmetics and start a normal lifestyle.

It is important during the recovery period to use only those anti-inflammatory drugs that you have appointed a specialist.

Fractional rejuvenation of the skin is usually carried out once in 2-3 years. It should be noted that the rehabilitation period after fractional thermolysis is much shorter than after other methods of rejuvenation . However, these days should follow the rules in order to avoid unforeseen complications. Skin care recommendations will be provided by a doctor.

How to care for skin after treatment

Laser-treated skin is particularly vulnerable, and therefore requires careful care. In order to prevent purulent skin diseases, the doctor prescribes treatment with antibacterial drugs to the patient. Also, be sure to use highly effective ointments that protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Wet cleaning of the skin can be carried out immediately after photothermolysis. It is desirable to use boiled water, if possible - ozonized. However, in the coming days it is better to refrain from visiting the pool and bath. When conducting deep skin polishing with a laser, the patient can stay in the clinic for the duration of the rehabilitation. During this period, a thin cover of the epidermis is formed, which heals within 2 months.

If dark skin color lasts a long time, you can use tonal cosmetics. Scrubs and peels can not be used until the treated skin takes on its natural shade. During the recovery period, it is recommended to take vitamins to maintain tone, constantly walk in fresh air, etc. In case of severe swelling, it is recommended to use less fluid.

Reviews and cost

In order to take a more comfortable laser therapy you should get acquainted with the reviews of those people who have already undergone similar manipulations. Fractional rejuvenation of the skin, mainly has positive feedback. Experts note that today photoremolysis is the most effective method of dealing with obsolete skin cells. The effect obtained from this procedure on rejuvenation can even be compared with the results of plastic surgery.

However, laser intervention has obvious differences, including the absence of side effects. Also, many people celebrate such a positive moment as a short recovery time. The reviews often mention that the effect of the procedure may last for several years.

As for the prices for fractional laser rejuvenation, they require a special calculation. The cost of manipulation depends on the size of the problem area of ​​the skin. Take into account the depth of light penetration, and the specificity of the part of the body that is subject to laser irradiation. The doctor prescribes several courses of laser therapy for effective treatment.

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