Laser hair removal bikini: advantages and disadvantages, the principle of the technique, types

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The fashion for hair removal in intimate areas appeared relatively recently. At first, she quickly gained popularity among women, but recently getting rid of unwanted vegetation in the genital area has become common and male . Such a habit plays not only an aesthetic role.

Total removal of hair from the labia, the folds between the buttocks and the pubis (extra + category) is recommended for reasons of hygiene to eliminate unpleasant odor, better care, prevention of fungal diseases. Laser hair removal bikini - the optimal and effective solution to the problem of excess vegetation in the intimate area. Modern equipment allows to carry out the procedure without serious consequences, quickly and without any dangerous consequences.

This technique is fundamentally different from the classic epilation. In the latter case, the hair is pulled out mechanically using wax, tar or melted sugar. This technique has several disadvantages. First of all, it hurts. Numerous nerve endings are concentrated in the genital area, so the impact is accompanied by unpleasant, to say the least, sensations.

Often the hair breaks off or simply stays in place, so for a complete cleaning of the skin you have to additionally use forceps, which is also accompanied by intense pain. In addition, after a similar method of hair removal, individual hairs begin to grow under the skin, which, in addition to aesthetic discomfort, is fraught with suppuration, folliculitis and other similar troubles. The main disadvantage of bio-epilation is the short-term result.

At best, it lasts for 2.5-3 weeks, after which the procedure must be repeated. Laser radiation "works" on a completely different principle. It does not affect the hair from the outside, but destroys the hair follicle from the inside.

How does this happen? The device for hair removal is equipped with a so-called manipulator (its size depends on the model and type of device), which generates a beam of laser beams.

They are distinguished by a high selectivity of action - they affect melanin, which is contained in large quantities in hair follicles. Accordingly, the smaller this pigment - the weaker the effect.

As a result of this process, the conversion of the light energy of laser radiation into heat energy takes place. This ensures the death of the internal follicle, in this place the hair simply stops growing. And such changes occur in the entire treated area.

Compared with other methods of dealing with undesirable vegetation, laser bikini hair removal has several advantages:

  • long-lasting effect, the destruction of the hair follicle leads to the absence of hair for at least 4-5 years;
  • access to problem areas;
  • no visible cosmetic defects after the session;
  • less discomfort during the procedure, the possibility of prior anesthesia.

But at the same time, the removal of hair from the intimate zone with the help of laser radiation is also different, and there are certain disadvantages:

  • The high price, of course, many suggest calculating the regular costs of waxing or other methods of hair removal, but not all women can immediately pay a fairly large amount;
  • the need for a full course of sessions, from one or two procedures, the result will not be, therefore, it is necessary either to bring the laser hair removal to the end, or not to start it at all;
  • the presence of a number of contraindications for;
  • the need for proper skin care after the procedure and compliance with the rules of preparation for it.

To date, laser hair removal in the bikini area is carried out with the help of several types of equipment:

  • Diode laser. This technology is considered optimal. Thus you can remove hair of any shade (with the exception of perhaps very light) from the skin, regardless of its type. The procedure for complete removal of hair from the intimate area is fairly quick and painless. To the "disadvantages" of this technique include a high cost, however, to achieve an optimal result, you will need fewer sessions.
  • Alexandrite laser. This method of hair removal is applicable only in women with a light skin tone and dark hair.
  • Neodymium laser. For removal of vegetation in the bikini area is used relatively rarely due to low efficiency. It “works” only with respect to dense in structure and very dark hair, which contrasts sharply with pale skin.

More recently, a new bikini line epilation technology - ELOS - has appeared. The basis of this method is a combination of light and radio wave effects on the hair follicle. Such an effect is also not harmful to the surrounding tissues, and, in contrast to the laser, is more universal and allows you to remove light hair from the skin of any shade.

Epilation of a bikini area: preparation and implementation of the procedure, features, the possibility of conducting during menstruation

Unlike shugaring and bioepilation with wax or resin, laser hair removal from the intimate zone requires adherence to special preparation rules.

First of all, it is necessary to refrain from sunburn both under the open sun and in the solarium for 2-3 weeks before the epilation session. It is also necessary to exclude all traumatic hair bulb effects, whether at home or at a beauty salon - pulling out hair with tweezers, sugar paste, epilator, or in any other way.

Bikini Depilation

Also recommend:

  • a few days before visiting the clinic, the skin can not be treated with any solution containing alcohol;
  • for 2-3 days to refrain from taking a hot bath, visiting steam rooms;
  • prescribe the procedure at least 2 weeks after the end of the course of tetracycline antibiotics (these drugs have the ability to increase the photosensitivity of the skin);
  • pre-test the tolerance of laser radiation and an allergic reaction to the means for local anesthesia.

It is worth noting

Before conducting a session of laser hair removal of the bikini area, the length of the hairs should not exceed 3-5 mm. Otherwise, the procedure will not bring proper results.

When viewing cosmetological clinics prices, the section for removal of vegetation from the intimate area is very extensive and includes a number of items. What are the different types of hair removal?

  • Deep bikini. Hair is removed only from the pubis, sometimes (at the request of the client) leave a narrow strip in the middle.
  • Classic bikini. The procedure includes the treatment of the skin protruding beyond the line of the swimsuit panties, the inner surface of the hips.
  • Total (Brazilian) bikini. Hair is completely removed from the pubis and labia.
  • Buttock area. From the vegetation cleaned interyphoidal fold, the lower part of the gluteal region.

It is worth noting

The possibility of using drugs for local anesthesia is discussed further.

Before the beginning of the epilation session, the beautician, if necessary, shaves too long hairs, puts on the patient glasses, protecting the iris from the laser radiation. If necessary, apply anesthetic gel or spray spray with lidocaine or novocaine. Then the manipulator treats the skin of the intimate area in a pre-negotiated area.

As a rule, the epilation of the bikini and buttocks area lasts up to half an hour (this depends on the parameters of the equipment used). After the procedure, the beautician applies a regenerating anti-inflammatory cream and once again reminds the patient of the rules for subsequent skin care. A repeat visit is prescribed in 3-4 weeks.

Gradually, the time interval between sessions increases by 1.5-2 weeks. Some patients are interested in the question of the possibility of appointment of the procedure during menstruation. Menstruation is not a contraindication to laser hair removal.

Therefore, with scanty discharge from the vagina and additional coordination with the beautician, the session is performed using a tampon.

Depilation bikini: contraindications, possible complications

Possible contraindications for laser hair removal are discussed at a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist.

Depilation Device

The main limitations to the procedure are:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • any infectious lesions of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, including warts, herpetic eruptions, small rashes in the form of pimples, etc .;
  • cancers;
  • increased photosensitivity triggered by any disease or medication;
  • diabetes;
  • serious diseases of the circulatory and nervous system.

In addition, before starting the course of hair removal in the intimate area, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist. Violations of the hormonal background can cause rapid hair growth, which affects the result and the duration of the effect of the procedure.

In general, depilation of a bikini using laser radiation is completely safe (of course, in the absence of contraindications and compliance with the rules for setting up and using the device).

Such a procedure will allow to get rid of such common problems after the wax treatment of the skin, such as hair ingrowth, the appearance of ugly black dots. A few days (as a rule, no longer than 1-2), slight irritation and redness may persist.

But sometimes, usually with non-compliance with the rules of preparation for laser hair removal and subsequent care, certain undesirable reactions occur:

  • skin burn;
  • pigmentation disorders;
  • allergic reaction.

It cannot be said that laser depilation of a bikini is painless, but according to reviews of most of the clients, the discomfort is much less pronounced than during shugaring, using resin or wax. However, many clinics offer an additional local anesthetic service with creams or aerosols. In this case, the specialist does an allergy test to prevent complications.

It is worth noting

The total number of required procedures is determined individually. On average, up to 8 sessions of laser hair removal are required to completely destroy the hair follicles.

Deep hair removal zone bikini: follow-up care, reviews, cost

After the procedure, laser hair removal is recommended to use moisturizing creams with a fine texture and do not contain alcohol. However, in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation for 14 days after the epilation session. In principle, it is easy to do.

Even in the beach season, you can choose a swimsuit that covers the treated area and additionally apply sunscreen lotion. The same applies to tanning in the solarium. In addition, 3-4 days is not advised to visit the baths or saunas, take hot baths, swim in a public pool with chlorinated water. This may cause additional skin irritation.

It is worth noting

During the course of laser treatment of unwanted hair in the intimate area, you must completely abandon the classic epilation. Suitable only for shaving.

Irina Revina, cosmetologist, dermatologist. “Why do I recommend laser hair removal to all clients? The advantages of this method of getting rid of unwanted vegetation can be listed for hours, and as for the risk of complications, this probability is reduced to zero with proper preparation, carrying out the procedure itself and skin care. Laser hair removal bikini safe, does not cause discomfort and brings a beautiful aesthetic result, which can not be achieved by any other method. "

Julia, 28 years old. “When the hair began to disappear from intimate places, my first thought was - well, finally. There used to be both ingrown hairs and unpleasant pricklyness even a few days after normal epilation, not to mention shaving. Yes, it is not cheap, but smooth skin without excess hair remains for a long time. And what struck the most was no pain even without anesthetic. ”

The cost of the procedure primarily depends on the treated area. The role played by the status of the clinic, the equipment used.

On average, hair removal in the line of swimming trunks will cost 2500-3000 rubles, deep hair removal of the bikini zone is twice as expensive, and the treatment of the interdigital fold costs up to 3000 rubles. When using anesthetic, the cost of the session increases by 10-15%.

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