Laser hair removal of face: zones, preparatory stage, advantages
The presence of facial hair is a real problem and cause for concern for many representatives of the beautiful half of society. Even if the lover claims that he likes the presence of a piquant cannon above the upper lip, and according to popular wisdom, the eyebrow fusion in the area of the nose - fortunately, it is unlikely that a woman is delighted with excessive hair.
Hair in the face of a woman - not aesthetically pleasing and ugly. This cosmetic defect spoils even the most attractive appearance. Therefore, every girl and woman who has encountered a problem in the fight against excessive hair growth in unwanted places is looking for ways to get rid of them. The desire to get rid of unnecessary hairs - natural and normal.
But many of the weaker sex, having tried many different ways and means, simply give up. However, today there is a method that will help eliminate hair anywhere on the body, including the face, forever - laser hair removal face. This technique is popular and effective.
It has a lot of advantages over other short-lived manipulations, including the use of creams and removal with tweezers and wax depilation. In addition, the cost of such hair removal is relatively low, which makes the procedure accessible to every girl. Women who have already applied the method were satisfied with the result.
Causes of intensive hair growth in women on the face
It should be understood that this problem is not only cosmetic. This is mostly a medical problem, since the appearance of dark hairs on the face is unnatural for a woman. Ideally, there is hair on the face, but the presence of a light gun is considered the norm. If the hair darkens, begins to grow faster, and after some time, the removal of unwanted hair becomes a duty, you should consult a doctor.
Do not rush to remove hairs. Laser hair removal of the face is an effective and absolutely harmless and safe procedure to help remove unwanted hair. However, this method does not eliminate the main problem - the cause of the appearance of hair.
The appearance of an aesthetic defect may be due to:
- hormonal surge in puberty;
- menopause;
- hormonal imbalance;
- genetic predisposition.
Impact areas
The procedure for removing hair in the face, involving the use of a laser, is suitable for getting rid of unnecessary hairiness on any area of the face. Most often, excessive growth of dark-colored hairs occurs in the chin, neck, eyebrows and upper lip. Some women complain of intense hair growth in the cheek area.
Preparatory stage
Before the procedure, the specialist will be convinced that there are no contraindications. Before the procedure is recommended to carefully prepare . And it is necessary to begin the preparatory stage approximately a week before the laser hair removal of the face.
There are several very important recommendations to follow:
- A week before the procedure, you must refrain from visiting the solarium, prolonged sun exposure (including sunbathing), and also treat derma with sunscreen and ointment before going outside.
- A day or two before laser hair removal, shave the problem area so that by the time of removal the length of the hairs does not exceed 2 mm.
- On the day of getting rid of excessive hairiness, refrain from using cosmetics.
- It is important to avoid injury to the problem area, including scratches, before the procedure (it is also impossible to put pressure on acne).
Should know
During the period of treatment of a specific disease with the help of diuretics, antibacterial, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as sulfonamides, antidepressants, the procedure for getting rid of unnecessary hair is not carried out!
Removal of unwanted hair with a laser is a highly effective procedure that helps to get rid of facial hair permanently. The technique has considerable advantages over others, including shaving, waxing, using creams.
The main advantages of laser hair removal include:
- Duration of effect. Hair in any part of the body, including on the face, grow very quickly. Therefore, to fight for an attractive appearance and smooth skin has to constantly. Representatives of the beautiful half of society have to use daily tweezers to remove regrown hairs in the area of eyebrows, lips, chin. Therefore, it is very important that the method used to remove unwanted hair gives a long lasting effect, and better for the rest of your life. Neither shaving, nor shugaring and wax hair removal can boast the duration of the effect and, unlike laser removal, these methods bring a very, very short-term effect.
- Minimal effect on the skin. The dermis of the face, unlike the skin of the legs, is very sensitive and tender. The use of an electric epilator, as well as various creams provokes the appearance of irritation and rashes. That is why these methods are not suitable.
In order to get rid of the hairs in the upper lip and eyebrow correction, wax strips are often used. This technique helps to get rid of undesirable hairiness only for a week, maximum two. In addition, this method has significant drawbacks: ingrown hairs, redness and the appearance of pustular inflammations.
Moreover, manipulation is very painful. The procedure for getting rid of hairs with a laser helps not only to get rid of unwanted hair, but also prevents the appearance of irritation and hair ingrowth.
The remaining advantages of the procedure include:
- short term impact;
- non-traumatic;
- lack of pain and discomfort;
- relatively low cost;
- minimal risk of complications.
Laser facial hair removal: how is it performed, what are the contraindications, what is the cost of the procedure
Since the procedure applies to both cosmetological and medical methods, before performing laser hair removal on the face, a specialist must ensure that there are no contraindications, examine the skin and clarify how the patient feels.
The procedure for laser removal of unwanted facial hair consists of several stages.
- To begin, a specialist will configure the device. At this stage, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the hair and skin (the type of dermis, the color and thickness of the hair, as well as its localization).
- The patient is recommended to lie down. Then she is asked to wear special glasses. This measure contributes to eye protection.
- If necessary, the beautician will trim the hair and treat the skin.
- In order to prevent the occurrence of burns, the specialist will treat the skin with a special gel.
- Next is the laser facial hair removal. During the flash, a narrow focus occurs in the hair follicle heated by a laser beam. Under the influence of heat it is destroyed, so that the hair in the treated areas stop growing. The procedure is very fast. It takes literally one minute to get rid of unwanted hairs on the upper lip, and about five minutes on the chin.
- The last step is to treat the skin with an emollient.
As a rule, in order to get rid of unnecessary hairs on the face, it is enough five or six sessions.
In which cases laser exposure is contraindicated.
Just like any other cosmetic or medical procedure, laser removal of unnecessary facial hair has several contraindications. It is not recommended to use the technique for individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not carry out hair removal using a laser for minors and owners of blond hair.
Take advantage of other ways to get rid of the problem, it is recommended for women suffering from:
- diabetes;
- pathologies of the skin of an infectious nature;
- oncological diseases;
- chronic skin ailments (herpes, psoriasis, eczema);
- acute inflammatory processes and infectious diseases;
- varicose veins;
- catarrhal pathologies.
Not recommended as a technique for women with dark and dark skin, as well as with a tendency to form keloids.
Laser hair removal on the face is not carried out, if the skin has many moles, as well as the presence of scratches, sytypnyh elements, abrasions, burns.
Since the laser beam penetrates the deep layers of the dermis, patients often wonder if complications can occur. In order to prevent side effects, a specialist immediately before the procedure treats the skin with a special composition that helps prevent the appearance of burning or burns. If the precautions were not observed, there may be a strong tingling and painful sensations.
In such cases, the specialist is forced to resort to the use of painkillers. Owners of dark skin can cause irritation and minor burns.
How to care for the dermis after the procedure
Skin care after laser exposure is very important.
After the procedure, experts recommend to follow the following rules:
- Refrain from visiting the solarium, and avoid exposure to the open sun.
- Refuse to go to the sauna and take a hot bath for one and a half weeks. The skin in the treated areas is weakened, and any effect, in particular a thermal one, will most negatively affect its condition.
- In order to prevent the occurrence of inflammation or irritation during the week, the skin should be treated with a protective cream.
- You can not use alcohol for three days after the procedure, it is fraught with irritation of the skin.
Combination with other procedures
The procedure for getting rid of unwanted hairiness with the help of a laser can be combined with absolutely any cosmetology procedures, in particular, facial massage, hardware rejuvenation techniques.
Cost of
The price of hair removal in different salons and clinics may vary somewhat and depends on the area of the treated area. On average, the cost of hair removal over the upper lip is 2,500 rubles, in the eyebrow area, 2,000, chin, 5,000, and necks, 4,500 rubles.
Laser hair removal face - one of the most effective, painless and safe procedures. The application of the technique helps to get rid of unwanted hairs forever and helps in the fight against the aesthetic problem and complexes.