Laser hair removal: contraindications and consequences, the essence of the technique, types
To date, there are many ways to get rid of unwanted hair on the face and body. Some women visit the cosmetologist once a month, removing the vegetation with sticky sugar, wax, pitch. Others prefer to do this at home, using special devices, peroxide creams, wax strips or a banal razor.
A crucial point in the endless struggle with excess body hair was laser laser hair removal, the contraindications and effects of which are well known, which makes the procedure completely safe for health. The first devices generating laser radiation were invented in the second half of the twentieth century, some were used in clinical practice.
However, they had a damaging effect on the skin, which excluded their use in aesthetic medicine. With further study of the properties of such pulses, scientists have found that they are able to selectively act on certain structures of the skin, and by adjusting the wavelength, you can change the depth of its penetration into the epidermis.
Interesting fact
The history of laser hair removal in the form in which it is carried out now in most clinics, begins only from the late
Initially, this procedure was quite painful, took a long time and was very expensive. This limited the wide distribution of this technique in our country. A common prejudice regarding the effect of laser radiation on the skin in particular and on health in general also played its part. But the availability of information on the principles and essence of the technique of performing laser hair removal contributed to the growth of its popularity.
Now, many women and men prefer several times to go to the beautician instead of the constant monthly painful getting rid of unwanted hair. The principle of this technique is the effect of fractional photothermolysis (or point ablation).
The beam of laser radiation forms microthermal zones in certain areas, while the surrounding tissues remain intact. How is this achieved? The fact is that the pigment — melanin — is responsible for the color of our skin, hair, and iris. Its granules are secreted into the cells of the epidermal cover, but some of it is concentrated in the hair follicles.
It is worth noting
Features of the distribution of melanin determine the effectiveness of laser hair removal in various patients.
The radiation selectively "finds" areas of pigment accumulation, heats this area, which leads to the destruction of the hair follicles, in particular - the zone regulating the intensity of hair growth. Some types of lasers also target the blood vessel that feeds each follicle. Violation of the blood circulation process is an additional factor that accelerates the destruction of the hair follicles.
It is worth noting
For many, the decisive reason for rejecting laser hair removal is its cost. Indeed, the price of the procedure is considerable - from 1000 rubles for the treatment of a small area on the face (for example, the skin on the chin or above the upper lip) to tens of thousands for removing hair from the legs, zones of deep bikini, chest and back in men.
According to experts in the field of cosmetology, the risk of complications and adverse reactions after the procedure is minimized. The main condition for the prevention of side effects is strict adherence to recommendations for skin care after the epilation session. For example, it is absolutely impossible to sunbathe for at least two weeks after the procedure (therefore, it is better to do laser hair removal after the end of the beach season). Otherwise, there is a high risk of skin burns and pigmentation disorders.
Also, do not advise to visit the bath, as this is an additional stress for the skin, and excessive sweating can easily provoke folliculitis.
It is worth noting
If you properly care for the skin after hair removal, the likelihood of subsequent complications is minimal.
However, not all lasers are “equally useful”. Devices used for this method of hair removal vary depending on the depth of wave penetration and its selectivity for pigment concentration areas.
So, the epilation is carried out:
- Ruby laser. Currently used relatively rarely. It is most active with a sharp contrast between the light skin tone and dark hair color. In addition, the manipulator of such a device is quite small, the radiation pulses are produced with a low frequency. Such parameters make the procedure unpleasant and long. Therefore, more often the ruby laser is used to remove the tattoo.
- Alexandrite laser. The advantage of the technique is its versatility. It is equally effective regardless of the type of epidermal cover and hair color (with the exception of very light or gray), and is also suitable for use on tanned skin after sunburn. The high frequency and depth of penetration of rays into the skin allows for a session quickly and with minimal discomfort.
- Neodymium laser. Compared with alexandrite is even more effective. In addition, this technique allows to cope with the attendant dermatological problems: acne, inflamed acne.
- Diode laser. In strength, such an effect exceeds ruby, but in terms of its effect on blond hair, it cannot be compared with alexandrite or neodymium. This method of hair removal is well suited for removing thick, durable hair with a deep layer under the skin.
Such techniques differ in price. Treatment with a ruby laser (roughly speaking, slow and painful) will be much cheaper than neodymium or alexrite hair removal. However, the decision on the choice of methods of hair removal is made after consultation with a cosmetologist. After that, the question will clarify how much the full course of removal of unwanted vegetation will cost.
Laser hair removal: the pros and cons, the possibility of using during pregnancy and lactation, conducting at home
Given the high cost of the procedure, it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons.
The advantages of laser hair removal include:
- long-lasting effect, although for each person the duration of the result is individual, you can enjoy smooth skin for at least 4-5 years;
- the absence of such unpleasant consequences (characteristic of other methods), such as hair ingrowth (often with suppuration), black spots, folliculitis;
- relatively minor soreness, which can be easily eliminated by supplying cooled air from the manipulator or by pre-applying a local anesthetic;
- minimal risk of bacterial complications, since laser hair removal is not accompanied by damage to the skin;
- the possibility of conducting on any part of the body, including the hypersensitive areas;
- The epilation session lasts a maximum of 1-1.5 hours, and you should visit the beautician once a month, and then much less frequently, the full course rarely exceeds 5-7 procedures.
But at the same time, this method of eliminating unwanted hair has its drawbacks.
The most significant among them are:
- the dependence of the risk of adverse reactions on the qualifications of a cosmetologist and the quality of the equipment used;
- low efficiency when removing light or gray hair;
- restriction of use in people with dark skin tones, including tan;
- high cost, especially given the fact that it will take up to 7-10 sessions;
- delayed manifestation of the result (usually after a few weeks);
- the need to complete a full course for optimal effect.
Also to the disadvantages of the procedure can be attributed to seasonality. Despite the fact that some cosmetologists allow epilation and in the hot season, laser hair removal is better to postpone until the fall or winter. Excessive exposure to sunlight, even with the use of protective agents, can cause burns and irreversible pigmentation disorders.
When considering the issue of "laser hair removal: the pros and cons," it is necessary to take into account the selectivity of the action of radiation.
The best result is noticeable when removing dark hair from fair skin. When processing a tanned or tanned body increases the likelihood of burns and the appearance of depigmentation sites. In addition, most types of laser radiation do not "see" light or gray hair.
Strict contraindications for such procedures are:
- diabetes;
- cancer of the skin and internal organs;
- neurological disorders accompanied by convulsive seizures;
- mental disorders that do not adequately carry out the procedure for the removal of excess vegetation;
- varicose and thrombotic disorders in the epilated area.
It is better to postpone a laser hair removal session with:
- open, unhealed skin wounds in the affected area;
- acute diseases, exacerbations of chronic pathological processes;
- inflammatory pustular rash;
- external manifestations of the herpes virus.
A separate point is the question of the possibility of laser hair removal during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are no data on the dangers of radiation on the developing child’s body, but this does not indicate the safety of the procedure. Therefore, the course of hair removal should be carried out either at the planning stage of conception or postponed for later in order to avoid negative consequences. Despite the fact that many young girls are worried about unwanted vegetation on the body, laser hair removal is not performed until the age of
This is due to several reasons. First of all, any medical and cosmetic manipulations of minors are prohibited without the written consent of the parents. In addition, during this period, the hormonal background remains unstable, so a session of laser hair removal may not bring the desired result.
In light of the high cost of this procedure in clinics, the prospect of removing hair with a similar method at home seems very attractive. Now on sale there are devices that allow to get rid of unnecessary vegetation on their own.
However, before purchasing such a device, you must carefully study the instructions (it is on the manufacturers website), especially the list of contraindications. The most popular are the devices of the RIO series (Laser Tweezer, X60, Salon Laser). Their cost depends on the adjustable parameters, the size of the manipulator and is in the range of 10 000-20 000 rubles.
Skin care after laser hair removal: preparation for the procedure, limitations after the session, expert feedback
So, laser hair removal - the issue is resolved. What aspects should pay attention to protect yourself from complications and not be disappointed in the result?
First of all, you need to start with the right choice of salon and specialist. Probably, we have genetically incorporated information that you need to look for professionals in any field (especially medicine) through acquaintances. This procedure should not be an exception. Here will help reviews on the forums, the reputation of the clinic, the opinion of good friends.
In addition, the salon must have a number of permits. Also, before the procedure, the beautician is obliged to check the sensitivity of the skin to the action of laser radiation and anesthetics (if they will be used). Otherwise, you must contact the other salon.
In addition, the following points should be considered:
- the hair will not disappear immediately, the initial result will be noticeable in about a couple of weeks, and the visible disappearance of the hair after 2-3 sessions;
- at least 2 weeks before the procedure, in no case can you sunbathe, use the means for tanning;
- some medications increase the photosensitivity of the skin, and, consequently, the risk of burns and depigmentation, especially for tetracycline and its group analogues, a similar effect persists 10-14 days after the end of the course;
- it hurts, of course, not as much as with waxing or shugaring, but you should not expect a simple stroking either;
- When planning finance, you must take into account the full cost of the entire course; if you do not finish it, the effect of the procedure will not be at all;
- before visiting the beautician, the hair from the treated area must be shaved off;
- before manipulation it is impossible to use alcohol-containing means.
It is worth noting
The result of laser hair removal directly depends on the skin type and hair color, these aspects should be discussed at a preliminary consultation with a specialist.
The main rule of follow-up care is a ban on visiting tanning beds and staying in the open sun. Treated skin should be covered with clothing or use creams with an SPF of 30. To avoid additional skin irritation (especially in sensitive areas), it is better to refrain from visiting public swimming pools with excessively chlorinated water, baths, saunas, too intense exercise, especially in combination with thick synthetic clothing.
It is worth noting
To moisturize and protect the skin after epilation, you can use only those creams and lotions that are advised by a beautician.
Ostapova Victoria Sergeyevna, doctor - dermatologist of the highest category, cosmetologist. “What I just did not hear during the discussion with the patients of the upcoming procedure. There was talk about inflammation of the lymph nodes, melanoma, pigment spots ... However, women who frequently visit the solarium are at a much greater risk than after a course of laser hair removal. If you follow all the rules for subsequent care and exclude contraindications, the procedure is completely safe and effective. ”
Miller Oksana, cosmetologist. “The cost of laser hair removal is too scary for many. But the result pays for it with interest. You can forget about the hard hair that appears after the classical methods of removal, ugly black dots and other aesthetically unattractive moments. The result of laser hair removal is absolutely clean and smooth skin, the ability to plan a beach vacation, swimming pools, visits “with a continuation” without reference to a visit to a beautician. ”
Proper skin care after laser hair removal is a guarantee of the absence of undesirable reactions. It does not require much effort, expensive cosmetics.
Several sessions of skin treatment - and you can forget about the problem of unwanted body hair. This effect (and the result of the procedure is clearly visible on numerous photos in the network) and causes the growing popularity of laser hair removal.