Upper lip epilation: main methods of removing unwanted facial hair, contraindications

Probably nothing confuses a woman so much as the presence of “antennae” above the upper lip. Such a defect can cause sufficiently strong complexes, psychological discomfort and give rise to many problems not only in communicating with men, but in general, affect behavior and self-confidence.

Fortunately, in any salon will offer at least 6-7 ways to fix this problem. In addition, it is not necessary to visit a beautician - epilation of the upper lip is easily carried out at home. However, each method has its advantages and disadvantages.

Upper lip epilation


This method of getting rid of unwanted hair appeared relatively recently. Epilation is carried out using a banal sugar syrup. Purchased professional masses for vegetation removal additionally contain various nutritional supplements, thickeners and emulsifiers to ensure proper consistency and sufficient “stickiness”.

Numerous reviews of girls indicate that this paste can be prepared at home. The main thing is to choose the proportions of the main components - water, sugar and citric acid.

Hair removal over the upper lip by the method of shugaring is carried out simply: the finished molten and cooled (slightly warmer than the body temperature) mass with the help of a spatula is applied to the skin, cools and then comes off with the hairs.

Of the positive aspects of this method of hair removal is called low cost, the possibility of self-conducting, safety. Of the negative - short-term effect, pain, subsequent slight irritation and swelling.


By and large, little different from shugaring. But instead of sugar paste, use wax. In the salons, beauticians use special devices that melt the solid substance to the desired temperature (by the way, such devices can be purchased for home use). After reaching the desired temperature and consistency, wax (again using a wooden spatula) is applied to the skin above the upper lip, waiting for hardening and removed with a sharp movement. Hair sticks are glued to the wax, which are pulled out from the bulb along with a frozen crust. At home, it is easier to use special strips.

They are small rectangular pieces of plastic paper on which a thin layer of already melted wax is applied. No additional devices required. It is enough to rub the strips between the palms, separate them (in the package they are usually folded with “sticky” sides to each other), firmly press the wax surface to the skin, smooth with fingers and tear off. The disadvantages of such procedures include pronounced discomfort, the occurrence of hyperemia and small edema, the risk of burns with hot wax.

In addition, it is not always possible to completely remove all the hair from the first "jerk", sometimes they break off, and you have to finish the procedure with tweezers. The advantages of this method of removing unwanted vegetation from the face is the low price, the possibility of epilation in any salon or at home (the strips are sold in each hypermarket).


Removal of "antennae" with phyto resin

The essence of the technique differs little from shugaring or waxing. But in this case phyto resin is used. It is a thick, hard, but at the same time sufficiently plastic, sticky mass containing biologically active ingredients, soothing the skin, eliminating inflammation and facilitating epilation.

The resin does not require pre-heating, it is quite simple to use. However, the process takes a lot of time, often women face the problem of hair growing into the skin. Buy phyto resin can, as a rule, in specialized stores. Therefore, at present, in aesthetic cosmetology, a similar method of hair removal is often used as a wax supplement to remove hair residues.

Laser hair removal

It is one of the most effective methods that allows, if not forever, for a very long time (up to 4-6 years) to get rid of the antennae above the upper lip. The essence of the technique is the use of laser radiation of a given length and power, which affects the main coloring pigment of hair - melanin. Due to this effect, the cells that provide hair growth and the hair bulb itself die.

The main disadvantage of this procedure is a fairly extensive range of contraindications (compared with the "mechanical" traditional methods of hair removal).

Many women are confused by the high risk of undesirable consequences (burn, pigmentation, etc.), although according to experts, the likelihood of such complications with the correct choice of radiation parameters is minimal. The advantage of laser hair removal of the skin over the upper lip is a long lasting effect, less soreness, no signs of hair growth.


The procedure consists in the effect of a discharge of electric current on each hair bulb, which leads to its death. This technique is gradually replaced by laser hair removal, as it has several disadvantages. First of all, it is a strong pain in combination with a long procedure.

The course of epilation consists of several sessions. However, their cost is less than the laser. Therefore, getting rid of hair over the upper lip in a similar way is recommended for women with contraindications to other methods of removing unwanted facial hair.


By the principle of action on the hair follicle has a lot in common with the laser. However, waves of various lengths are used in the visible region of the spectrum. This method of hair removal is more effective for removing dark hair in women with fair skin.

If the “antennae” above the upper lip have a light shade, or the owner of such an undesirable “decoration” can boast of dark skin, it is better to use modern technologies of laser epilation. With regard to the total price of the course of sessions, possible discomfort, the effect of photo radiation is also slightly different from the laser.

ELOS technique

ELOS epilation of the upper lip is unique, as in this case there is a double effect on unwanted hair: radio wave and light.

This technique allows you to remove the "mustache" for women with any type of skin without the risk of subsequent burns and pigmentation disorders. ELOS epilation rarely causes any side effects, suitable for all clients. But the substantial “minus” of such a procedure is the rather high cost.

The use of creams for hair removal

Depilation creams are quite a budget option for removing hair from the skin over the upper lip. They contain active chemical compounds that weaken the hair so that they can be completely removed with a spatula. However, they do not pull out of the hair follicle, so the effect of applying the cream does not last long, only 3-4 days.

The advantage of this method of depilation is the low price, wide availability of funds, ease of performing the procedure. The disadvantages include a short result, a high risk of skin burn (to avoid this, you must select the drug with the appropriate mark on the package). And if, after shugaring or wax, the hair is thin and inconspicuous, after removal with the help of the cream, the “tendrils” are rather tough.

It is worth noting

If mechanical methods of getting rid of the vegetation above the upper lip act on visible hair, laser, photo and ELOS epilation affects only hairs that are in the active growth stage. Therefore, during the procedure, 5–20% of the bulbs are affected. The course of sessions continues until all the follicles are destroyed, on average it is from 5 to 8 visits to the beautician.

Possible contraindications

Regardless of the technique, epilation of the skin on the upper lip is contraindicated in:

  • allergic reaction to any ingredient in wax, tar, or other applied agent or anesthetic;
  • unhealed skin lesions;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • dermatitis in the acute phase.

Radiation exposure is limited in the following diseases:

  • lesions of the thyroid gland;
  • blood clotting disorders, serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • skin pigmentation disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

It is better to postpone the procedure if the body is damaged by acute viral and bacterial infections (for quite objective reasons), general weakness, temporary deterioration of the immune system. In addition, often excessive vegetation above the upper lip serves as a symptom of hormonal disorders. In this case, hair removal is recommended to be carried out in a relatively inexpensive way (for example, with sugar paste or wax), and laser or ELOS epilation should be postponed until the endocrine regulation problems are resolved.

Laser epilation of the upper lip: indications, features of preparation and subsequent care, reviews and cost

The indications for this procedure are any unwanted vegetation on the skin above the upper lip. For men, this is quite natural, however, this problem brings women a pronounced aesthetic discomfort. Laser hair removal of the upper lip is quite strong stress for the skin. Therefore, you should prepare for it accordingly.

Result after upper lip epilation

This is easy, but will allow you to avoid many problems after the session:

  • Within 2 weeks prior to the procedure, it is necessary to eliminate as much as possible the exposure of the sun to the skin, in other words, it is necessary to refuse to visit the solarium, and when going outside, apply sunscreen on the area above the upper lip;
  • 5 days prior to the laser hair removal session, the skin should not be treated with any alcohol-containing tonics and lotions;
  • for 2-3 weeks you can not remove hair over the upper lip by methods that can damage the hair follicle, including waxing, shugaring and the use of phyto resin;
  • the day before the procedure, the hairs should be carefully trimmed.

The epilation session itself lasts up to 10-15 minutes. Goggles must be worn on the patient, the skin will be cleaned of residual cosmetics and, if the client wishes, a local anesthetic is applied. Since laser radiation affects only hair follicles that are active in terms of growth, a second session is prescribed after 4-5 weeks.

It is worth noting

The result of the epilation is not immediately noticeable, but after 14-20 days, sometimes after the second procedure. However, after the end of the course, the effect lasts up to 5-7 years.

The rules for skin care after laser treatment are the same as the principles of preparing for a session . For 14 days sunburn is contraindicated, the use of protective lotions is imperative, you can not wipe the skin with any cosmetic products containing alcohol, and mechanical methods of epilation are also contraindicated.

It is worth noting

Sometimes laser epilation of the skin over the upper lip gives a “push” to herpes exacerbation. In this case, it is necessary to use standard methods of treatment (ointment Gerpevir, Acyclovir, Zovirax, etc.

Orlova Natalia Anatolyevna, dermatologist, cosmetologist. “In my opinion, women need to remove unwanted vegetation from their faces, especially from a noticeable area above the upper lip, only with a laser. Such a procedure has a long-lasting effect, is well tolerated, practically does not cause complications. The key to a successful session is the implementation of the recommendations of the cosmetologist and the absence of contraindications. ”

Evgenia, 27 years old. “These ill-fated antennae probably appeared in the years 16-17 and immediately became the subject of constant ridicule of well-wishers. At first I only did waxing, to the point that I had to run off the steam, when I saw the treacherous hated hairs in the mirror again. I did not even think that I could forget about this problem at all. But after the course of laser hair removal my highest expectations were met - the antennae disappeared, as if they never happened before. ”

Without a doubt, laser hair removal of the upper lip is an optimal and effective, but also quite expensive way of getting rid of unwanted vegetation. The cost of one session in cosmetology clinics ranges from 1600-3000 rubles.

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