EVLK: advantages of laser coagulation of varicose veins

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Varicose disease should be taken very seriously. If you do not start treating diseased veins in time, this can result in many complications. In this case, a comprehensive treatment of this disease.

Recently, an innovative technique - EVLK (endovenous laser coagulation) has gained particular popularity. The procedure takes place on an outpatient basis for 3-5 hours. With laser surgery, there is virtually no risk of damage to the lymphatic vessels. Also this method does not leave any scars, as millimeter punctures are made when removing diseased veins.

In addition, the appearance of side effects is reduced to a minimum, which cannot be said about the usual operation. Thanks to the laser, the results are excellent. After the laser procedure, the patient can immediately go home. The main condition in the home is the use of compression clothing.

Advantages of laser coagulation of varicose veins

If you compare the laser therapy of varicose veins with other technologies, this method has many advantages.

Exact technological process. The developers have created modern laser devices with radiation at 1470 nm. In this case, the fiber is able to distribute the heat of the laser equally over the entire surface of the veins. This is due to the special properties of the tip, which is equipped with a diffusing lens. During the operation, overheating of the vessels and cells in the treatment area is excluded, so there can be no burns.

General state. When laser coagulation of the veins, the patient is subjected to a minimal stress state compared with other means of treatment.

No need to stay in the hospital. After the procedure, which lasts about one hour, the client can go home and continue his normal life.

Easy rehabilitation period. After laser manipulations, the patient is recommended to walk on the air and move more. The day after the laser he can go to work.

Painless laser therapy for varicose veins. This procedure is performed using local anesthesia. The patient does not feel pain during the operation, as well as after it.

Aesthetic effect. After the removal of diseased veins using laser light, no scars, scars and other traces of operative actions remain on the treated surface.

The essence of the treatment of varicose laser

Due to the laser light radiation on the walls of the vein, it is brewed, and then the resorption of the problem areas is complete. At the beginning of the process, make a puncture, and in some cases, an incision of the skin to 1.5 centimeters. Then a light guide is introduced into the vessel onto the affected area.

The progress of the operation is controlled by the ultrasound device. The area around the diseased vein is treated with a special substance that is injected under the skin. Such anesthesia protects nearby tissues and vessels from the heat of the laser.

It is worth noting that this procedure mainly affects the large saphenous veins. At this point, also, diseased vein inflows are removed. An additional procedure is that with the help of the necessary devices, small punctures are made through which the varicose tributaries are removed.


How many procedures do I need to go through?

EVLK lasts for 1-2 hours. The procedure takes place with the use of local anesthesia. After the manipulations, there are no scars or pigment spots left on the body. Laser treatment in combination with a microflebectomy achieves an excellent aesthetic effect, even in severe cases.

The rehabilitation period after laser therapy lasts 15-20 days and passes without any complications. These days you should use compression stockings that maintain the desired pressure on the operated area.

Endovasal laser coagulation: how is the procedure performed?

The EVLC procedure is usually prescribed for the development of a disease of the second or third degree. Basically, laser manipulations are carried out in poor condition of the veins located in the lower limbs. It is here that most often when blood flow is disturbed, a blood clot forms.

This disease can lead to terrible consequences, so it definitely needs to be treated. During the development of the disease, pain and fatigue appear in the legs, especially in the morning and evening. In addition, the limbs swell, and there is a constant heaviness. Today, endovasal laser coagulation is one of the most effective methods for treating varicose veins .

Rehabilitation after endovasal laser coagulation

Contraindications for laser vein treatment

It is worth noting that this procedure may not be suitable for some patients. Only after passing all the necessary examinations, the doctor will make the right decision about the conduct of laser therapy.

There are some contraindications to using a laser:

  • The presence of thrombophilia.
  • Ischemic leg disease.
  • Violations that need urgent treatment.
  • Too much weight.

If the patient is preparing for laser treatment of veins, special attention is paid to the specific location of the vessels on his body. This fact, also, will serve as a contraindication to the use of laser radiation. These include: obvious varicose veins in the largest vein, which is located under the skin; development of the inflammatory process on the site, which is prepared for treatment.

Preparing for EVLK

Despite the fact that, with laser intervention, practically there are no injuries, the patient is prepared for the procedure according to standard rules. First, the doctor must examine the patient and find out the causes of this disease. After that, he sends the patient to a duplex examination of the veins, testing, ECG, as well as to consult some specialists.

If there are no contraindications for the radiation procedure, the patient prepares for surgery. 3-5 days before the appointed time, the patient stops taking aspirin, vitamin E and other drugs that may affect blood coagulation. If you are allergic to any drugs - be sure to inform your doctor.

How is the EVLK procedure?

Before proceeding with the procedure, the phlebologist makes a special marking in the area of ​​the skin where the operation will be performed. All manipulations will be performed using local anesthesia and under ultrasound control. In order to enter the light guide into the vein, a puncture is made in it.

During the procedure, tumescent anesthesia is also used, which is inserted into the peri-venous zone to protect it. TA is a series of injections, as a result of which the patient will not feel pain while performing a laser intervention.

After the above preparation, endovasal laser coagulation begins. After switching on the device, energy goes to the light guide. As long as it is taken out at the desired speed from a vein, the vessel walls coagulate. During the procedure, small venous inflows are also processed. After the end of EVLK, the treated places are covered with bandages and special stockings are put on.

Laser removal of veins and possible consequences

Today EVLK is the safest and most effective treatment for varicose veins. Thanks to innovation in vascular surgery, a procedure such as vein removal with a laser has become the most popular method in Europe.

Laser removal of veins

Postoperative period

After the operation, the rehabilitation period immediately begins. The patient is dressed in a compression bandage, and he can go home. Of course, for some time he will feel some discomfort in the area of ​​vein treatment.

In order to remove such manifestations, the doctor may prescribe Diclofenac, Nimesil and other anti-inflammatory drugs.

Many patients already for 2-3 days refuse to use these funds. As practice has shown, most patients start working activities on the second day after laser coagulation.

However, there are simple rules that should be followed during the postoperative period:

  • Wear lingerie for 2–3 weeks.
  • Walk 2 hours a day.
  • Any physical activity at the time of rehabilitation to exclude.
  • Discard any activities using heat.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Shoes should be comfortable, and for women - without a high heel.

Possible consequences and complications of EVLK

One of the important conditions for carrying out EVLK is the absence of contraindications for the patient. To eliminate the risk of complications after surgery, the patient should be examined and pass the necessary tests.

After laser intervention, practically, there are no complications. Sometimes pigment spots may appear along the operated vein. However, they pass within 2-6 months without medical intervention.

In very rare cases, patients after laser therapy have a slight inflammation in the area of ​​remote tributary veins. In this case, such complications are removed using nonsteroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory action. It should be noted that with the observance of all postoperative rules, such effects occur very rarely.

Varicose veins

Selection of compression underwear

After such a procedure as vein removal with a laser, it is necessary to wear compression knitwear. At the same time, it is important to accurately select it for you. This will help you phlebologist. Independent selection of special stockings can be harmful to health.

In order for compression garments to serve you most efficiently, it is important to choose the right size. Otherwise, it will not bring you benefit, but, on the contrary, will be hazardous to health. Also, when buying stockings, pay attention to the quality of the goods.

How to prevent recurrence of varicose veins

It is worth noting that due to certain habits, as well as hereditary predisposition, varicose veins may resume again. Despite the fact that the procedure of laser vein removal is common, it is still better to avoid it.

Therefore, every effort must be made to prevent the disease:

  • Move as much as possible. At the same time, shoes should be light and comfortable.
  • Swimming is the best way to fight vein disease.
  • Women are allowed to wear shoes with heel height up to 6 cm. On holidays it is possible to have a high stud.
  • Excess weight is a constant load on the legs, so you should get rid of extra pounds.
  • Expose your legs more often to contrasting.

Do not forget to visit a phlebologist at least once in 6 months. This allows the doctor to prescribe you preventive treatment on time.

Avoid injury to the skin of the lower extremities. If such a phenomenon occurs, it is necessary to properly treat the wound to prevent the entry of harmful bacteria.

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