How to get rid of pigment spots: the main causes of pigmentation disorders, types, is it possible to get rid of this defect
Violations of uniform pigmentation of the skin is not only a cosmetological problem. The fact is that the processes of formation of skin color are governed by rather complex mechanisms occurring in different layers of the epidermal cover.
Therefore, the problem of how to get rid of age spots, lies in the plane of not only aesthetic medicine, but also other branches of therapy.
The only structures that synthesize the main pigment, affecting the color of the skin, eyes and hair, are melanocytes, cells with a multi-faceted body and long processes - dendrites. The main part of melanocytes is located between the cells of the epidermis on the border with the dermis.
In smaller quantities, they are found in connective tissue, brain and spinal cord, retinal pigment epithelium, inner ear, and the cortical layer of the adrenal cortex.
It is worth noting
Each melanocyte synthesizes melanin granules from biologically active compounds - precursors to other epidermal structural units associated with them - keratinocytes (up to 40 keratinocytes can fall to a pigment-producing cell).
The number of melanocytes individually for each person, on average, they make up about 10 - 25% of the total number of skin cells. In some areas of the body (for example, on the chest and abdomen, flexion of the arms, in the ankle area) there are fewer of them; in the groin, back, on the chin and shoulders their concentration per square centimeter of skin is much higher. In men, the number of melanocytes is greater than in women.
Interesting fact
The representatives of the Negroid race, the number of melanocytes in the epidermis does not exceed that in people with light colored skin, just these cells are larger.
The main reasons for the change in the number of melanocytes and their functional activity are:
- Congenital hereditary predisposition . Similar parameters are due to the color of the skin in a newborn baby, the presence and size of pigment spots, hypopigmentation sites. By the way, the tendency to the formation of freckles is determined by genetic features.
- Exposure to ultraviolet rays. Under the influence of sunlight and radiation in tanning beds, the number of melanocytes increases, which causes darkening of the skin. A moderate tan is perfectly safe for epidermal cover, but too long a stay under the open sun can lead to the formation of hyperpigmentation sites.
- Damage to the skin of a mechanical, thermal or chemical nature. Wounds, burns under the influence of high temperatures or chemicals, even banal inaccurate squeezing of a pimple can lead to excessive or vice versa, insufficient accumulation of melanocytes. This causes the appearance of foci of hypo-or hyperpigmentation.
- Violations of the hormonal background of a pathological or physiological nature. Such disorders can be caused by thyroid disease, which is accompanied by changes in the concentration of thyroid hormones. Similar processes occur during pregnancy, after childbirth. Disorders of the functional activity of the endocrine glands are also associated with age-related changes. The appearance of age spots often occurs on the background of taking contraceptive drugs, steroids, and drugs for artificially suspending breastfeeding and other drugs that affect the activity of the endocrine glands.
- Pathology of the digestive and urinary system. Disorders of the liver and kidneys can manifest themselves as foci of altered pigmentation from dark brown, associated with liver diseases to yellow with disorders of the kidneys. But in the vast majority of patients, such skin color disorders are accompanied by specific clinical symptoms.
- Sensitization reaction. Hypersensitivity reaction in response to the consumption of certain products, medicines, drinks, insect bites, direct skin contact with an allergen causes a pronounced immune response, which is accompanied by a disruption of melanocytes.
- The deficiency of minerals and vitamins necessary for the production of enzymes that stimulate melanogenesis, in particular, is ascorbic acid.
- Extreme emotional fatigue, depression. Such conditions usually cause hyperproduction of various hormones, which in turn leads to impaired pigmentation.
- Cosmetic procedures. Especially it concerns chemical and abrasive peelings, hardware rejuvenation, photo and laser epilation.
Melanin performs a huge number of vital functions in the human body. It is a protection against the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation, the prevention of peroxidation, etc. But at the same time, melanocytes are the ancestors of a fairly common cancer - melanoma. Therefore, it is mandatory to thoroughly diagnose skin color disorders.
Accordingly, it is possible to solve the problem of how to get rid of age spots on the face and body only after consulting a doctor. If such violations are purely cosmetic, it is enough to conduct a course of effective aesthetic hardware procedures, the use of appropriate creams and lotions. Many women get rid of such defects with the help of various folk remedies that can be prepared from simple ingredients at home.
However, any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with it.
To avoid disorders of skin pigmentation, you must observe the following recommendations:
- sunbathe in the sun before 11 and after 16.30, at other times use light clothing;
- apply special tanning products to the skin, moisturize the epidermal cover appropriately after sunbathing;
- observe moderation when visiting a tanning salon;
- use cosmetics for daily skin care;
- observe the principles of seasonality in the selection of cosmetic procedures.
In accordance with the dermatological classification, there are several types of impaired pigmentation of the skin, these are:
- Freckles (in the people they are also called "kisses of the sun"). These are small spots, usually of light or dark brown color with localization on the face, shoulders and forearms, upper chest. As a rule, occur in people with a light skin tone under the influence of bright sunlight and almost completely disappear with the onset of autumn. Today, many companies can quickly get rid of freckles, although some find them quite attractive.
- Moles and birthmarks (or, in medical terms, nevi). They can be found on the body of each person. Nevi can be of various shapes, sizes, colors and locations. Sometimes they are located in very uncomfortable places and are permanently damaged by clothes, in which case they are recommended to be removed after the examination of the patient.
It is worth noting
Malignancy nevi, manifested in the form of changes in size and color, can be one of the first symptoms of melanoma.
- Chloasma . Such disorders of pigmentation associated with changes in hormonal levels and usually appear in the fair sex. Such an aesthetic defect is the formation of rather extensive birthmarks (sometimes merging together) of any location. The process is accelerated by ultraviolet radiation.
- Lentigo . This term is called pigmentation disorders associated with age-related changes. Often lentigo appears on the arms , neck, chest area.
- Vitiligo . This pathology is accompanied by the appearance on the body of areas with a complete lack of pigmentation. The etiology of the disease has not yet been studied, but scientists are inclined to believe that hereditary predisposition, exposure to intense UV radiation, contact with chemicals, metabolic, autoimmune, and hormonal disorders can be causes.
Pigmentation disorders are not always harmless. In order not to miss or aggravate the course of any disease, before performing any procedures to even out the skin color, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist and find out the exact reason for the appearance of such defects in appearance. In the absence of systemic pathologies, the doctor will suggest the best ways to deal with age spots.
Pigment spots: use of hardware cosmetology and regular skin care products
To date, many firms offer home care products that will help eliminate pigmentation defects and even out the shade of the skin. The price of such masks and creams is different: from quite budgetary funds costing up to 200 rubles to products manufactured by well-known companies (of course, their price is much higher).
So, it is possible to eliminate pigment spots with the help of such creams:
- Chandi with lemongrass and orange, has a complex effect, has a tonic effect, eliminates the main signs of aging, can be used by women over 25 years old;
- Ramosu sunscreen, suitable for skin prone to freckles and age spots, SPF 50+;
- Achroactive whitening cream based on ascorbic acid, applied twice a day, the effect is noticeable after 2 to 3 weeks of regular use;
- Styx Naturcosmetic night and day cream for the face with goat milk, designed to combat senile pigmentation , suitable for women over 35 years old;
- Eucerine depigmenting night cream can be used after 18 years to even out the color of the skin;
- Hirudo Derm whitening cream, designed to eliminate depigmentation sites in girls over 18 years old;
- Guam microcellular whitening face cream is also suitable for preventing the main signs of aging skin.
It is worth noting
When using products for daily care, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding time (after waking up or overnight) and the frequency of application.
Several times a week, you can use special whitening masks based on badyagi, citrus extract and other components, these are:
- Vitex whitening mask for freckles and age spots, 18+;
- Dr. Sea whitening mask-peeling based on pearl extract and ascorbic acid, 30+;
- Mesoestetic whitening mask, 40+;
- Kart whitening mask, 40+.
The main advantage of such funds is safety, usability, the possibility of using during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. However, lightening the skin at home, even with the help of professional cosmetics, the premium segment cannot be compared with techniques of hardware aesthetic care.
One of the most effective procedures is exposure to laser irradiation. As a result, the work of melanocytes is normalized, melanin granules are destroyed, the skin color is evened out. In addition to bleaching, laser therapy accelerates the production of collagen and elastin, helps to smooth wrinkles and smooth the facial contours. The course of treatment consists of 1 - 5 procedures.
It is worth noting
Contraindications for laser therapy are the process of carrying a child and breastfeeding, dermatosis, cancer, electronic implants, age under 18 years.
Similar to the mechanism of action on the structure of the coloring pigment has phototherapy - the effect of rays of the UV spectrum of a certain length on the skin. The procedure can be performed for the local treatment of any part of the body (face, chest, legs, hands, back, etc.), it is painless, does not leave scars and other traces. The effect of manipulation lasts a long time, especially if you follow the appropriate rules of care. In addition, phototherapy is also effective for combating other skin defects: acne, acne, red foci of inflammation.
It is worth noting
Phototherapy is contraindicated in diabetes, problems with blood clotting, scars and dermatoses of unknown etiology in the areas of exposure, herpes infection, hypertension, and increased photosensitivity.
Another procedure for hardware skin lightening is ELOS (Electro Optical Synergy) therapy. The essence of the technique lies in the simultaneous action of a laser and an electromagnetic wave. First, the epidermal cover is cooled without affecting the underlying layers of the skin, then the melanin granules are destroyed with the help of light pulses and a bipolar RF current. During the procedure, the doctor monitors the patient's skin condition, changing the radiation parameters if necessary.
Pigment spots can be effectively removed with the help of deep and superficial peeling. The essence of the procedure is reduced to the application of salicylic acid or glycolic acid based therapeutic serum, the course includes several sessions. This technique is more suitable for treating large areas of the skin. Roughly speaking, the epidermis burns, followed by exfoliation and rejuvenation of the epidermis, alignment of color and wrinkles.
How to remove age spots at home with the help of traditional medicine recipes
To equalize skin tone, you can use not only expensive cosmetics.
In some cases, lotions and masks prepared according to the following recipes are quite effective:
- wipe areas of hyperpigmentation with juice of celandine and young shoots of garlic;
- a glass of grated cucumbers pour a glass of vodka, insist week and strain, use for regular rubbing the skin;
- mix egg white, juice of one lemon, 100 ml of any cologne and a tablespoon of glycerin, mix and wipe areas of pigmentation disorders;
- 50 g of crushed geranium roots, pour a liter of hot water, insist 4 hours, moisten the fabric in the resulting solution and apply on face for 15 to 20 minutes;
- mix homemade full-fat milk and alcohol in a ratio of 3: 1 and lubricate pigmented areas before bedtime;
- grind on a coffee grinder or pound 50 g of cherry seed, pour a glass of olive oil, apply on face and leave until completely absorbed;
- apply zinc ointment 2 - 3 times a day on depigmented areas.
According to most cosmetologists, folk methods can not fully replace the use of laser and other salon procedures, how to remove pigment spots. But on the other hand, the cost of preparing such funds is minimal, care can be done quickly, at any time convenient for the woman.
Home care also has no age restrictions, in addition, it has a pronounced effect on the initial stages of impaired pigmentation of the skin.