How to get rid of freckles in different ways, given the reasons for their appearance
Freckles on the face, they are also called sun markings or “kisses of the sun”, are present in many people.
But if small specks do not interfere with representatives of a strong half of society, and they simply do not pay attention to them, then the majority of women use a variety of means and methods to get rid of freckles.
Pigmentation of the skin of the face as well as the back, arms and chest is an aesthetic feature of some people.
The first small spots may occur in childhood, and every year the number of marks may increase. For most people, they appear with the arrival of warm days - in spring and summer.
There are many reasons for the appearance of reddish spots on the face, but the main one is the improper production of melanin. The number and brightness of the spots is determined by genes. Some people who have blood ties have freckles on the dermis the same way.
From the appearance of solar marks not a single person is insured. However, according to statistics, girls with light skin and red hair are more likely to face an aesthetic problem than dark-haired and dark-skinned women. Not everyone has come to terms with such a reward of nature, because most people continue to look for ways to get rid of freckles forever.
Today, there are many techniques that contribute to the clarification of spots. This and medical drugs - creams and ointments, beauty and salon procedures, preparations from natural ingredients - herbs and food.
It is worth noting
Before applying a certain method, it is necessary to eliminate the presence of serious malfunctions in the body, seek the help of a physician and be examined. In some cases, the occurrence of sun marks on the dermis of the face and body can be triggered by serious pathologies requiring immediate treatment.
Causes of the "kisses of the sun"
In addition to the fact that freckles appear due to improper production and distribution of the melanin pigment, the appearance of a cosmetic problem may be due to:
- exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
- hormonal imbalance;
- the presence of failures in the functioning of the liver;
- endocrine disruption;
- frequent peels;
- lack of micronutrients and vitamins in the body;
- violation of metabolic processes;
- pregnancy;
- frequent stressful situations;
- exposure to radiation and chemicals;
- puberty;
- frequent visits to the solarium and prolonged exposure to the sun;
- improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Efelyda (the scientific name of freckles) is more related to a cosmetic or aesthetic problem. However, if the derma pigmentation began not in childhood, but in adulthood, you should consult a specialist, as this may be a sign of a serious malfunction in the body.
Ways to fight
Some girls use makeup, including tonal creams, to hide their markings. It should be understood that, having covered the skin with a thick layer of tonal means, it is impossible to get rid of freckles, all that this method helps is masking.
There are a lot of ways that help get rid of the marks, just not every representative of the beautiful half of society they are known for. And this is not only expensive salon procedures, but also effective cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations, as well as traditional medicine compositions that can be used at home.
Of course, cosmetic manipulations, especially laser removal, are effective, and will help in getting rid of freckles in the shortest time, but the procedure is very expensive. But recipes and traditional medicine are not expensive, but it will take time to achieve the desired effect.
How to remove freckles: ways to get rid of and prevent the appearance of epheles
Cosmetology offers many ways to remove freckles, and laser removal is one of the most effective. Laser beams contribute to the destruction of melanocytes. In order to achieve maximum results and eliminate pigment spots, approximately five procedures are carried out forever. The number of procedures will depend on the number, size and color, as well as the depth of pigment spots . It will take more time to remove large and dark freckles than to get rid of small and light ones.
Removal of sun markings with a laser is a short and practically painless procedure. During polishing with a laser beam, a slight tingling or tingling may occur. Modern equipment is equipped with a cooling system, so that the temperature decrease occurs before the client starts to feel burning.
The use of pharmaceutical preparations
The modern pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry has a huge amount of drugs that contribute to the elimination of sun marks. To clarify how to remove freckles using a certain tool can be a cosmetologist, but basically all the information can be read in the instructions. The use of pharmacy tools will help in quickly eliminating the cosmetic defect and in the future there will simply be no need to process photos using Photoshop. The skin will get the same tone and heal, the spots will disappear.
Especially popular and effective are drugs with the presence in the compositions of the following active ingredients:
- Hydroquinone. The tool contributes to the inhibition of the production of melanocytes, to prevent the appearance of new spots, as well as lighten the skin.
- Arbutin. This is a gentle substance, it carefully removes spots from particularly sensitive dermis.
- Acid. Natural substances that make up the creams are more effective than synthetic ingredients. They help slow the formation of melanin, as well as the regeneration of tissue cells. Especially effective are drugs with gluconic, ascorbic and kojic acid.
- Beta-carotene. It is a vitamin A provitamin that helps reduce melanin concentration.
- Extracts of parsley, cucumber or citrus. These substances contribute both to getting rid of pigmentation and to preventing its appearance.
- Grape seed oil and jojoba oil. Contribute to the gentle cleansing of the epidermis, as well as its clarification.
Recommend a cream with which you can permanently remove freckles can be a cosmetologist. Therefore, if in doubt, do not refuse the help of a specialist.
Most often, cosmetologists advise the use of the following tools:
- Crema "Cora". The tool is endowed with ascorbic acid, extract of licorice, lemon, Bergenia and horse sorrel. The use of the cream will help not only to lighten the dermis with excessive pigmentation, but also moisturizing.
- Masks "White linen". This tool has pronounced bleaching properties. Apart from the fact that the mask removes freckles, it brightens the upper layer of the dermis, thanks to its use, the structure of the skin is leveled and the oval of the face is tightened. And all this thanks to the composition of the mask. The tool is endowed with white clay, parsley extract, vitamins A and E, ascorbic acid, linseed oil, extract of cucumber.
- Akhromina. The use of the cream will help in preventing the formation of a large number of freckles, as well as in their careful removal.
- Cream before and after. Relatively inexpensive remedy for whitening the dermis. The effect is achieved due to the content of acids in the product.
Ways to prevent the appearance of ephelidov
Preventing the appearance of the problem is easier than subsequently looking for methods to lighten the spots.
Experts for this purpose recommend to people who periodically have a cosmetic defect the following:
- To use the means protecting from influence of ultra-violet radiation. On the shelves of specialized stores and pharmacies there are lots of tools that help protect the dermis from ultraviolet radiation.
- Wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.
- Refrain from sunburn and walks in the period from 11 to 15.00. At this time, the sun is most active and aggressive.
- Apply special masks (with lemon juice), wipe the dermis and wash with sour milk.
- To use the means promoting clarification of an integument.
- Enrich the diet with nicotinic and ascorbic acid: vegetables and fruits, buckwheat, chicken and liver.
The list of products that will help in the fight against Efelida
No need to go far and spend large sums of money to purchase expensive creams. It is possible, in order to eliminate pigment spots, to use food products that are always available on the farm.
The following products are among the most useful and effective in the fight against pigmentation:
- Sour milk products : yogurt, koumiss, sour cream, kefir. The acid included in the product contributes to the complete and rapid elimination of stains. The result after external use is visible after half a month.
- Lemon Juice An effective and proven remedy for freckles. Juice can be used as a rub or for washing.
- Parsley You can use frozen decoctions of leaves and stems in ice cubes to wipe the dermis, as well as a means for washing.
- Fresh cucumber . Vegetable has pronounced lightening properties. The use of the product will help both in reducing the pigmentation of the dermis, and its recovery, and hydration, as well as giving it a freshness and elasticity.
- Red onions . Everyday facial treatment with onion juice will help get rid of Efelid.
How to get rid of freckles on the face with the help of home and cosmetics, as well as how to hide such a skin defect
Already more than one generation of representatives of the weaker sex has confirmed the effectiveness of using home remedies. There are many recipes for masks, lotions how to get rid of freckles on the face.
It is worth noting
Before applying a particular composition, you must ensure that you are not allergic to the components of the product.
- You can use lemon or parsley juice for daily rubbing of the face. Lemon water can be used for washing, and parsley can be used for making tincture (50 g of greenery is poured with vodka - 500 ml and left in a cool place for two weeks). This tool needs to handle problem areas.
- There is another effective way to get rid of freckles on the face - the use of infusion of dandelion. It is necessary to take the flowers of the plant, chop finely, and then brew 30 grams per liter of freshly boiled water. The tool must infuse. Infusion is used to process the face twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
- It is possible with the purpose of lightening the dermis to use cucumber tonic. It is prepared simply - the cucumber is crushed, and juice is squeezed out of its pulp, which is used to get rid of freckles.
The use of bleaching masks
There are a lot of recipes for masks that can be prepared and used at home.
You can stay on one tool that helps get rid of freckles on your face, or you can choose several and alternate them:
- It is necessary to take parsley leaves, wash, and then finely fidget. 20 g of the mixture should be mixed with honey - 10 g and freshly squeezed lemon juice - ½ tsp. The mass is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, then rinsed with cool water. After the procedure, it is necessary to treat the dermis with a protective cream.
- It is necessary to grind with the help of a grater one potato, then mix with almond bran - 10 g, sour milk - 20 ml and olive oil - a small amount. The mask is applied to the dermis of the face for twenty minutes. After the procedure, you need to wash in cool water and lubricate the skin with a protective cream.
- It is necessary to take a dugout, knead, and then apply a mass on the face. After a quarter of an hour should wash. Instead of strawberries, you can use grapes, apricots, watermelon, strawberries, currants and kiwi.
- Will help in getting rid of freckles on the face and milk mask. It is necessary to combine sour cream - one tablespoon with cottage cheese - the same amount and 3% hydrogen peroxide - with a teaspoon. Mass should be applied to the dermis for twenty minutes. The remnants of the composition are removed with cold water.
- Well proven mask of yeast. First you need to mix dry yeast - 10 g with warm milk. Then 5 ml of lemon juice is added to the composition. The product is applied to the dermis of the face for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with cold water.
The use of cosmetology techniques
You can get rid of the gifts of the spring and summer sun with the help of cosmetological methods, including quartz treatment, peeling, micro-purification and cryosurgery.
- When quartzing, the dermis is exposed to a quartz lamp. The procedure is carried out twice a week until peeling of the cover appears (three to five procedures are enough). This method helps not only to eliminate pigmentation, but also rejuvenation of the skin.
- During peeling, freckles are removed with the help of chemical or biologically active substances. Often use lactic, malic and salicylic acid. The method helps not only in the clarification of the dermis, but also in its regeneration.
- Microcleaning involves the use of the unit, under the pressure of blowing aluminum microcrystals.
- Cryosurgery consists of treating problem areas of the dermis with liquid nitrogen.
Daily disguise
There is no universal way to eliminate cosmetic defect that would suit absolutely all owners of sun marks. Some do not want to remove pigment spots with the help of salon procedures, others do not help home masks. It will help in this case, masking the defect with the help of foundation or a special corrector, or tanning.
It is possible to get rid of freckles, as long as the approach is literate and comprehensive. Daily care of the dermis and a little effort will help in eliminating the aesthetic defect and giving the derma elasticity and beauty.