Laser carbon peeling: what it is and what is the effectiveness of the procedure

Beauty and health - this is what excites every woman. Women spend a lot of time and money to maintain their attractiveness. But age-related manifestations or birth defects give rise to frustration.

When peeling is needed

Laser carbon facial peels have many advantages over other similar types. The result will allow you to see yourself in a completely different light and amaze those around you with the purity and smoothness of your skin.

What is carbon peeling?

This is a procedure for cleansing the skin from dead cells. After the session is completed, the processes of repair and renewal of tissues start inside the skin. As a result, the skin is tightened, age manifestations disappear, defects are corrected.

Carbon peeling involves the use of a special gel, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, penetrating into its depth. It helps to eliminate greasy shine and improves complexion.

The effect on the skin is delicate and does not cause inconvenience, does not cause irritation. Therefore, the method is recommended for different age groups.


Laser carbon peeling can be applied from adolescence to deep retirement. No matter how old a woman is, she always wants to look attractive. And what could be better than radiant health and beauty of the skin of the face.

Indications for the procedure are as follows:

  • This type of peeling is suitable for young girls to get rid of teenage manifestations, such as acne and acne.
  • For young women who have just started to notice fine lines and loss of elasticity, the procedure will help to get rid of these manifestations of age.
  • Older women will be given the opportunity to say goodbye to deep wrinkles, to tighten the saggy oval of the face, to get rid of pigmentation.

If signs of enlarged pores, oily luster, uneven skin are seen, and the complexion is dull, then carbon peeling is what you need. It helps with the manifestations of cellulite.


The nanogel used in the peeling procedure has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. This affects the rate of exfoliation of dead cells, which significantly improves the complexion.

The result of carbon peeling is visible immediately after the procedure:

  • The pores of the skin are narrowed.
  • Pigment spots disappear or their intensity becomes much less.
  • Small wrinkles go away and deep ones become smaller.
  • Acne and pimples disappear.
  • The skin becomes smoother, and the oval of the face tightens.

And these are only immediately visible effects, but changes also occur inside the skin:

  • There is a restoration of intercellular exchange.
  • The production of collagen and elastane is increased.
  • The metabolism of the cell is normalized.

Due to its effectiveness, this method of peeling steadily keeps in the forefront of currently popular procedures for rejuvenation and getting rid of skin defects.

Carbon peeling

Features and benefits

Doing laser carbon peeling, in the first place, women note the painlessness of the method. This is very important, because not everyone is willing to endure the pain, but you want to look good on everyone. The procedure is perfect for people with sensitive and delicate skin, prone to irritations and manifestations of allergic reactions.

The second advantage is the lack of lengthy preparation for peeling and its duration. The session itself takes only 30 minutes, and it is not required to prepare for it for a long time.

Perhaps the main positive feature of the method of rejuvenating and cleansing the skin is deservedly considered the duration of the effect produced.

How is the procedure

A visit to a cosmetologist to perform a session begins with a conversation in which the specialist clarifies the details of the patient's well-being. After this, the equipment is adjusted and the peeling itself is directly.

First, all cosmetics are removed from the client's skin and a make-up remover is done. Then the face is treated with lotion and a special antiseptic solution.

At the next stage, carbon skin nanogel is applied to the skin areas where the peeling will be performed, which is allowed to dry completely.

Next, the laser effect begins, under the beam of which the dead cells exfoliate, and the heating of tissues accelerates the process of cell regeneration, which entails an increased production of collagen and elastane.

By the time the whole procedure takes about half an hour. The client does not experience negative feelings, only pleasant warmth. There should be no pain if everything goes as it should and a woman does not have an allergy.

Carbon face peeling: photo before and after, rehabilitation and contraindications

Carbon peeling is a rather gentle procedure that does not harm the skin, but after all it is necessary to follow the recommendations of a specialist after it.

The skin may be slightly irritated and have a reddish tint. This effect passes quickly and in a couple of days there will be no trace of it left. Meanwhile, one should try not to leave the apartment in order to save face from cold, heat, precipitation on the street, dust and dirt.

Carbon peeling: photo before and after

Despite the fact that after peeling does not impose a restriction on the use of cosmetics, it is still recommended to refrain from applying it for several days.

To avoid the appearance of age spots and severe irritation of the skin, you can not sunbathe under the sun or in the solarium, at least two weeks. About visits to baths and saunas, too, will have to forget about 14 days.

Since the dead skin cells exfoliate, peeling on the face may begin. This is a normal and non-durable phenomenon. To make the process faster and bring no discomfort, you should often apply a moisturizer.

Skin renewal is fast, so it takes little time to restore, but to avoid negative manifestations after such a procedure as carbonic facial peeling, you should listen to the advice of a beautician.


At first glance, carbon face peeling is a completely safe procedure that everyone can do. However, there are a number of contraindications:

  • Pregnant and lactating women cannot perform this procedure.
  • If the skin has sores, scars, then a ban on peeling.
  • Some people may have a carbon gel intolerance, which makes it impossible to conduct a session.
  • A woman who has dermatological diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema, must first be examined by a dermatologist and find out if he can resort to the procedure during remission.
  • Clients with neurological disorders, for example, with epilepsy, are also not allowed to undergo peeling.
  • Some chronic diseases that are acute in the form of a disease can serve as limitations. While there is an inflammatory process in the body, any cosmetic manipulations are prohibited.

During a conversation with a beautician can not be afraid to talk about their state of health and existing diseases. The specialist will be able to assess the situation and if there is a risk to health, then it is better to abandon peeling and find an alternative.

How many sessions should be held

To achieve the ideal result, you will need from three to five procedures. Sometimes their number reaches eight, but it’s not worth deciding on the number of sessions per course so that there are no side effects. To choose the optimal rejuvenation program can only be a professional cosmetologist.

Before and after pictures

To evaluate all the changes that occur with the skin, how their appearance improves, you can resort to comparing photos taken before and after carbon peeling.

They clearly show the effect of the procedure and the condition of the skin in the first minutes after its completion. It is clearly seen that there is no skin damage, burns or irritation.

Skin after carbon peeling

Price of the procedure

The cost of laser carbon peeling is not considered low, but the effect it gives is worth the money. If desired, any woman with average incomes can afford it without buying, for example, another toilet water. After all, a good product can not be cheap.

Beauticians all over the world have long appreciated the positive qualities of carbon laser peeling. Clients come to salons again and again to rejuvenate, eliminate their shortcomings and become attractive for a long time.


Vladlena, 40 years old: “I liked the procedure, since the effect was immediately visible, there was no pain during the session. As a result, the skin is clean and smooth, fine wrinkles on the forehead smoothed out. In a month I will go again to become even more delightful. ”

Christina, 29 years old: “I didn’t have any special problems with the skin before, but with age it became somewhat uneven, the pores widened and a greasy luster appeared. I have done three procedures, my skin now does not shine, has become smoother, and the pores have decreased significantly. Recommend"

Olga, 34 years old: “Cool! I have a very problematic skin. Constantly struggling with acne, fat and all the other "charms". The cosmetologist advised me to do carbon peeling, I tried and I really liked it. Now this is my favorite procedure, which I do with a regular frequency. The effect is stunning and long lasting. ”

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