Laser facial rejuvenation: description, “pros” and “minuses” of the technique, various options for

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Hardware cosmetology, as a separate branch of aesthetic medicine, appeared relatively recently, but quickly became widespread due to its high efficiency and long-term preservation of the result.

Laser facial rejuvenation is not only one of the most effective methods of combating the first signs of aging. The procedure allows you to remove from the face and deep wrinkles, scars, scars, uneven skin, restore an even and healthy color, increase the metabolic activity of the cells of the epidermis and dermis.

Under the influence of laser radiation on the tissue, several physical processes are observed: reflection, absorption and transmission. As a rule, these phenomena occur simultaneously, and the ratio between them is determined by the parameters of directional influence. Almost all biomolecules, including protein compounds, water molecules, melanin, oxyhemoglobin, etc., are targeted for laser radiation. The action of the laser in aesthetic medicine is based on the conversion of electromagnetic energy into heat energy.

As a result of tissue absorption, focal hyperthermia occurs, which can cause reversible and irreversible changes in the epidermal cover:

  • up to 45ºС - destruction of protein molecules and violation of the integrity of cell membranes;
  • up to 60ºС - coagulation and tissue death;
  • up to 100ºС - dehydration;
  • up to 150ºС - increase in carbon content;
  • up to 300ºС - vaporization.

Penetrating deep into the tissues of the epidermis, laser radiation is partially absorbed and scattered, resulting in a change in temperature of the surrounding cells. A rejuvenating cosmetic defect is achieved by correctly setting the parameters of the waves.

In general, all types of laser treatment can be divided into two types:

  • Ablative interventions used to cut tissue and remove cysts, adipose , etc. For such procedures using CO2 laser.
  • Non-ablative interventions do not have a damaging effect on the epidermal covers. This technique with the use of a diode neodymium laser is the main one in cosmetology. The non-ablative effect is unique, since the effect of its influence lasts for a certain time after the procedure.

To achieve the expected result from the rejuvenation session, it is necessary to take into account the so-called thermal relaxation time. For the dermis and epidermis, it is 25-600 ms. In other words, exceeding the duration of laser exposure will not lead to a further increase in the temperature of the tissues, but will increase the overheating of the surrounding.

That is why cosmetology procedures using this technique necessarily require the additional use of sources of skin cooling. The session is performed by a contactless laser, which is a light guide enclosed in a manipulator with a diverging beam of laser radiation. Sometimes they put a focusing nozzle on the manipulator, which allows you to create the optimal geometry of the laser beam.

When skin rejuvenation is performed, the beam penetrates to a depth of about 0.01 cm, “triggering” metabolic processes in the cells of the dermis, accelerating the synthesis of collagen and elastin, improving microcirculation, oxygen and nutrients.

Currently, laser facial rejuvenation is usually performed by the method of fractional exposure. In other words, the treatment of the skin is carried out not by a directed, but by a diffuse beam, which falls on the epidermis in the form of a kind of cobweb. There are several methods for performing the procedure, each with its own “pros” and “cons”. The right one is selected depending on the woman's age, skin condition and general indications for treatment.

Laser rejuvenation can be:

  • Superficial. According to reviews of doctors is the most gentle and safe method of exposure. But it is effective only for correcting minor defects of the skin of the face and body, removing small facial wrinkles.
  • The middle. Compared to the superficial, it allows to solve a wider range of problems: eliminate pigmentation disorders, restore the skin, give it a healthy look, even out facial and wrinkles. Due to the deep effects on the skin, the procedure sometimes requires the use of preparations for local anesthesia. In some cases, median laser rejuvenation is performed using CO2 lasers. This procedure is called dermabrasion and has an intense effect on the cells of the epidermal cover of the face.
  • Deep During the manipulation, the impact occurs at the maximum permissible level. A session of laser therapy is accompanied by fairly strong pain, so it is performed under local or general anesthesia. The recovery period takes a relatively long time, however, the effect lasts up to 1-1.5 years. The procedure has a powerful effect on the cells, and in addition to eliminating wrinkles, it also corrects the shape of the face oval.

It is worth noting

A more modern type of laser rejuvenation is biorevitalization. The essence of the procedure consists in the preliminary application of nourishing serum with hyaluronic acid on the skin, which allows to significantly increase the effectiveness of exposure.

Like any other ways to combat the signs of aging, laser rejuvenation has its own “pros” and “cons”. If we talk about the benefits, in the first place, such a cosmetological manipulation stimulates the work of its own skin cells.

As a result, the synthesis of collagen and elastane increases - this is a kind of “framework” that supports the contours of the face. The result can be seen in numerous photos on the Internet. In addition, the procedure is absolutely safe, the result of its implementation is comparable to surgical methods, but laser rejuvenation is non-invasive, the recovery period takes a little time, and the effect lasts at least 8-12 months.

A variety of techniques of conducting allows you to choose the method of laser rejuvenation individually in accordance with the age and condition of the skin. The disadvantages include dependence on the quality of equipment and qualifications of a specialist. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant "surprises" should review the reviews, perhaps consult on the forums and very responsible approach to the choice of the clinic. Medium and deep peeling is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, but they are easily stopped by anesthetics.

Also, the laser rejuvenation procedure cannot be performed in the hot season, as it is necessary to protect the skin of the face from the action of sunlight a few days after the session.

Laser facial rejuvenation: indications and limitations, performance technique, aftercare

Given the effect, the procedure is recommended for almost all women over 35 years old (of course, provided there are no contraindications) as the best way to quickly rejuvenate the face.

Face rejuvenation

However, more attention should be paid to this technique when:

  • the presence of wrinkles, skin sagging and other defects associated with age;
  • disruption of the production of melanin pigment cells and skin color changes caused by a similar disorder, the occurrence of age spots;
  • the presence of small scars, scars, after injuries, cosmetic procedures, on-site acne;
  • wilting of the skin associated with impaired microcirculation, slowing down of metabolic processes, lack of secretion of collagen and elastin;
  • acne, inflammatory rashes on the skin of the face.

Laser rejuvenation of the face is contraindicated in such cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period due to the risk of anesthetic ingredients in breast milk;
  • acute inflammatory dermatoses on the face, regardless of their etiology;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • exacerbation of herpes viral infection;
  • SARS, fever, exacerbation of chronic infections (such conditions are a relative contraindication, the procedure can be carried out after recovery);
  • pronounced immunodeficiency;
  • disruption of the blood coagulation system;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension, thrombophlebitis of the vessels of the face, serious cardiac abnormalities;
  • allergic reaction to drugs for local anesthesia;
  • rehabilitation period after abdominal surgery or facial surgery;
  • damage to the skin of the face.

It is worth noting

Laser contouring with vitiligo or a genetic predisposition to such a disease remains highly controversial. But most cosmetologists recommend choosing another method to combat the signs of aging.

After a preliminary discussion with the patient of the main nuances of the procedure, the specialist prescribes the time and day of the session. Before the treatment of the skin by laser radiation, the face is cleaned of the remnants of cosmetics, then an anesthetic is applied, and goggles are put on the patient.

After 10-15 minutes, directly begin a session of rejuvenation. The duration of the procedure depends on the area of ​​impact. If it includes not only the face, but also the neck with the neckline, the session lasts up to 60 minutes.

It is worth noting

The required number of sessions is selected individually. As a rule, 2-3 visits to a beautician with an interval of 4-8 weeks are sufficient. For further prophylaxis of age-related skin changes, the procedure is repeated every 6-8 months.

Laser rejuvenation of the face is a serious load on the cells of the epidermal cover, therefore, to prevent complications, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules of skin care.

Immediately after the procedure, the beautician applies a cream or serum, which accelerates the regeneration processes. Until the structures of the epidermis are completely restored, the area of ​​sunlight treated with a laser beam should be avoided.

Therefore, if this area is not covered with clothing, it is necessary to apply a special sunscreen with a maximum SPF each time before going out.

Also, for 1-2 weeks after the procedure, you should regularly use moisturizing serum, which the cosmetologist will recommend, scrubs, masks, peels are strictly prohibited. For several days after laser skin rejuvenation, you cannot use foundation, powder, blush and other similar makeup products.

Laser rejuvenation of the skin: the effect of the procedure, possible complications, cost and reviews

The result of the session can be assessed after 3-4 days.

Patients celebrate:

  • smoothing of mimic and age wrinkles;
  • face oval lift;
  • elimination of pigment spots, leveling of skin color;
  • the disappearance of acne, black spots, spider veins and other defects;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • the disappearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Laser skin rejuvenation

To assess the effect of laser rejuvenation, just look at the photos of women before and after the procedure. The skin looks noticeably better, becomes more toned, gets a healthy and young look. As a rule, the exposure session is well tolerated. But the most common complication is severe hyperemia and edema.

Similar symptoms do not occur immediately, but after a few hours. Usually, everything takes 2-4 days. Occasionally, women note peeling of the skin, which is easy to eliminate and prevent with the help of moisturizing creams. It is extremely rare that chronic dermatosis can enter the active phase, in rare cases there are pigmentation disorders.

It is worth noting

Laser rejuvenation of the skin of the face sometimes becomes a triggering factor for activating the herpes virus. Therefore, after a few days, characteristic rashes may occur.

Kretova Tatyana Stepanovna, doctor - cosmetologist, dermatologist. “I have been using laser skin rejuvenation techniques literally from the moment they appeared in our country. Vast practical experience allows us to assert with confidence that such a procedure is the optimal, most effective and safest way to eliminate most of the signs of aging skin. Adverse reactions are rare, and as practice shows, are usually associated with non-compliance with recommendations for skin care. "

Natalia, 48 years old. “For the first time I used the procedure only a year ago. It seems that I am younger by 10 years. To achieve the desired effect, 3 sessions were enough for me, and the result still holds. Everything went completely without pain, the skin recovered very quickly. The beautician explained in detail how to properly care for the face in the future. I strictly adhere to her recommendations, it allows you to save the result of the procedure as long as possible. "

The cost of the session depends on the area of ​​the treated area. Usually, laser rejuvenation of the skin of the face, neck and decollete costs about 26-30 thousand rubles.

On the one hand, the cost of the procedure is relatively high, but on the other hand, such a technique is an adequate alternative to plastic surgery.

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