Is it dangerous to remove moles: the most frequent complications from excision of formations, the efficiency of laser removal

On the skin of people can occur different formations caused by viruses, infections or other causes. In this state, some growths are safe for humans, while others are capable of hiding the risk of serious diseases.

Examination by a dermatologist

Experts note that damage to a convex mole can lead to dangerous consequences in the form of melanoma, so you should not ignore such formations, even if they are single and have a small size. Moreover, recent studies have revealed that the risk of developing skin cancer increases by more than 40% in the presence of large black moles.

What complications may occur

Many people often wonder whether it is dangerous to remove a mole and what it threatens with. It should immediately be noted that large moles are called nevi. Often they give a person a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. With frequent rubbing of a mole or pressure on it, a person may experience an adverse process.

When asked whether it is dangerous to remove moles, it should be said that if the nevus is removed by accident without medical intervention, it is extremely dangerous and threatens with the development of serious diseases and cancer among them. However, despite this, it should be understood that not all types of moles carry a cancer center.

What is the danger

Education in the form of large moles on the face of a person brings a lot of inconvenience and cause complexes, especially if the nevus is localized on the skin of a girl. In this case, women often try to get rid of a nevus themselves by pressing on it, but this is a huge mistake.

Only an experienced specialist can decide whether to remove a nevus from the face and whether it is dangerous to remove moles with such localization. At the same time, large formations with a dark color and an uneven surface are considered the most dangerous. Moreover, if such papilloma is accompanied by itching and burning, then this may indicate the development of an oncological process.

Most often, moles on the face are removed with a purely aesthetic purpose. In this case, the procedure should be carried out in the clinic, where the excision of the growth will be carried out in compliance with all rules of safety and sterility in particular.

Trying to remove a mole with the help of celandine and other folk remedies is extremely dangerous.

With proper selection of the procedure, removing moles on the body today is not dangerous. A professional approach to the method will achieve a favorable result without complications.

Moreover, in order to make sure that there are no negative consequences, before the nevus excision procedure, it is important to first carry out the diagnosis of the mole and examine it for a tendency to oncology.

Is it dangerous to remove by laser

Today, the elimination of moles with the help of a laser is the most modern and safe method for cleansing the skin from nevi. The fact is that, in contrast to the open surgical removal of growth, the laser beam will burn the mole, stopping the circulation in it. This will protect against the spread of the pathological process in healthy tissue.

Moreover, you should know that laser removal does not lead to scarring. The risk of infection or suppuration is also minimal.

Is it necessary to remove moles on the body: which growths are safe to remove, the best methods for dealing with moles and their effectiveness

All moles on the human body are divided into two subgroups: dangerous and safe formations. They can be tall, convex, have different sizes, localization, contours and color. A person must clearly understand the purpose for which he does this - for aesthetic cleansing of the skin of the face or for excision of a dangerous, inflamed growth.

Inspection of a mole

Many ask whether to remove moles on the body, if they do not cause discomfort. In this state, education may be small and throughout life will not cause a person trouble.

At the same time, moles with the following characteristics are considered the safest:

  • Small size.
  • Light cinnamon or pink color.
  • Uniform color.
  • Flat education.
  • The presence of hair on the birthmark.

It is not necessary to remove such education, since it does not pose any danger to a person and is benign.

Do I need to remove moles on the body that change their appearance and begin to cause an inflammatory process?

In this case, the indications for the need for urgent excision of moles are the following states:

  • Change the color or shape of the mole to a darker one.
  • Acquisition of glossy outflow.
  • The formation of growths on the mole.
  • Hair loss from moles.
  • Inflammation of the growth, which is accompanied by the formation of ulcers and bleeding.

In such a state, it is necessary to remove a mole as soon as possible, until it leads to the oncological process.

Ways to remove formations and possible consequences

The most long-standing method for removing moles is surgical excision. Today it is used only for the removal of large formations. This is not a safe way, so you need to practice it with extreme caution.

Mole removal is often practiced with liquid nitrogen. This is an effective procedure that allows you to eliminate the mole and not to touch the healthy tissue.

The most popular is the removal of laser nevi, in which the laser beam will burn the affected tissue. The risk of complications is very small.

Electrocoagulation and radio wave removal of moles are also practiced, but they are not as effective.

Mole removal

Are complications possible?

The risks of complications largely depend on the specific method for removing a mole, as well as the professionalism of the specialist who performed the procedure.

In this condition, a person may develop the following complications:

  • Inflammation of tissues and suppuration occurs when the infection is in the wound. You can protect yourself from this by thorough disinfection after the procedure.
  • Crust formation. It is impossible to tear it off independently, otherwise otherwise, a person may experience bleeding and a scar will appear.
  • The formation of red spots on the site of removal of moles.
  • The appearance of a burn occurs when improper removal of the growth.

Selection of a high-quality clinic and an experienced doctor will help reduce the risk of complications.

What removal method to choose

Decide what method of removal of moles to choose, should the attending physician in each case. As practice shows, the most frequently used techniques for removing moles with a laser and liquid nitrogen. They are effective and rarely provoke complications.

Before choosing a specific method, it is desirable for a person to additionally read reviews of patients who have previously undergone such an intervention.

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