Papilloma on the eyelid: the causes of the appearance of what is dangerous and how removed

Human papillomavirus is a disease that subsequently leads to infection throughout the body. A papilloma in the eyelid is not only an education that changes the appearance for the worse, but also causes complications along its course. Most often, the tumor is benign. Stress or weak immunity can lead to a growth. In addition, quite often a similar virus manifests itself in the elderly.

Papilloma on eyelid eyes

Reasons for the formation of papillomas

The reason why papilloma appeared in the upper or lower eyelid is mainly the HPV virus. The clinical picture after infection with HPV can manifest itself in decades, there are no symptoms at once, they will arise at the moment when the immune system loses its activity. You can become infected with an illness either by household or sexual methods. According to studies there are no exact reasons that affect the occurrence of the virus in humans.

But there is not one aggressive condition that enables HPV to become active:

  • stressful situations;
  • colds;
  • hypothermia;
  • severe overwork;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • ultraviolet influence.

This does not mean that these factors will necessarily provoke the papillomavirus, but they are considered favorable for its activation. Especially prone to HPV women after 30 years.

It is also important to note that the representatives of the weaker sex at a similar age have keratomas, which are the senile type of papillomas. An additional risk factor can be attributed to the ingress of bacteria in the area of ​​the eyelid, both lower and upper.

So, the pollution in this part creates an excellent environment for the development of HPV in damaged cells. In this situation, the internal appearance of papilloma may also develop.

Older people are especially susceptible to the disease, but even a small child can get sick, as well as those who have a weak immune system.

What are dangerous papillomas

Papillomas that form on the eyelid can cause a lot of inconvenience. The skin in the eye area is especially sensitive and thin, it is actively supplied with blood, which means it can easily become infected. Therefore, the growth should be removed as quickly as possible, using, for example, cauterization. Papillomas in the eye area are dangerous because subsequently their manifestations and growth may cause eye inflammation, infection of the tissues around the organs of vision.

Among other things, the increase in size contributes to the worst closing of the eyelids, the person acquires an aesthetic flaw. The question is how to best get rid of the growth.

If you do not treat papilloma, it can lead to conjunctivitis. It happens that the papilloma of the eyelid is malignant. Therefore, in order to avoid the spread and spread of the virus throughout the body, it is important to visit a dermatologist, who can refer also to an oncologist.

It is important not to try to remove the growth yourself, using the popular method of treatment, since a malignant formation can accelerate its development. And tearing or removing a wart with a laser will lead to infection of the adjacent areas of the dermis and the inflammatory process.

Indications for removal

Often, papilloma occurs in the upper eyelid, less often it is formed in the lower. Also possible options in the corners of the organs of vision. Similar to the formation of single warts, having a thin or broad base. There may also be multiple growths that are called papillomatosis.

To consult an ophthalmologist or a dermatologist in such cases, if:

  • discomfort is observed when closing the eyes;
  • there is a sense of "mote" in the organs of vision;
  • there is dryness of the membranes of the eye;
  • there is itching;
  • excessive tearing is observed;
  • there are frequent infectious diseases, for example, blepharitis or conjunctivitis.

According to the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes either removal, which is performed by the surgeon, or papilloma therapy.


Before treating or removing an outgrowth, the specialist must determine whether the papilloma has a tendency to become malignant.

Papilloma on the eyelid of the eye: effective methods for the removal and treatment of disease

Papilloma on the eyelid of the eye has various colors, shapes, sizes. By the number of lesions prevailing on the face, multiple and single growths can be distinguished.

Papilloma removal result

Differentiation of the virus has 2 types depending on the risk of their transformation into malignant tumors:

  • Having low oncological activity. They grow slowly, you can remove them by any means.
  • Having a high degree of cancer development. Such a wart is rapidly increasing in size, begins to occupy an increasing area, bringing discomfort. Before removal, it is important to consult a specialist and a proper examination.

With the appearance of any growth on the skin of the face or body, a person thinks about getting rid of it, and rightly so. Today, papilloma on the eyelid of the eye can be eliminated in many ways and techniques. First, it is important to strengthen the immune system, and then remove the problem.


To get rid of the disease, you can use medicines. These include:

  1. Oxolinic ointment (or Tebrofenovaya) has antiviral effects, applied topically.
  2. Accutane, Roaccutane are creams, the treatment process is as effective as possible when combined with therapy aimed at suppressing viruses.
  3. Superpistotel - a tool that eliminates papillomas in 3 procedures. Before you apply it, the skin around the formation must be lubricated with a protective cream. The drug itself is applied in 3 layers.
  4. Feresol - the treatment has a bactericidal effect, is used to cauterize papillomas independently.
  5. Papillek - is used to remove growths from the eyelids by destroying their tissues. Do not cause the formation of scars and scars.
  6. Interferon ointment, as well as other drugs that contain an interferon component, increase local immunity. To achieve the result, specialists can jointly appoint Genferon or Viferon.


The most accessible and simple method is laser removal. Papilloma in the upper and lower eyelids of the eye is eliminated by safe and fast manipulation.

Duration just a few minutes. After the intervention is completed, a small, almost invisible scar remains.


Also refers to a safe and easy way. Liquid nitrogen removal is done by burning off using low temperatures. Doctors give a 100% guarantee that the papilloma formed on the eyelid of the eye will no longer arise.

Surgical methods

A scalpel is also used, but very rarely for a given area of ​​the face. This is explained by the fact that they almost can not cut a small part of the skin. Also, after the manipulation, there is always a small scar; you can remove it by the cosmetic method.

Methods of traditional medicine

Home-made recipes and traditional medicine can also help in solving the problem with papillomas. Indeed, in the fight against the virus it is important to strengthen the immune system. The remedies are painless and safe. The main contraindications are no compresses and use of alcohol-containing products. It is possible to remove a growth on its own, if it is located in the center, it has a small shape and size, and also when the symptom has just begun to appear.

To remove a wart, you can use:

  • Celandine, more precisely, the juice of this plant. It is applied directly to the papilloma. This should be done as carefully as possible so as not to leave the burn on the delicate skin. At the same time, the skin around the formation must be oiled with a nourishing cream.
  • Horseradish and sea salt. These components are combined in a ratio of 2: 1 in teaspoons. Next, the mixture is rubbed into the affected area of ​​the century, left for 30 minutes and rinsed with cool water.
  • Aloe. Fresh leaves of a plant are crushed, put on cotton wool or a bandage and fixed on a papillo with a plaster for 1-2 hours.


Any independent manipulations with the help of popular recipes should be carried out with the permission of the doctor, who will be able to make the correct diagnosis and find out the nature of the neoplasm.


Vera, 49 years old, seller. “I had a growth on the upper eyelid, which, of course, gave a lot of inconvenience. I went to the clinic, I passed the tests, found out that the education is not malignant. We recommended in my case to use a laser. Everything went very quickly and without any discomfort. I am pleased with the result, as if nothing had happened in my age. ”

Maria, 36 years old, pharmacist. “I myself work in the medical industry and I know that papillomas need only be removed at the clinic in order to know for sure that there is no oncology. Cryodestruction is now popular, so after passing the tests, I chose, with the doctor, of course, this method. Relapse after it does not happen, the result is perfect, no scars and scars. Now this aesthetic defect does not bother me. ”

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