Pigment spots on the face: causes and treatment, classification
Pigmentation disorders can ruin even the most flawless appearance. Banal freckles are often the cause of numerous complexes, which leads to self-doubt and other emotional problems.
Fortunately, today experts in the field of aesthetic cosmetology offer many ways to even out skin color. Such a defect as pigment spots on the face, causes and treatment should be considered not only from a cosmetic point of view, but also from the standpoint of conservative dermatology.
Melanin is “responsible” for the pigmentation of the skin, hair color and iris. It is synthesized from other biologically active compounds (they are called precursors) structures called melanocytes. This cell is a rounded formation of irregular shape with long processes - dendrites, branching out between the dermis and the superficial epidermal layer.
After synthesis in melanocytes, granules containing melanin enter keratinocytes. These cells form the basis of the structure of the epidermal cover and, after the differentiation process, become part of the stratum corneum. Certain types of melanocytes are located around the hair follicles and other structures of the epithelial tissue of the nervous system, organs of vision, and some endocrine glands.
Interesting fact
According to recent clinical studies, violations of melanin synthesis may be one of the links in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease.
The reasons why the epidermal layer fails in the production of melanin, many. Even dermatologists can not say with certainty what was the provoking factor for the occurrence of age spots.
But according to most experts, the main reasons for the appearance of such defects are:
- Genetic predisposition . The number of melanocytes remains almost unchanged throughout life, but the “program” of their functioning is predetermined by hereditary factors. This is especially true of the predisposition to the formation of freckles, the appearance of birthmarks in the period of infancy.
- The effect of ultraviolet rays . The effects of sun radiation provoke melanin production. This is manifested in the form of tanning, the appearance of freckles. However, prolonged aggressive exposure to UV rays brings the exact opposite result - there is a high risk of burning the surface layer of the skin and the subsequent formation of pigment spots. A similar effect has a regular visit to the solarium.
- Vitamin deficiency, deficiency of minerals . Lack of nutrients leads to impaired synthesis of enzymes necessary for the normal production of melanin and its precursors. In addition, these same factors cause dry skin, its premature aging and the appearance of age-related age spots.
- Violations of the hormonal background . Hormones regulate and control all, without exception, the processes occurring in the human body. Naturally, impaired activity of the endocrine glands leads to changes in the work of melanocytes. This is especially true of the hormones of the reproductive system. Therefore, the appearance of age spots often falls on the period of pregnancy and lactation, is associated with the intake of oral contraceptives and other hormonal drugs.
- Pathologies of endocrine glands causing hormonal disorders. In particular, changes in pigmentation is one of the symptoms of diseases of the thyroid gland, the hypothalamic-pituitary system, the adrenal cortex.
- Age changes . According to experts, the number of melanocytes in the skin does not change over the years, but their ability to synthesize melanin and its “transfer” to keratinocytes is impaired. Similar problems can be avoided by using age-appropriate skin care products.
- Allergy . Pigmentation disorders usually appear with the contact form of a hypersensitivity reaction, much less often with a systemic one.
Most experts believe that certain skin defects indicate the general state of human health. Therefore, the causes of pigment spots are often diseases of internal organs, especially those associated with the digestive and urinary tract: the liver, kidneys, etc. By the way, beriberi can develop against the background of a violation of the absorption of nutrients from the stomach and intestines.
Depending on the causes, localization features and associated pathogenetic factors, pigment spots on the face and body are classified into:
- Freckles . As a rule, they occur on areas of skin that are exposed to ultraviolet radiation in people with light-colored skin. In addition to the aesthetic changes in appearance, do not pose any danger.
- Chloasma . So called pigment spots (often located symmetrically) that occur on the background of any disease. These can be endocrine system pathologies, abnormal liver function (hepatobiliary chloasma), intoxication with alcohol and tobacco metabolism products, and taking certain medications.
- Lentigo . These are small areas of impaired pigmentation, usually light brown in color, with jagged edges. Occur due to age-related changes in the functional activity of the structures of the epidermal cover, usually localized on the hands , in the area of the wrist joints, chest, neck, face.
- Nevus . This is the scientific name of moles and birthmarks, which are an integral part of the epidermal cover of any person.
It is worth noting
Changing the boundaries and the size of the mole is the reason for contacting a dermatologist to exclude malignant malignancy.
The appearance of age spots sometimes serves as a symptom of various systemic diseases:
- oncologic neoplasms;
- encephalitis;
- syphilis;
- eczema, neurodermatitis and other severe leaking dermatosis.
After a comprehensive examination of the patient and finding out the reason why such defects have arisen, the method of removing pigment spots should be chosen. First of all, melanoma is excluded, then dermatosis and diseases of the internal organs. To do this, prescribe ultrasound, laboratory and other diagnostic tests.
The main ways of dealing with pigment spots are special whitening creams, face masks based on salicylic, ascorbic acid, antioxidants and procedures of hardware cosmetology. Many women successfully use traditional medicine, which include lemon juice, herbal extracts, alcoholic infusions.
In some cases (for example, in case of an allergic reaction and diseases of internal organs), a combination of conservative therapy and cosmetic methods has a strong effect.
Why do age spots appear on the face: risk factors and skin care features
By and large, not a single woman is insured against the appearance of pigment spots on the face.
However, a greater risk of such aesthetic defects are:
- women who take hormonal oral contraceptives;
- people for a long time under the scorching sun;
- women who are often in contact with allergens, toxins, chemicals;
- patients who are for a long time in emotional stress, which ends with a prolonged depression;
- women who use poor-quality decorative cosmetics and other means or completely neglect the rules of skin care;
- people with concomitant diseases of the endocrine, digestive, urogenital system;
- women who take drugs for a long time.
The following factors increase the likelihood of the appearance of age spots:
- pregnancy;
- the presence of such problems in parents and next of kin (hereditary disorders of melanin synthesis);
- lack of proper diet;
- congenital or acquired metabolic problems;
- non-compliance with the recommendations of dermatologists regarding compliance with the tanning regime and visiting a tanning salon;
- liver pathologies (in this case, brown hyperpigmentation areas appear);
- frequent exacerbations of chronic dermatosis;
- excessively dry skin of the face and body, subject to early signs of aging .
If pigment spots appear on the face, the reasons may be related to lifestyle and diet. Inadequate consumption of foods rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, vitamins A, E, B, PP and others necessary for the skin (lean fish, vegetables, fruits, especially citrus fruits, greens, nuts), failure to follow the drinking regime can cause premature wilting skin, and as a result, insufficient functioning of melanocytes.
The sedentary lifestyle of a person is often accompanied by overweight. Fat deposits contribute to the deterioration of blood flow in the vessels of the subcutaneous tissue, oxygen starvation of the skin, insufficient intake of nutrients. Such changes can not affect the processes of production of melanin.
Often, such cosmetic defects occur during pregnancy. As a rule, they are temporary, and the skin condition returns to normal in the postpartum period. Such changes are associated with hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body. Any hardware procedures for lightening the skin in the period of childbirth are contraindicated, so doctors recommend using appropriate creams and masks.
Age reasons why pigment spots appear on the face are difficult to fight. However, proper regular care (and should be started without waiting for the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of skin wilting) will help to avoid such a problem. In addition, a woman in adulthood is often recommended to visit a cosmetologist, use hardware methods to rejuvenate the skin and eliminate age spots.
It is worth noting
If pigment spots occur, consult a dermatologist. Then, on the basis of data from diagnostic tests and laboratory tests, he will refer you for a consultation with a therapist, an endocrinologist, or another specialist.
Pigmentation on the face: causes and treatment methods of skin whitening, folk recipes and radical methods, prevention
After exclusion of pathological processes, you can choose the appropriate method to eliminate pigment spots on the skin of the face and body.
To do this, use the tools based on:
- vinegar;
- salicylic acid;
- hydrogen peroxide.
It is worth noting
The listed ingredients should be used only in the maximum recommended dilution to avoid chemical burns of the skin.
The most effective and safe for the elimination of pigment spots are considered specialized cosmetic procedures:
- Mesotherapy . Apply with insufficient nutrition of the skin, lack of essential vitamins and minerals. This procedure is a subcutaneous injection of solutions - cocktails containing biologically active substances necessary for the normal functioning of melanocytes, hyaluronic acid, etc.
- Peeling . The application of concentrated acids contributes not only to the alignment of skin color. According to the reviews of cosmetologists, this procedure has a general rejuvenating and renewing effect, corrects the shape of the oval face, eliminates other cosmetic defects.
- Photo and laser therapy . Such techniques consist in irradiating the skin, thereby activating the mechanisms of regeneration and the work of melanocytes and other structural elements of the skin.
- Dermoabraziya. During the procedure, the skin under pressure is processed by the smallest crystals, which, roughly speaking, remove the top layer of the epidermal cover. Thus, the processes of renewal and regeneration of all skin cells are launched.
For women prone to freckles and age spots, the following creams and masks are recommended that are suitable for regular “home” care:
- Vitex whitening tonic - peeling, suitable for use at any age, designed to wipe the skin 2 to 3 times a day;
- Tony Moly products: lightening cream, night mask and tomato mask;
- Bielenda Bouquet Nature serum - face scrub with lime and cucumber;
- Biotrade Pure Skin exfoliating tonic with azelaic, salicylic and glycolic acids;
- Pharmaceris serum night with vitamin C.
It is worth noting
In the product line of all cosmetic companies there are products designed to lighten the skin of the face and body. Therefore, each woman can choose a suitable type of skin and price of a cream or mask.
Various tools that can be easily prepared at home are no less successful, for example:
- dilute the yeast pack (not dry) with freshly squeezed lemon juice to a pasty consistency, apply on face and leave for 15 - 20 minutes;
- grind parsley on a blender (you can substitute a cucumber), squeeze juice through a gauze and freeze in ice tins, use for daily rubbing the skin after waking up;
- break an egg, separate the protein, add a couple of drops of pharmacy peroxide and the juice of half a medium-sized lemon, apply on face for 10 - 15 minutes;
- boil the potatoes in the uniform (1 or 2 pieces is enough), crush (you can in a blender) without adding water, milk or butter, add the yolk of one egg and apply on face for 15 to 20 minutes.
It is worth noting
Such masks can be done 1 - 2 times a week, after the procedure, apply a nourishing cream on the skin, and it is better to wash them off, not with water but with milk.
In the absence of the effect of cosmetics, folk recipes and gentle hardware methods, more radical methods of lightening the skin of the face are recommended. It:
- fractional thermolysis, during which the lesions of impaired pigmentation are treated with high-intensity laser radiation;
- cryotherapy, activation of the processes of melanogenesis occurs under the influence of liquid nitrogen and the low temperatures created by it.
It is worth noting
In more detail, all methods of dealing with pigment spots are considered by Elena Malysheva in one of the episodes of her program “To Live Healthy”.
It is necessary to adhere to fairly simple principles of prevention. First of all, you should properly care for your skin in accordance with age-related changes. Roughly speaking, the use of a cream marked 40+ does not help remove wrinkles in 35 years, but rather exacerbate the situation.
Also in spring and summer, when resting in warm countries, it is imperative to apply sunscreen on open areas of the body. And to begin the procedure for smoothing the complexion should be at the first symptoms of irregular pigmentation.