Pigment spots on the hands: causes and types

From the appearance on the hands, body and face of pigment spots not insured any representative of the beautiful half of society. But to a greater degree, mature and old women are susceptible to the appearance of spots of different shades on the hands. This problem is more of a medical problem, so getting rid of it should be comprehensive, including traditional treatment (medication, diet) and cosmetic procedures.

Pigment spots on the hands

Pigmented spots on the hands - a fairly common phenomenon and does not pose a threat and danger to life. However, this problem brings a huge aesthetic discomfort, because the spots often appear on the most prominent places - hands, face.

Today, there are many ways and cosmetics to remove the defect. Some representatives of the weaker sex use expensive creams for this purpose and ask for the help of cosmetologists, while others trust non-traditional methods of bleaching stains - gadgets, oils, compresses and creams made from natural ingredients - medicinal plants with whitening properties and safe food.

Every way is good in its own way. Salon procedures provide quick removal of stains , traditional medicine means are much slower, but they, in addition to removing stains, contribute to the overall improvement, improvement of the skin and increase the protective properties of the body.

It is preferable not to self-medicate, and before starting to apply some kind of remedy, seek qualified help and undergo an examination. Only a doctor can clarify the cause of the appearance of a cosmetic defect and prescribe a treatment that will not only relieve stains, but also eliminate the underlying cause.

Causes of

It is believed that skin pigmentation appears with age. This common assumption is erroneous, because pigment spots on the hands and body, one or a whole placer, can occur in women of different age groups. Cosmetic defect is caused not only by age-related changes, but also by the presence of serious pathologies in the body, as well as hormonal imbalances.

Before you start fighting with points on the dermis, you should understand the reasons for their appearance.

The main cause of spots on the dermis is the excessive concentration of melanin in the body. The hormone, which is responsible for the color of the dermis, hair and eyes, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation forms small dark spots. And since the hands and face are more often than other parts of the body under the sun, it is on them that the marks are formed the most.

Spots may have a different color: red, yellow, brown and white:

  • The appearance of red spots can be a harmless phenomenon, and a sign of the presence in the body of serious pathology, including urticaria - an allergic reaction spreading from the fingers and characterized by redness of the skin and peeling of the dermis. Red spots on the hands do not belong to the pigment. They are directly related to the pathologies of the cardiovascular system and the liver. The appearance of reddish marks in the initial stages is characterized by hemangioma and vasculitis. If red spots appear, seek the assistance of a qualified professional.
  • The appearance of yellowish spots on the skin is a reason to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist as soon as possible. Yellow spots indicate a malfunction of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Pigmentation of the dermis of the hands can be a sign of intestinal dysfunction, liver failure, cholecystitis. The gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs are a single mechanism, so before reading reviews on the forums for a particular remedy for pigment spots on the hands and trying to whiten them, you need to seek the help of a specialist.
  • Brown spots on the dermis can be caused by age-related changes as well as hormonal imbalances, melanomas. You can correct the spots with the help of cosmetic procedures, alternative medicine, creams.
  • The appearance of white spots on the dermis of the hands and body may be due to solar fungus or vitiligo. The main reason for the formation of white markings - excessive exposure to the dermis of ultraviolet radiation. Sunlight provokes both the occurrence and reproduction of fungus. In addition, the appearance of whitish spots can be triggered by: liver pathologies, obesity, diabetes, a decrease in the protective properties of the body.

The appearance on the body and hands of pigment spots may be due to:

  • the use of cheap low-quality creams and other means to care for the skin;
  • age changes;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • uncontrolled use of drugs and their abuse;
  • staying in the sun or in a solarium for a long time;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • the presence and progression of serious pathological conditions of disease.

Pigmentation of the dermis after 50 or senile spots

The appearance of brown or brown spots on the hands of a 50 or 55 year old woman is in most cases considered normal. Senile spots can be a sign of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as improper production of melanin and hormonal imbalance. It is possible to get rid of a cosmetic defect even in old age. To this end, it is recommended to abandon prolonged exposure to the sun, apply bleaching agents and correct the diet. It is equally important to monitor the condition of the spots. Unusual degeneration marks - a reason to consult a doctor, as in some cases, spots turn into a malignant process.

It is worth noting

Older women along with the use of tools that promote the bleaching of marks should enrich the diet with ascorbic acid and vitamin PP: hard cheeses, white poultry meat, prunes, dates, beans, greens, lemon, sour fruits and berries.

How to get rid of age spots on hands: traditional and non-traditional methods, salon procedures

There is a huge amount of tools, drugs and ways to get rid of age spots on the hands and body. In order to eliminate brown spots, you can use both a variety of creams, and salon procedures, and alternative medicine.

Spots on hands

Means for removing senile marks

Proper nutrition and the use of special tools that have a whitening effect, will help in eliminating senile stains. The use of alternative medicine means an optimal and at the same time sparing method of how to get rid of age spots on hands, which appeared due to age-related changes.

Here are some recipes for effective and proven tools:

  • It is necessary to mix 10 drops of ammonia with low-fat sour cream or kefir. The composition must be applied with a finger on problem areas. Course duration - a week.
  • It is necessary to mix in equal proportions a leaf of currant with parsley, and then brew in 200 ml of boiling water. After the composition has cooled, you need to combine it with hydrogen peroxide - a small amount. In the resulting solution should be moistened with a gauze cloth and attach to the problem area.
  • It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it in equal proportions with warm water. This solution should be used to treat problem areas of the dermis.

Creams to fight stains

The modern cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry has a variety of means by which you can get rid of pigmentation on the hands, body and face. The main thing is to choose the cream.

It is worth noting

Properly selected composition will help not only to eliminate cosmetic defects, but also to improve, rejuvenate and improve the condition of the skin.

The most popular and effective in the fight against pigmentation include.

  • Medikaliyu . It has pronounced lightening and healing properties. Since this tool also has a drying effect, it can be used for owners of a fat type of dermis.
  • Chinese Green Tea . The product contains only natural ingredients.
  • Skinoren This tool refers to medicinal. In addition to being effective in combating pigmentation, it also has antifungal and antibacterial effects.
  • Melante . It contributes to the bleaching of stains, as well as improving the condition of the skin.
  • Clotrimazole . It contributes to the lightening of the dermis and the elimination of inflammatory processes.

Each of these creams is effective in combating pigmentation. However, before using the tool should be familiar with the annotation to use and make sure there are no contraindications.

Is it possible to protect the dermis from excessive concentrations of melanin

Of course, it is easier to prevent the appearance of a cosmetic defect than to look for means and ways to get rid of age spots on the hands, body and face. The main reason for the appearance of dark markings on the dermis is exposure to sunlight. Hands are more affected by gentle, but dangerous sunshine.

Hand care

The reason for pigmentation can also be in the deficit of microelements and vitamins, as well as hormonal disruptions and the presence of skin pathologies. And the first thing to do is to identify the exact cause of the appearance of stains.

As the elimination of brown marks, and the prevention of their appearance will help the cream and ointment with hydroquinone. Use the funds should be twice a day. They are applied with massage movements for better absorption.

What will help in the cabin

The main advantage of salon procedures - quick effect. A few sessions, as a rule, are enough to permanently get rid of a cosmetic defect. For this purpose, most often used: laser therapy, dermabrasion, cryotherapy, chemical peeling.

  • In laser treatment, melanin is destroyed with the help of laser beams. The effect is visible after several procedures.
  • The procedure of removing the upper layer of the dermis with the help of special acidic substances is called chemical peeling. This procedure contributes to a quick and lasting result.
  • Exposure to cold spots or cryotherapy is one of the most effective and efficient ways to eliminate dark marks.
  • Dermabrasion consists in grinding the upper problem layers of the dermis. This procedure is carried out when acquiring marks dark brown color.

Unconventional ways

In the piggy bank of traditional medicine there are many recipes for effective means, the appropriate use of which will contribute to the fight against a cosmetic problem.

You can get rid of stains with the help of lemon juice, dairy products, honey, onion juice:

  1. It is necessary to mix the clay - 0.5 tsp with talcum powder and baking soda - the same amount. Next, add a little peroxide (3%) and stir until a mass of creamy consistency is obtained. This tool needs to lubricate problem areas. After three to five minutes, the composition should be washed off with warm water.
  2. It is necessary to mix the peroxide in the same proportion with water. In the solution should be moistened with a cotton swab, then lubricate the skin. This procedure should be carried out once a week as a supplement to other methods.
  3. You need to combine white clay with sauerkraut juice. The tool must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the dermis, for a quarter of an hour.

Application of compresses

Will help in the fight against pigmentation and compresses of natural ingredients. Here are some recipes:

  1. You need to mix the yeast - 10 g with milk - 30 ml and flour - pinch. First, the milk is heated, and then the rest of the ingredients are added. The mass should brew a little. After a quarter of an hour in the resulting composition should be moistened folded in several layers of gauze and attach to problem areas. After 10 minutes, the product should be washed off, and the skin smeared with sour cream.
  2. Twice a day should treat the dermis of the hands with castor oil. Next you need to wear cotton gloves. This procedure not only helps to get rid of pigmentation, but also rejuvenates the skin and gives it softness and velvety.

There are many ways and means to eliminate pigmentation. The main thing is to start the fight against the defect as early as possible and use for this an effective means. Do not pull if the spots began to appear. The darker they become, the more problematic it will be to remove them.

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