Laser polishing of the face: “pluses” and “minuses” of the procedure, “before and after” result, equipment used
The use of laser medicine has only 50 years. Since the advent of the first device operating on the basis of an active medium containing a ruby, this technique has become widely used in surgical therapeutic practice. This technological revolution has not bypassed cosmetology, since such an impact allows to solve many aesthetic problems.
Laser polishing of the face is not only designed to completely rejuvenate the skin. With this procedure, it is quite possible to get rid of age spots, including freckles, scars and scars after acne, furunculosis and other cosmetic defects.
According to women who have polished the face, the skin becomes young and silky to the touch like a child.
The use of laser technology in dermatology is devoted to the mass of information on the Internet, a lot of programs and talk shows on television. But many clients of cosmetic clinics still have many questions and concerns regarding the principles of the effect of laser radiation on the skin.
The epidermis contains the so-called chromophores. Roughly speaking, this is a kind of target for active laser pulses. First of all, it is melanin (a coloring pigment of the skin and hair), hemoglobin and water. Laser depilation is based on the principle of exposure to melanin; in addition, the destruction of this substance allows for the removal of pigment spots. With the influence of impulses on hemoglobin, the blood vessel coagulates, which is necessary to eliminate telangiectasias (they are also called vascular “asterisks”).
But it is the heating of water that “boosts” the work of all cellular structures without exception. First of all, collagen synthesis is stimulated many times, as a result, the relief of the skin is completely restored, wrinkles disappear, scars and scars dissolve.
If in a nutshell to describe the essence of the laser polishing procedure of the skin, then under the influence of radiation with a predetermined wavelength and power evaporates part of the cells of the epidermal cover. It triggers the process of rejuvenation, stimulates microcirculation, the supply of nutrients and oxygen.
It is worth noting
In contrast to a more gentle peeling, laser polishing of the face refers to radical cosmetological procedures; this is a worthy alternative to plastic surgery.
To date, experts suggest a rejuvenation session in several ways:
- Full deep skin treatment . It consists in a uniform effect on the entire surface of the skin, this procedure is considered more traumatic and requires prolonged rehabilitation.
- Fractional laser exposure . It is the preferred method of facial rejuvenation and the fight against major cosmetic defects. The essence of the technique is the use of microscopic beams of point, focused light, which causes small areas of damage to biological tissues. As a result, skin rejuvenation occurs much faster, without scarring, and with virtually no side effects.
It is worth noting
Fractional laser polishing of the skin provides active repair and remodeling of collagen fibers, which leads to an increase in the density of the epidermal cover and smoothing wrinkles.
The advantages of this procedure include:
- pronounced cosmetic effect;
- the possibility of eliminating age spots and freckles;
- restoration of normal healthy skin;
- smoothing of mimic and age wrinkles;
- removal of scar formation on the skin;
- narrowing of pores;
- normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands;
- slowing the aging process of the skin;
- long-term result, depending on lifestyle and age, it can last up to 5 - 7 years;
- possibility of holding on any part of the face, neck or decollete.
However, before making a decision on the procedure of laser skin resurfacing, it is necessary to take into account the negative aspects of this rejuvenation technique. It:
- soreness, but discomfort is relieved by applying gels with anesthetics;
- the need to restore the skin, in general, the rehabilitation period can last up to a month, while you need to follow certain rules regarding the use of decorative cosmetics and face and body care products;
- undesirable consequences that occur after a laser polishing session: edema, redness and other similar symptoms;
- the presence of certain contraindications;
- quite high cost compared to conventional rejuvenation procedures.
The skin is polished using lasers of the following types:
- Carbonated (or CO 2 ) . Such a device provides a deeper penetration of the rays into the underlying layers of the epidermal cover. It is used more to solve such aesthetic problems as age spots, scars and stretch marks.
- Erbium It has a more sparing effect on the skin, characterized by a relatively short rehabilitation period. Basically, this device is shown for the procedure of complex lifting and rejuvenation of the skin.
When comparing the numerous before and after photos presented on the Internet, it is noticeable that laser polishing allows us to solve a whole range of problems:
- smooth out wrinkles on the face, and we are talking about early “crow's feet”, “rays” in the mouth area;
- restore facial contours;
- eliminate nasolabial folds, wrinkles above the lips and in the nose, which gives the face a gloomy, sullen expression;
- remove foci of age and pathological hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation and generally improve the complexion due to the restoration of microcirculation and tissue respiration processes;
- improve the condition of the skin on the neck and decollete.
The procedure does not belong to the category of sparing, therefore, it is not appropriate to carry it out when the first signs of wilting appear. This method of rejuvenation is indicated for women older than 45 years. By the way, some men also do not neglect facial procedures, although women are still the main clientele of beauty salons.
Laser polishing of the face: methods of conducting, training
The most popular procedure is a deep laser effect on the skin of the face, which generally has a pronounced rejuvenating effect.
The session is carried out as follows:
- apply a solution or anesthetic cream on the skin;
- after putting on glasses to protect the iris of the eye from laser radiation, the beautician turns on the device and begins treating the skin from the localization area of the main part of wrinkles: forehead, eye and mouth corners, nasolabial fold, and if desired, the client also treats the neck and décolleté with a manipulator;
It is worth noting
The laser pass is repeated three times along the same trajectory, with anesthetic solution being applied again before each new exposure.
- after the procedure, the doctor treats the skin with an antibacterial agent, and many products additionally have anti-inflammatory activity.
The skin reacts to laser radiation in a specific way: as the rays move deeper into the epidermal cover, it first turns red, then becomes pale. At the very end of the session, small droplets of blood may come out in the area hit by fractional rays. Such symptoms are normal and indicate the correct implementation of the procedure of laser polishing of the face.
The elimination of scars using this technology has undoubted advantages over other methods of removing such cosmetic defects. With the help of active laser radiation, scars can be removed in hard-to-reach places on sensitive skin. An erbium laser is commonly used for this purpose, although carbon dioxide is more suitable for large hypertrophic scars. In this case, the beautician treats only the area of localization of the lesion, without affecting the rest of the skin.
Morphologically pigment spots are areas of melanin accumulation. Controlled laser radiation heats and destroys it, and the damaged stratum corneum peels off the skin. The complexion is completely aligned, and the result of the procedure is noticeable after a week.
It is worth noting
All modern equipment is equipped with a cooling system that prevents skin burns. However, these procedures are very painful, so laser polishing of the face, regardless of the task, is performed only under local anesthesia.
The duration of the session depends on the treated skin area. On average, it takes up to an hour, after which the patient can go home.
Special preparation for the rejuvenation is not required. But according to experts, it is necessary to pass the main tests for the detection of hepatitis viruses, HIV, general blood clinic with a coagulogram. Often, laser exposure to the skin provokes the aggravation of the herpes virus, for the prevention of this phenomenon, you should start taking Acyclovir in advance.
In addition, 14 days before the rejuvenation session, you can not sunbathe in the sun or in the solarium. If possible, you should stop taking anticoagulants, antibiotics, hormones, multivitamin complexes containing retinol, St. John's wort extract. Strongly contraindicated drugs that enhance the photosensitivity of the skin.
It is worth noting
Regardless of the indications for the procedure, the session includes the following steps: cleansing the skin of cosmetic residues, applying anesthetic, treatment of predetermined zones with a laser, the use of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory creams or gels.
Laser skin resurfacing: contraindications, possible complications, rehabilitation period and cost
There are a number of limitations to the procedure.
They are negotiated individually on a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist, but the most significant are:
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding period;
- installed pacemaker;
- thrombosis disorders;
- active course of dermatological diseases;
- acute systemic infections;
- neurological pathologies with convulsions;
- availability of electronic implants;
- malignant neoplasms;
- susceptibility to the formation of keloid scars;
- skin too dry, prone to inflammation.
It is worth noting
Laser resurfacing is not recommended for people with a too dark skin tint, the procedure may have pronounced pigmentation disorders, after which the epidural cover acquires an unhealthy light shade that contrasts sharply with the rest of the body.
Usually, with all the rules for the preparation and subsequent care, the risk of complications is minimal.
But some patients subsequently complain about:
- prolonged reddening of the skin in the area of exposure to laser radiation, usually hyperemia is reversible, but can last up to several months;
- too slow regeneration of the skin;
- the formation of scar tissue in the area of the rays;
- pigmentation disorders;
- development of secondary fungal or bacterial infection, herpes sores;
- the appearance of a marked boundary between the areas of skin treatment.
However, some of the phenomena after the laser resurfacing procedure are absolutely normal and should not cause concern, these are:
- slight swelling;
- hyperemia;
- blood excretions (usually occur after fractional rejuvenation), which dry up and form crusts.
It is worth noting
These symptoms disappear after a few days, sometimes lasting up to a week. Therefore, it is better if laser skin resurfacing is performed during the holidays.
After the rejuvenation session, you should strictly follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist. On the day of the session, it is absolutely impossible to wet the area of impact, and in the next few days to use cool water for washing. Cooling procedures are useful - compresses, rubbing the skin with ice from chamomile decoction. You should also avoid swimming pools, steam, intense physical training.
It is worth noting
Ideal for moisturizing the skin during the recovery period after laser polishing is suitable thermal water (Avene, Vichy or other brands).
In addition, in the first
Laser rejuvenation, carried out by this technology, differs from other methods of skin care. It is more traumatic for the epidermal cover, but at the same time has a pronounced effect. 10 лет). The result of the procedure is comparable in duration with plastic surgery (according to some specialists, it can last up to 8 - 10 years). However, the duration of the effect depends largely on the rejection of bad habits, proper nutrition, physical activity, adequate fluid intake and appropriate skin care.
Unlike laser peeling (not to mention the usual masks), biorevitalization polishing smoothes even deep wrinkles around the eyes and other problem areas. In addition, laser polishing of the face allows you to get rid of scars, lesions of pigmentation, the effects of acne and acne.
During the procedure, a whole layer of the epidermis is removed, which is a powerful impetus to the active formation of collagen fibers. The cost of a rejuvenation session depends on the area of impact and ranges from 20,000 for the treatment of the face area to