Aging spots on the skin, from which there is manifested and how to get rid of them
Whatever it was, and the body grows old with time, and pigmentation appears on the skin. This process is irreversible, so it is not necessary to panic when senile spots appear on the skin. It should be armed with the methods that will help improve the state of the dermis and its attractiveness.
Age pigmentation refers to any manifestation on the skin, having a different shape, size, light or dark brown shade. It is important to note that such education does not cause harm and are not considered a health hazard. All they lead to is aesthetic discomfort.
Types of pigmentation
As a rule, the senile process differs in the form of changes in the dermis in its hue, shape and size.
Among the species emit:
- Lentigo - has a yellowish color, plural distribution, up to 10 mm. Most often, the manifestation of suffer the representatives of the weaker sex, stepped over the age limit of 60 years. Lentigo begins to be seen on the upper and lower extremities, on the neck and face. Cryotherapy may be a treatment.
- Keratoma (keratosis) - its foci also spread to the legs, arms, face, but the lesion area is larger - up to about 40 mm. Along with the aging of the body, senile spots on the female skin also increase in size, become darker, and peeling is observed. If there is a lack of vitamin A, the pigment layer is conversely lighter. The causes of such spots are dry skin of an age nature, disruption of the body’s hormonal activity, toxic substances that have a detrimental effect on the skin.
- Xanthomas - have an irregular shape and a smooth surface. Observed in the corners of the eyes a small yellowness. Women at risk after 55 years who have impaired metabolic processes are at risk of obtaining pigment.
What does age pigmentation say
Pigments on the skin, for example, on the hand, can say not only that the human body undergoes a change in age, but also that there are pathologies such as:
- Malfunction of the endocrine system. If there is a lack of either a surplus of any hormone, then premature aging develops, the skin does not properly absorb the nutrients, which become the reason for the development of age spots on the skin.
- Polyps in the intestines or stomach can also cause, especially if unnatural manifestations are present around the mouth. This type of stain is not related to an excessive amount of melanin, and they say that the digestive system does not work correctly. Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract will help remove stains from the body.
- Xanthomatosis is a disease that is marked by excessive deposition of fat in the subcutaneous layer. Most often, people who have a full body get sick, then a speck occurs, the diameter of which is up to 2 cm. When it is possible to get rid of excess fat, it is easier to remove the pigmentation.
- Beriberi, namely the lack of vitamins C, B, PP. A change for the better occurs in a week to 10 days after the inclusion of milk, meat, cheese, carrots, citrus fruits, and eggs in the diet begins.
It is worth noting
All age-related changes, namely pigmentation must proceed under the supervision of a physician. It is necessary that the cells of the epidermis did not begin the process of rebirth. Then they begin to randomly divide, forming a tumor that can reduce a person to death. In this case, no tool will bring results.
Senile lentigo on the body can be complex. So to identify the causes of its occurrence and subsequent removal, it is important to examine the whole body. So, an ultrasound of the liver, stomach, intestines should be prescribed, and blood must be donated for biochemical and clinical research.
How to diagnose possible failures in the body
Even considered on their own manifestations, a person can find out which signal gives pigmentation:
- Yellowish reflux - metabolic disorders, elevated cholesterol levels. Mostly observed in obese people. For treatment, you can apply the popular method of treatment.
- Spots near the mouth - this is due to the appearance of polyps in the intestines and stomach.
- The back of the hands and forearms are framed by brown spots - the liver is impaired.
- Light spots in large quantities - lack of vitamins. Here, even cosmetics will come to the rescue.
Often, the pigment manifestations are not endowed with symptoms. To visually change the condition of the skin for the better, you can resort to many ways: traditional medicine, cosmetics, etc. But to heal, the first thing is to find out the reason, which is visible only to a specialist.
On the face
Senile spots located on the skin of the face are treated after a full examination, which allows you to tilt problems in the work of the kidneys, thyroid, liver, and digestive system. It often happens that after identifying the disease of the internal organs and their recovery, the spots disappear on their own. When the organs are in perfect order, a laser can be used that effectively removes the aesthetic problem.
Traditional medicine suggests using herbal teas: kidney teas, St. John's wort, milk thistle, celandine and others.
It is necessary to mention that the spots come out when there are parasites in the body. To expel them you can drink decoctions of tansy, wormwood infusions, tincture of walnut leaves.
Therapists are advised to take vitamins for prevention, in which riboflavin and folic acid are present.
On hands
To get rid of stains on the hands, you need to apply a cream containing tretonin or hydroquinone. They perfectly whiten the skin. Often, such creams are endowed with an additional vitamin complex. Also like cosmetics can prepare yourself at home from natural ingredients.
On the body
You can rid the body of the dermis from stains by cleansing the skin with chemical means, for example, fruit acids, or peeling. Also effective is a method of herbal medicine, which is performed by means of light pulses. Laser polishing and photorejuvenation are no less popular. Thanks to them, clusters of melanin under the dermis are selectively removed during one session.
Senile spots on the skin: the causes of the appearance and effective methods of elimination
The first sign that says that the body undergoes age-related disorders is senile spots on the skin, the causes of which are inherently in aging. They can get any shape and size. There is little joy from such manifestations, so women who care about their appearance should worry about their removal.
The main causes of pigmentation are:
- natural aging processes;
- excessive amount of sunbathing;
- lack of vitamin C and PP;
- disease of internal organs and skin ailments.
How to remove the laser and other salon procedures
To overcome the age spots on the skin of the body, the causes of which are caused by one of the above factors, women prefer a laser or other procedures carried out in salon conditions.
- Chemical peeling is carried out in any age category. Used fruit acid applied to the affected area.
- Phototherapy , based on the removal of spots by light pulses.
- Laser resurfacing removes the pigment and makes the skin as smooth as possible.
It is worth noting
This or that procedure is prescribed to remove senile stains on the skin of the hands only after a specialist has identified the causes of such manifestations, taking into account the patient's health condition.
Folk remedies
Popular techniques are quite effective, allowing to remove the age spots on the skin of the hands, the causes of which most often lie in the age-related changes of the body.
Having entered a query on the Internet, one can find more than one real forum in which such recipes are popular:
- Rubbing mustard can remove senile manifestations quickly and efficiently. It is enough to make a gruel of mustard powder, lemon juice, olive oil. Process the right places daily.
- You can make a mask, which includes beaten egg white, lemon juice. Ingredients are whipped with a blender. The resulting composition of an elderly person applies to clean skin for
15-20 minutes and covers with polyethylene. Further washes away. - Lemon in combination with dill also helps in the problem on hand. 100 ml of juice mixed with 5 tbsp. l chopped dill, then the mixture is poured into warm water and hands are dipped for
15-30 minutes.
How to fix the result
In order not to lose the result of treatment and not allow re-emergence of such a skin defect, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and receive timely therapy if it is needed when the cause is impairment of the systems and organs.
Photos and reviews
Maria, 64, pensioner: "showing these horrible spots on the hands. I coped with lemon, or rather its juice. Straight lubricated the skin in the evening, before bedtime. But the next day to protect the hands from the sun, not to make trouble. Also, before going out into the street, I smeared my skin with sun-cream, the tube was always with me. The stains were gone until the new ones showed up. ”
Katerina, 56 years old, the seller: "For my work, it is important that the appearance was nice. But these spots went across the face and neck. I turned to a beautician, they tried to bleach me. I will say that I did not see the result. Then she decided to handle herself. Twice a day, I wiped the lesions with 2% salicylic acid, and then applied “Panthenol”. After 4 days, the spots seemed to evaporate. Try it, you will not regret it. ”