Removal of atheroma: causes of formation, indications and limitations to hardware and surgical treatment

Atheroma Content:

Atheroma is sometimes called a benign skin neoplasm, but this statement is not entirely true. The fact is that such a "tumor" is a consequence of blockage of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland and is an accumulation of its secret.

This serves as an excellent breeding ground for the reproduction of pathogenic flora, and as a result, the development of purulent abscess, phlegmon and other bacterial complications.

Therefore, the removal of atheroma is carried out not only for aesthetic, but also for medical reasons. As a rule, a similar formation is formed on the skin areas rich in sebaceous glands.

This is the scalp, axillary, inguinal folds, certain areas on the face (forehead, chin), back, shoulders.

As a rule, atheroma occurs more often in adulthood, less often in a child in puberty, and sometimes in young children. Externally, it is a cone of spherical shape, the color is not different from the surrounding healthy skin. The boundaries are clear, since the atheroma is outside covered with a dense capsule.

In some cases, a darker point is visible at the site of the outflow duct of the sebaceous gland. In the absence of bacterial inflammation, palpation is painless and does not bring any discomfort. A distinctive feature is the offset relative to the surrounding tissue. The size of these cones varies from 1 to 3-5 cm and more.

It is worth noting

The appearance of local hyperthermia, swelling, redness, pain when pressed, a sharp increase in atheroma in size, and sometimes a general increase in body temperature indicates the accession of a bacterial infection. Such a condition serves as an indication for the appointment of antibiotics and surgery.

As a rule, the main cause of atheroma is increased secretory activity of epidermal glands. In addition, the consistency of the sebaceous secretion often changes, increasing its viscosity leads to blockage of the ducts.

Provocative factors for the occurrence of atheroma are:

  • non-compliance with the rules of hygiene and skin care of the face and body;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics, especially if it remains on the skin for a long time;
  • hormonal changes that provoke excessive secretion;
  • use of dry, ball and aerosol antiperspirants.

By and large, atheromas do not pose a threat to human life. However, doctors recommend getting rid of the formations as quickly as possible in order to avoid secondary inflammation or abscess, especially since modern removal methods allow you to do this painlessly and quickly.

But strict indications for the procedure are:

  • aesthetic discomfort;
  • features of localization, when atheroma is constantly exposed to injury and mechanical friction with clothes, while walking, etc. (for example, if the bump is in the lumbar region, on the scrotum in men and near the labia in women, in the armpits, etc.);
  • when squeezing atheroma next to the located blood and lymphatic vessels, especially in this regard, education in the neck area is dangerous;
  • the risk of disruption of the work of neighboring organs in the localization of education near the nose, ears, etc .;
  • risk of bacterial infection or often recurrent suppurations.

When choosing the appropriate method by which the removal of atheroma will be carried out (for example, using a laser or a surgical operation), possible contraindications should also be taken into account.

These include:

  • children up to 3-4 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • severe bleeding disorders or taking anticoagulants;
  • serious diseases of the central nervous system, accompanied by convulsive seizures;
  • oncological tumors;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​atheroma;
  • diabetes;
  • availability of electronic implants;
  • acute infections or exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

It is worth noting

With a strong inflammation of atheroma, its extraction is possible only with the help of surgical intervention.

However, under strict medical conditions (with a threat to the general health of the patient), atheroma is removed in any case. If there is one or more of the listed contraindications, the doctor selects the best treatment for the patient, which will minimize all risks and complications.

Removal of atheroma by surgery, laser treatment, electrocoagulation

Atheroma on the eyelid

Laser vaporization of atheroma today is one of the most common and safe (but also the most expensive for the price) methods of therapy. As a rule, CO2 laser is used in aesthetic cosmetology and surgery.

The essence of the technique consists in dissecting the tissues over atheroma (this manipulation is carried out using a laser knife), after which its content, roughly speaking, is evaporated under the influence of ultrahigh temperatures. At the same time, healthy tissues do not suffer, and subsequent suturing is also not required. During the procedure, the blood in the damaged vessels of the subcutaneous tissue quickly coagulates, which prevents bleeding.

In addition, intense heat ensures protection against bacterial flora and rapid wound healing. Now laser removal of atheroma is very popular and is carried out in most clinics, so there are a lot of videos on the network, where the progress of the procedure is shown in detail.

Electrocoagulation of sebaceous cysts is more traumatic. After excision of the skin with a special scalpel, essentially an electrode, the doctor makes a small incision of the atheroma's dense capsule and extracts its contents. After that, using a sterile surgical scapula, the capsule itself is removed. Occasionally, a suture may be required after the procedure.

It is worth noting

Laser vaporization and electrocoagulation are possible only with a small amount of education.

But in some cases minimally invasive hardware treatment methods are ineffective. Indications to carry out the removal of atheroma surgically are:

  • large cyst size;
  • suspected purulent abscess or cellulitis, which requires disinfection and appropriate treatment of the cavity of the accumulation of sebaceous secretions;
  • the presence of contraindications to laser, radio wave exposure or electrocoagulation (for example, an implanted pacemaker).

During surgery, the doctor cuts the skin with a scalpel, scrubs the atheroma cavity and removes the dense capsule. If necessary, the wound is treated with antiseptics. After the procedure, the incision is stitched. The large size of the cyst requires additional histological examination to eliminate the risk of cell degeneration.

As a rule, surgical removal of atheroma, electrocoagulation and laser irradiation are performed under local anesthesia. An anesthetic injection is made directly to the area near atheroma, the duration of the drug is up to 30-40 minutes, sometimes longer. Usually this is enough for the procedure, if necessary, do a second injection.

Removal of atheroma by radio wave method, non-traditional methods of therapy, postoperative care

Another effective method of getting rid of cysts of the sebaceous glands is radio wave exposure. The procedure is similar to laser removal.

A concentrated beam of radio waves is sent to the skin, which provides access to education and its complete extraction without the risk of recurrence. In addition, the removal of atheroma by the radio wave method does not require suturing, it lasts no more than 15 minutes. The advantage of the procedure is the rapid regeneration of skin tissue - usually 2 weeks are enough.

Removal of atheroma surgically

Some patients prefer alternative therapies using these recipes:

  • crushed garlic clove into mush and mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 1, the mixture with an effort to rub into atheroma twice a day;
  • heat the therapeutic clay to a temperature of 40-42º and make applications on the affected area;
  • rub the soap, pour water and boil down to a thick consistency, spread such “ointment” on gauze, and then apply to the atheroma for the longest possible period of time;
  • Mix spruce resin with any animal fat in the proportion of 2: 1, regularly spread on the seal.

As a rule, the removal of atheroma by the radio wave method and a laser does not cause any complications and does not require special care. Patients are advised not to wet the skin in the area of ​​impact for several days, avoid staying in the open sun, visiting the solarium, baths, saunas, swimming pools. Surgical removal of atheroma should properly care for sutures.

Immediately after the procedure, a sterile dressing is applied, the skin is treated with antiseptics. If the size of the formation was too large, a drainage tube is left in the wound for several days. The stitches are removed after 3-5 days.

Possible complications are indicated by:

  • fever;
  • swelling, redness, severe pain, blood-like discharge from a wound;
  • tissue regeneration too slow;
  • bleeding in the suture area;
  • general deterioration of well-being.

It is worth noting

If these symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor for additional treatment of the wound and a course of antibiotic therapy.

Removal of atheroma by the radio wave method is cheaper than laser. The cost of such procedures is about 5100-5500 thousand rubles. The price of electrocoagulation of education is about 3,000 rubles, surgery - up to 6,500 thousand.

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