Laser wart removal: causes, main types and when treatment is required

Wart Content:

Warts are dense growths on the skin yellowish or flesh-colored. The size of such formations can be different - from a couple of millimeters to a centimeter or more, when several growths merge together.

Localization can be any, but mainly these defects are located on the skin of the hands in the area of ​​the hands and wrist joints, palms and soles, and some forms selectively affect the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Laser removal of warts is a modern and effective method of getting rid of this cosmetic and medical problem, which has a minimal risk of complications, a fast healing period and rare relapses.

The main cause of warts is the papillomavirus (or abbreviated HPV). This disease is highly contagious. The HPV pathogen is able to penetrate the slightest sores on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes upon contact with an infected person. In addition, the virus may remain for some time on household items, handrails of public transport, etc., therefore, no person is immune from the disease.

However, for many people, the human papillomavirus is destroyed by its own immune system or remains in an inactive state for a long time. However, against the background of a weakening of the body's defenses (for example, with prolonged infections, pregnancy, etc.), the virus is activated, which is accompanied by the appearance of various types of warts.

It is worth noting

HPV is distinguished by selectivity of action in relation to the epidermal and mucous membranes of the human body and does not affect the internal organs. However, some forms of mucosal formations are a serious risk factor for the development of malignant tumors.

There are several types of warts:

  • Vulgar. They are among the most common forms of HPV. Their size does not exceed 5–7 mm, the primary locations are fingers and hands, less often the area of ​​the phalanges on the foot and knee joints.
  • Flat. More expand in breadth, practically not speaking above the surface of the skin. Usually occur on the face, the area of ​​the upper shoulder girdle. They tend to grow and unite single, multiple growths into one large spot.
  • Plantar and palmar. As the name implies, this form of warts occurs only on the palms and feet. In appearance it is very reminiscent of a corn, rounded in shape, covered with flaky skin, under which small dark dots are visible.
  • Papillomas. Filamentous outgrowths that usually occur in the armpits, on the abdomen, in the mammary glands. Painless, soft consistency, the color does not differ from the surrounding skin, however, in case of accidental damage by nails or clothing clasps, a rather heavy bleeding occurs.
  • Genital warts. The most dangerous in terms of oncology manifestation of human papillomavirus. Externally, these tumors are similar to papillomas, which grow together to form a kind of "cluster". It affects only the mucous epithelium of the genital organs of both men and women and is transmitted mainly through sex.

It is worth noting

HPV with localization in the genital area is a major risk factor for cervical cancer in women. Therefore, such manifestations should not only be removed. Additional consultation of the immunologist, gynecologist, biopsy sampling is necessary.

With the exception of genital warts, warts do not pose a threat to human health. Malignant degeneration of other forms of HPV occurs in isolated cases. In many patients, after normalization of the immune system, such formations disappear on their own.

Wart on finger

However, to think about laser or some other method of removal (for example, using cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen) warts is necessary if:

  • their number increases;
  • growths are located in prominent places, which creates a noticeable aesthetic inconvenience;
  • due to localization features, warts are subject to constant friction or other mechanical damage.

But even with a low oncogenic risk, before signing up for laser wart removal, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The fact is that usually the cause of external manifestations of HPV are disorders in the immune system. If they are not corrected and adequate antiviral therapy is not carried out, the probability of a relapse of the disease is high.

Laser wart removal: indications and contraindications for the procedure, the benefits

Getting rid of warts using modern laser technology has a number of advantages over other methods of cleansing the skin of the face and body of such tumors. First of all, it is safety. Surgical instruments do not directly contact the patient's skin and blood, which eliminates the risk of secondary bacterial infection.

The procedure itself takes only minutes, is painless, does not cause bleeding (as vascular coagulation occurs at the same time), does not leave scars and scars. The effectiveness of this method of elimination can be assessed by photographs in the style of "before and after", which are on the sites of numerous centers specializing in aesthetic surgery.

Laser wart removal

Laser wart removal is ideal for removing such defects from visible skin areas. However, like any other cosmetological or medical manipulation, this method of treatment has its own advantages and disadvantages. Laser radiation brings results only if the size of the formation does not exceed 0.5 - 0.7 cm. For larger growths, it is necessary to choose another removal method .

It is worth noting

The main indication for the procedure is the presence of warts and papillomas on any part of the body, including the mucous membranes.

Treatment of tumors with a laser is not carried out in the following cases:

  • obvious external or laboratory signs of malignant degeneration of warts or condylomas;
  • period of childbearing and breastfeeding;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • thyroid disease, diabetes;
  • the presence of skin lesions, dermatoses in the active stage, herpetic ulcers and a rash of unknown origin in the area affected by laser radiation;
  • exacerbation of chronic infection, fever.

Another advantage of this method of wart removal is the possibility of manipulation at an early age. Moreover, specialists in the field of dermatology consider it the only method of treatment. The procedure is performed for children under local anesthesia, after conducting a preliminary allergy test for the preparation for anesthesia.

The use of this method allows you to completely remove the growth in one visit to the doctor, without using other means of therapy. In addition, the use of this method eliminates the risk of recurrence. However, if the HPV is still in the active phase, there is no guarantee that the formation will occur again in another skin area.

Laser wart burning and subsequent skin repair, cost

After the manipulation, the doctor explains in detail all the principles of postoperative care. Immediately after the procedure, a dense crust is formed, which disappears on its own in a few days. Under it exposes a young, thin skin. Fully relief and color is restored after 1 - 2 weeks.

Laser removal of warts

Rules for the care of the growth area include:

  • it is forbidden to wet the skin, go to the pools, saunas until the crust dies;
  • until complete healing, protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • not to use decorative cosmetics (powders, foundation creams, blush, and if the wart was localized in the area with eyeshadows and mascara);
  • do not apply wound healing, antibacterial ointments, cover the wound with a plaster or bandage without additional instructions of the doctor.

It is worth noting

Some time after the procedure, the skin in the area of ​​impact somewhat differs in color from the surrounding epidermal cover; in addition, a small cavity remains at the site of the wart. But after a few weeks, the effects of manipulation become completely invisible.

Subject to all recommendations of the doctor, the risk of complications is minimal. However, when trying to remove too large growths, laser burning of the wart may not bring the proper result. The price of the procedure depends on the number of formations and their localization and ranges from 500 to 2000 rubles. You can clarify the cost at a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

Alternative methods for removing warts are:

  • Destruction under the influence of liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction) , the wart is point-treated with an applicator. Due to the very low temperature, there is an instant necrosis of growth tissue. But in some cases, one session is not enough.
  • Radio wave exposure . A similar method is similar to a laser, but in this case the wart is processed by waves of given parameters. As a rule, after the manipulation on the skin also no visible traces remain.
  • Electrocoagulation . The cells of the formation die off under the influence of electrical impulses. However, this technique is more painful and is characterized by a long recovery period.
  • Operation Large and enlarged warts, as well as growths dangerous by malignant degeneration, are surgically removed under local anesthesia. If necessary, tissue formation is sent for biopsy.
  • The use of drugs . Currently, warts burning products for home use have started to appear on the market. These are concentrated solutions of celandine, acids and portable devices for independent cryodestruction (for example, Wartner).

You can also use alternative medicine methods. So, it is advised to lubricate the growths with fresh juice of Kalanchoe, onions, garlic, figs, tui. However, laser burning out of warts is much more efficient than other methods in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. By the way, this method is successfully used to remove moles and other cosmetic skin defects.

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