Laser hemangioma removal: indications and contraindications for the procedure
Frequent phenomenon that leads to the modification of body tissues is called hemangioma. It is formed from the internal cells of the choroid. In general, such neoplasms are not malignant. They appear most often in childhood. However, among adults, there is also such a problem. Despite the fact that hemangioma refers to a benign formation, it can have a devastating effect on skin cells.
Today, salvation can be the removal of hemangioma laser. Its rays can be absorbed by hemaglobin, which is inside the tumor, and coagulate the vessel. With the correct procedure, the laser radiation affects only the problem area, without affecting healthy areas of the body.
It is important to know what consequences may occur with hyperplasia of the vascular tissue. This formation can be in any layer of the skin.
A benign tumor does not cause metastasis, but may increase in size. In some cases, it can develop inside the skin for many years.
After that, it appears on the surface. Such a hyperplasia does not pose a fatal threat to the human body. The fact is that the zone of its location is mainly located far from the internal organs. However, there is a risk of germination in the subcutaneous fat cells and the negative impact on them. It happens that a tumor grows to the bone tissue.
The nature of education and its features
Hemangioma refers to vascular tumors. Almost 5% of newborns are registered with a similar pathology. The nature of the occurrence of such a tumor is still not precisely defined. There are various assumptions on this issue.
One of them is that it is the result of an infection suffered by a woman during pregnancy. Hemangiomas are practically impossible to classify. Today, experts divide them into several basic types.
Simple or capillary. The formation of bright red color, different smooth structure and smooth edges. Most often located on the surface of the skin, sometimes goes deep into the layer. Palpation acquires a pale pink color.
Cavernous. The neoplasm develops under the skin and has the appearance of nodules. It may be of different sizes, and manifest in a dark purple or bluish color.
Combined. It has indications of two types described above.
Mixed The pathology of such formations is distinguished by their composition, which may include tumor cells of either connective or nervous tissue.
Experts recommend to take such entities seriously. They can not be called completely safe, in some cases they can cause serious consequences. For example, disruption of work near the lying organs, infection, the appearance of a small bleeding, the creation of scars. In practice, there have been such cases that the tumor itself resolved.
Modern medicine offers various methods of disposal of such entities. Laser hemangioma removal is the easiest and most effective way. It has a lot of advantages and has no side effects. Today, if necessary, the laser can even be used to treat newborns.
Indications and contraindications for the procedure
The indication for the appointment of this technique becomes a rapid increase in the tumor, its location in the genital area. Also, if hyperplasia of the vascular tissue causes a person’s psychological discomfort, then a laser is used. This technology lies in the fact that with the help of a high temperature of laser radiation, the tumor is “evaporated”. At the same time, the laser is aimed only at diseased tissue, without touching healthy ones.
After the procedures, in the future, the problem area of the skin becomes natural. The time allotted for the session depends on the size of the hemangioma and can last several minutes. If the cultivated area is small, then do not resort to anesthesia.
Local anesthesia can be used in the treatment of the formation of large parameters, as the patient will have to feel weak tingling.
After the procedure, the sore area of the body is covered with a special bandage. For laser treatment of large areas of hemangiomas, several procedures are prescribed, according to aesthetic requirements. In this case, between sessions there is a break from
To date, this tumor is removed by a laser in many clinics. It is worth noting that such treatment is expensive, but who will spare money for maintaining health. It is only important to know whether this procedure can be used.
The fact is that the removal of hemangioma by laser has some contraindications:
- The skin is covered with a strong tanning layer.
- Endocrine system abnormalities.
- The skin has an increased photosensitivity.
- The use of drugs that enhance the perception of light by the skin.
- Period of pregnancy and lactation.
Laser treatment of these tumors is recommended only on prescription. Each case he considers individually.
Perhaps this method is contraindicated to you. However, you should not be upset, because today there are many other quite effective methods that will suit you.
Algorithm of the procedure
Before using the laser removal of such a tumor, it is necessary to carry out the necessary preparation. The doctor sends the patient to the examination, which will reveal the characteristic data of the tumor. If the hemangioma has a large size, then additional research is appointed, for example, angiography. The type of anesthesia depends on the size of the tumor.
For its small size, you can use special anesthetic cream that is applied to the problem area. If the formation of more than one centimeter, the doctor recommends an injection for pain relief. Since the procedure is slightly painful, it is better not to refuse anesthesia.
During the session, the specialist starts the device, configured to the desired number of laser flashes. At this point, hemoglobin, which is present in the tumor vessels, absorbs light rays. Light is reorganized into heat that sticks them together. As a result, the stain is reduced in size and acquires a light shade.
After the end of the manipulations, a healing agent in the form of an ointment is applied to the treated area of the body: Bepanten, Panthenol and other drugs of a similar effect. They must be used for
As shown, hemangioma is difficult to eliminate in one session. The course of laser therapy to remove such a tumor is designed for
By the same method is carried out laser removal of hemangioma in children. In this case, an anesthetic injection almost never done. It is best of all to carry out similar treatment to children at early age
Laser removal of hemangioma: advantages and disadvantages of the procedure
Treatment of hyperplasia of vascular tissue with a laser today is the most common. This technique has many advantages in order to have such popularity.
Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure
Laser radiation has unique properties. The laser acts directly on the problem area, without affecting healthy organisms. Thanks to this method, it is possible to fight against formations in the most sensitive areas. Laser therapy is used in the presence of almost all types of vascular formations .
It has many advantages:
- A session takes a small amount of time.
- After the procedure, there are no scars, and the skin acquires a natural shade.
- The rehabilitation period does not last long.
Despite the fact that laser removal of hemangioma has such significant advantages, this method may not be suitable for everyone. There are cases when the tumor is located inside the body or very close, has a large size, has grown deep into the tissue. Then, it is necessary to combine laser radiation with other therapeutic methods.
It happens that for the full effect it is necessary to resort to several sessions of laser treatment. In this case, the rehabilitation period becomes longer compared to some other effective methods. It is also worth noting that the result of treatment depends largely on the qualifications of the specialist who performs such manipulations.
Side effects
High-temperature rays do not bring any special side effects that could affect patient deterioration. Laser removal of hemangioma is generally perceived easily. After the procedure, the problem area of the skin does not imply any contact, therefore the risk of infection is eliminated.
During the rehabilitation period, which lasts almost 15 days, some patients may show weak reddening of the skin, slight swelling, and sometimes a small hemorrhage. Over time, these side effects disappear without medical intervention.
Reviews and cost
Laser treatment of hemangioma has many reviews on the Internet. All of them are available and can be found. It should be noted that most of the reviews have a positive direction. People who have already used this method of treatment are satisfied and grateful.
One minus is the high cost. As for the price, it is impossible to answer unequivocally. The cost of such a procedure depends on many factors: the size of the affected area, where it is located and how complex its origin is.
In addition, the cost of laser therapy is influenced by the status of the clinic and the presence of modern equipment in it. The cost of such a procedure varies from 5 thousand to 18 thousand rubles.