Laser chalazion removal: causes of pathology, indications and contraindications
Chalazion is a very common ophthalmologic pathology that can develop in both an adult and a child. This very unpleasant and at the same time dangerous illness is accompanied by the formation in the upper or lower eyelid of a tumor-like tubercle.
In the initial stages, the symptoms of the disease are similar to barley manifestations. Thanks to an accurate diagnosis and a sound approach to therapy in the early stages, the illness can be cured with the help of drug therapy and physiotherapy treatment.
Ignoring the manifestations of the disease as well as delayed treatment in most cases leads to the need to remove chalazion with a laser or with the help of a surgical intervention. The first method, that is, laser therapy is preferable, since this technique is low-impact, and there is no need for stitching, the risk of re-development of the pathology is completely eliminated, and there are no traces after laser removal.
Removal of the chalazion by laser is the most popular and effective, according to patient reviews, method of removing education, its price is low. However, before applying the method, doctors try to cure the disease with the help of conservative methods and corticosteroids.
Laser therapy is used in cases where conservative treatment (the use of medical drugs and physiotherapy procedures) for a long time is ineffective and does not bring the expected result.
What provokes the development of the disease
With the advent of chalazion on the century, people often encounter people who have a habit of rubbing their eyes with dirty hands. Non-observance of the rules of hygiene provokes active reproduction of pathogenic microflora under the skin, which becomes the cause of the formation of a formation that exerts constant pressure and discomfort.
The disease develops very slowly. Often, its occurrence is caused by blocking the functions of the sebaceous gland. Some people confuse chalazion with barley and, accordingly, treat them incorrectly, which only aggravates the situation.
There are several signs by which chalazion can be distinguished from barley:
- For several days after the onset of the disease, the inflammation disappears, and a tubercle remains on the affected area.
- Barley occurs due to infection, and the development of chalazion is due to the blockage of the glands.
- Chalazion unlike barley has a large size.
The disease is accompanied by pronounced manifestations. As it progresses, itching, swelling, redness and foreign body sensation in the eye are noted. Removal of the chalazion with a laser with further use of medications is the best and one of the safest and most effective ways to treat pathology.
The occurrence of the disease in addition to blockage of the sebaceous gland may be due to:
- increased sebum production;
- lowering the protective properties of the body;
- vitamin B deficiency;
- inner barley;
- wearing contact lenses;
- farsightedness;
- gastrointestinal tract pathologies: helminthic invasions, dysbacteriosis, enterocolitis, chronic gastritis;
- skin ailments: seborrheic dermatitis, demodicosis;
- excessive use of decorative cosmetics, the habit of sleeping with makeup;
- hypothermia;
- eye injuries;
- frequent stressful situations;
- chronic blepharitis;
- diabetes.
In addition to aesthetic discomfort, pathology is accompanied by pulsating pain, severe burning, increased body temperature, increased sensitivity in the affected area, tearing, itching and swelling. If you experience such symptoms, you should seek the help of a physician and be examined.
After clarifying the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe therapy. With early treatment - as soon as the tumor appeared, experts prescribe conservative treatment, consisting in the use of drugs, traditional medicine and physiotherapy. Removal of chalazion by laser is an alternative to surgical treatment - surgery. This method is much more effective than surgical intervention.
The benefits of laser therapy include:
- bloodlessness;
- minor trauma;
- short postoperative period;
- minimal risk of exacerbation;
- no need for stitches (after laser treatment there are no rough scars).
Indications and contraindications to the removal of education
The operation, which consists in removing the tumor, is prescribed in such cases:
- the seal is large;
- the tumor adversely affects the condition and functioning of the eye apparatus;
- low efficiency from the use of drugs and physiotherapy;
- symptoms strongly pronounced.
Laser therapy is not performed for people suffering from exacerbations of chronic pathologies, an infectious disease with an acute course, as well as poor blood clotting.
Laser removal of a chalazion, and also application of other methods of treatment of an illness
Pathology therapy should be timely. One of the most effective, bloodless and less traumatic methods of treating pathology is laser removal of the chalazion. The cost of the procedure is low, because it is in great demand. Preparation for the procedure consists in quitting smoking and drinking alcohol several days before the intervention. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.
The average duration of the laser removal of the chalazion is an hour. In order to remove growths, a device working on CO2 or carbon dioxide lasers is used.
Do not be afraid of the laser beam and methods in general. During removal of the neoplasm, the patient will not experience any pain or discomfort. Another advantage of the technique is the absence of bleeding. This means that during the laser removal of the chalazion, tissue damage is slight, which contributes to their rapid recovery.
The procedure during the operation is as follows:
- First, local anesthesia is performed. At occurrence of difficulties at the given stage, the special eye drops possessing soothing effect are entered.
- Using a clamp, fix and fix the eyelid.
- An incision is made with a laser beam. Sometimes (if the formation is too large) do two.
- Next, open the capsule and remove the purulent contents.
- Remove the capsule.
- Laser removal of the chalazion involves another treatment of the affected area in order to disinfect this place.
- Next, apply ointment or instilled drops (in order to heal and disinfect the wound).
- For
5-7 days, the patient is prescribed to wear a soft contact lens in order not to injure the cornea with a postoperative scar .
The healing of the wound occurs after about two weeks. In the recovery period, doctors prescribe the use of special eye drops and ointments.
Conservative treatment: the use of drugs and physiotherapy procedures
At the early stage of the Chalazion, medication may contribute to recovery.
Should know
The effect of the conservative treatment of chalazion will be visible only in the case of a competent approach to therapy — the use of agents prescribed exclusively by a qualified specialist, and only in the early stages of the pathology.
Ointments, creams, gels and emulsions are prescribed for the treatment of the disease.
Often appointed the use of such drops with antibacterial properties:
- Tobreksa. The tool can be used for the treatment of pathology, both in children and adults. The use of drops helps to eliminate the main symptoms of the chalazion and minimize the inflammatory process.
- Floxal. The tool contributes to the death of microorganisms. Can be used for the treatment of disease in newborns.
- Tsipromeda. The tool has antiviral effects.
In order to eliminate itching and swelling, the use of anti-allergic drops is prescribed: Opatanol, Maxitrol. Since it is possible to completely get rid of the disease only in the case of the use of complex treatment, the use of ointments for chalazion is necessary.
Appointed the use of such funds:
- Tetracycline ointment. Helps to eliminate the inflammatory and infectious process.
- Ichthyol ointment. Helps in removing the formation and removal of pus from it. Known antiseptic and disinfectant effects of ointment.
- Hydrocortisone ointment. Helps in eliminating swelling, itching, soreness and inflammation.
In addition, the use of Diprospan's injections and the administration of agents for enhancing the protective properties of the body can be prescribed. In order to speedy recovery and achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, the use of physiotherapeutic procedures is prescribed: massage, ultrasound therapy and compresses.
Surgical intervention
In some cases, in order to remove growth, an operation is scheduled. The cyst is removed predominantly from the inside of the eyelid. The incision is made through the conjunctiva.
The action algorithm for surgical removal of the tumor is as follows:
- Local anesthesia.
- Clamp century tweezers.
- Removal of the growth along with the capsule.
- Cauterization with iodine solution.
- Suturing.
- Fixing the operated eye with a tight dressing for a day. This measure helps to prevent the appearance of severe swelling and bruise.
The main difference between surgical removal of chalazion from the laser is the high risk of complications, including recurrence of the disease, hematomas and swelling in the operated area due to the growth of connective tissue within the eyelid.
Means of alternative medicine in the fight against illness. As an auxiliary method of treatment in the early stages of the disease, you can use proven and effective means of traditional medicine. Such drugs are good in that they are completely composed of natural components - medicinal plants, and this means that they will bring exceptional benefits.
In the fight against neoplasm it is recommended to use the following compounds:
- As an antiseptic for washing the eyes, you can use this infusion. It is necessary to steam a tablespoon of dried and finely chopped chamomile herb in a glass of boiling water. The cooled infusion is necessary to rinse the eye two or three times a day.
- He has proven himself in the treatment of chalazion and Althea infusion. It is necessary to brew 20 g of raw material in 200 ml of freshly boiled water and leave the composition warm for two hours. Filtered infusion should be used to wash the eyes twice a day.
- Help in the treatment of illness and compresses. It is necessary to moisten gauze napkin in slightly heated linseed oil and apply it to the growth for half an hour. The procedure should be carried out once a day.
Before you take advantage of this or that prescription of alternative medicine, it is better to consult your doctor about the usefulness of the tool and the appropriateness of its use in a particular case.
The treatment of the chalazion is not difficult. Laser therapy is one of the most effective methods, thanks to which you can get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time. In order to prevent the onset of ocular pathology and re-development, doctors recommend: timely treat infectious and inflammatory diseases, strengthen the immune system, avoid stress, hypothermia and fatigue, eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle.