Removal of bags under the eyes: features of the disease and the main causes of puffiness
The face of a person, in particular his skin under his eyes, reflects the state of the internal systems of the body. The appearance of edema in this area may indicate various irregularities in the work of the organs. In this case, doctors note that in 80% of all cases, the cause of bags under the eyes is the deterioration of the kidneys.
To ignore such a problem can not, especially if it is observed in humans quite often. You should also understand that before carrying out the removal of bags under the eyes with the help of complex surgical interventions, diet or folk remedies, it is important to identify the root cause of this condition.
What are the bags under the eyes
Bags under the eyes are nothing but the colloquial name of the lower eyelid swelling and the area around it. In this state, a person has a protrusion of subcutaneous tissue, as well as the development of characteristic edema. It should be noted that in some people, puffiness under the eyes occurs only in old age, while in others this problem may be pronounced by the age of thirty.
In many ways, this is justified by the original cause of the disease, the way of life, as well as the genetic propensity for such a defect. According to many patient testimonials, removing bags under the eyes is a rather complicated procedure that requires patience. Photos before and after the correction of the lower eyelid edema can be viewed on the Internet portals. The results will depend on the specific method used to remove edema (blepharoplasty surgery, the use of drugs, etc.).
Causes of bags under the eyes
In order to successfully carry out the removal of bags under the eyes, it is important to understand exactly what caused this problem.
The following reasons may contribute to the development of puffiness in the lower eyelid zone:
- Various severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels that are progressing.
- Hormonal changes in the body.
- Natural processes of aging.
- Chronic fatigue and sleep deprivation.
- Pathology of the endocrine system.
- Impaired renal and urinary system. At the same time, these diseases can be both acute and chronic. In the latter case, bags under the eyes are not a complication, but a natural consequence of the disease.
- Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
- Reception of a large volume of fluid, as well as salt, which retains water in the body. In this case, the person will suffer from even greater thirst.
- Frequent stress.
- Oncological pathologies, as well as benign tumors.
In addition, the appearance of bags under the eyes can affect long-term work at the computer, the use of low-quality cosmetics for rejuvenation, sleeping on the side and smoking. Also a significant role in the development of this phenomenon is played by malnutrition. Thus, the abuse of salted, pickled or smoked products at times increases the risk of puffiness under the eyes, even in young people.
In the event that a person leads a healthy lifestyle and is not related to the above-described causes of edema, he is recommended to undergo a full medical examination to identify the source of the problem. Often it is found after the research.
Removal of bruises under the eyes with a laser: the best methods of treating eye puffiness, folk remedies and cosmetologists advice
Today, both invasive and non-invasive methods are used to correct puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. This may be open surgery, cosmetic corrective procedures and folk remedies in the form of lotions and compresses. Also quite good results are shown by special gymnastics for elimination of puffiness from eyes.
Select a specific method to combat edema should be based on the root cause of the problem. Thus, if the bags were formed due to heart disease, kidney disease or vascular disease, then medication therapy should be carried out. If puffiness has arisen due to poor nutrition or stress, then the popular methods and diet correction will help.
Laser treatments
Removal of bruises under the eyes with a laser is a fairly effective minimally invasive procedure, which involves dissecting edematous tissues and cellulose using a special laser beam.
Benefits of:
- Low risk of infection.
- Easy recovery period.
- The speed of the procedure.
- Much smaller incision than with a scalpel.
- Ability to practice manipulation under local anesthesia.
With the successful removal of bruises under the eyes of a laser, the same day a person can go home. He will not lose much blood. As for side effects in the form of hematomas or bruises, they are extremely rare.
In beauty salons you can fight with bags under the eyes with the help of electrostimulation and lymphatic drainage. These procedures will remove puffiness and improve blood circulation in small capillaries. It should be noted that lymphatic drainage has many contraindications, so you need to practice it very carefully. Also, to protect yourself from complications, it is important to seriously choose a clinic and a cosmetologist.
The most effective medicines for the treatment of bags under the eyes are:
- Cream Neolithic. It helps to eliminate edema from the eyelid due to hormonal components.
- Ointment Dermahil. It helps to fight bruises, mimic wrinkles and bags under the eyes.
- Ointment Troxevasin. When applying a thin layer of this drug in just a couple of applications, bags under the eyes can be significantly reduced. The main thing is not to apply the product to the mucous membrane of the eyes.
You should also understand that if the primary cause of the lower eyelid edema is kidney or heart disease, then the sick person needs to see a doctor who will select the appropriate medication for him.
Plastic surgery
Practicing surgical correction of bags under the eyes is shown in cases where fatal hernia has become the cause. In this state, the problem can only be resolved promptly. For this, blepharoplasty is usually used, which can be suture, seamless, inside the mouth and bottom . These techniques are selected for each patient individually. The recovery period after the procedure is
To return to the skin in the eye area of the former elasticity and getting rid of puffiness, the following exercises should be performed:
- Blink as quickly as possible on three approaches.
- Blink for a minute. At the same time, the mouth should be opened as if the person utters the letter "O".
- Perform a light massage of the skin in the eye area with fingertips with essential oils.
- Put your fingers to the temple and try to squint as much as possible.
Ethnoscience. Traditional medicine can be prepared and used at home by yourself.
The best recipes of them are:
- Take a tea from black tea, blot a cotton disc with it and put a lotion on the eyes. Leave for ten minutes.
- Pour birch leaves with mineral water. Insist the mixture for 8 hours, then apply to lotions.
- Pour boiling water over a spoonful of mint. Insist for an hour, then apply the tool for compresses.
- Mix parsley root and brew black tea. Apply to bags under the eyes.
- Grate a fresh cucumber, put gruel on the eyes. Top secure with a cotton pad, which was previously soaked in milk.
It also helps to fight with bags under the eyes of a mask of potatoes. For its preparation you need to boil the potatoes and crush it to the consistency of mashed potatoes. Next, apply the mixture to the swollen area and leave for 10 minutes. If a person does not have time to cook mashed potatoes, then you can simply cut a fresh potato in half and put it to your eyes.
Beauty Tips
To protect themselves from the appearance of bags under the eyes, as well as to reduce the already existing puffiness, cosmetologists advise not to drink a lot of liquid before bedtime.
It is also worth refusing to receive salt and alcohol. In order not to enhance the swelling, it is important to wash with exceptionally cool water.
Hot water should not be used for this purpose. It is also very useful to wipe the eye area with ice cubes with frozen chamomile decoction. During the appearance of bags under the eyes, this area should not be subjected to traumatization by applying scrubs.
In general, during a similar period, it is better not to apply any cosmetics to the skin under the eyes, which may cause irritation. You should know that long-lasting compresses with liquid will, on the contrary, increase the swelling of the eyes, so you should not practice them with such a problem.