Removal of pigment spots with a laser: feature and principle of the procedure, as well as its effectiveness
Modern cosmetic dermatology practice and progressive enable correct almost all the defects of appearance. One of the problems faced by almost every third representative of the beautiful half of society, is the pigmentation.
That is why laser removal of pigment spots is quite a popular and popular procedure, thanks to which you can forget about the imperfections of the skin quickly and efficiently. As a rule, carried out similar manipulations in specializing in this kind of activity facilities, and have a medical license.
Pigmentation itself is a problem that is widespread. She brings aesthetic dissatisfaction. There is a manifestation of spots due to the increased concentration of melanin in the upper part of the skin. The reason for this may be various reasons. Pigment is quickly eliminated by experienced specialists with appropriate qualifications, trained and graduated from higher educational institutions.
How painful to remove
When the patient is removed with laser stains, a slight, but noticeable burning sensation may occur, a slight pain that is felt for several hours after the manipulation. To get rid of unpleasant feelings, to help the doctor prescribes pain medication. There are also a number of contraindications after the procedure, which should be observed without fail, so as not to harm their health.
Today there are a myriad of ways by which pigment spots are removed - these are cosmetic procedures and homemade recipes. However, many of them do not deserve confidence in view of its inefficiency, high cost, contraindications. Of particular interest in patients is precisely to laser treatment, this is explained by the fact that this method is endowed with special advantages, the main of which is the best results.
It is also worth noting that the procedure called laser removal of pigment spots has a number of advantages, the main of which are:
- fast recovery of the skin;
- increase in the volume of skin cells;
- normal functioning of cells responsible for the synthesis of melanin;
- the ability to obtain an effective anti-aging effect;
- as a consequence - the disappearance of fine wrinkles.
What is the difference between ablative and non-ablative laser effects?
Methods of exposure to the skin, covered with pigmentation using a laser, are divided into ablative and non-ablative.
The first type is considered a classic and allows you to show the impact of a continuous layer on the dermis. It is somewhat similar to acid or chemical peels. Removal of age spots on the face and other parts of the body with a laser is performed with a carbon dioxide or erbium laser. Due to the rapid evaporation of fluid in the integument of the dermis by means of a laser beam, there is an instantaneous temperature jump, which allows to avoid the ingress of heat into the deeper layers of the skin.
The main effect can be obtained due to the fact that the carbon dioxide laser is able to reorganize the cells of the dermis, destroy and re-form elastin and collagen molecules. Consequently, the patient can get skin tightened by 25%.
In addition, the ablative laser removes scars , scars, for this change nozzles that direct the beam specifically to the selected point, and not to a large amount of skin. This is especially true if you want to clean the face from defects.
It is worth noting
Depending on what type of laser was used during the procedure, the time allotted for rehabilitation will also depend.
Ablative rejuvenation is endowed with the following advantages:
- Small wrinkles, including mesh, mimic smoothed.
- You can simply get rid of deep furrows, folds of the structural type.
- Area neck, face, neck become cleaner by removing hyper- and dispigmentation.
- The skin becomes smooth, friability disappears.
- Gravitational ptosis of the first and second degree is removed.
- Reduced severity of acne scars.
- Smooth scars and stretch marks.
- Color becomes uniform.
The second option, that is, the removal of pigment spots from the skin by a non-ablative laser is made a little differently, it does not cause injury to the skin, since the tissue is not heated very strongly. All the radiation that is supplied by the laser absorbs chromatophores, that is, collagen and elastin, as well as water. Since surface irregularities do not occur, radiation first penetrates the epidermis, and then already into the dermis.
Subsequently, the manipulation in this way, you can get the following benefits:
- Eliminate age-related skin modifications (initial).
- There is no time for rehabilitation.
- Improves overall skin condition.
- Pigment disappears.
- Wrinkles are removed from facial expressions and age.
- The skin returns its tone.
How many procedures are needed for complete disposal
In order to get rid of pigmentation to the full it will take
It is worth noting
It is recommended to remove the manifestations on the dermis in winter, because during the rehabilitation process it is necessary to avoid sun rays on the skin in order to prevent a relapse.
Laser removal of pigment spots: contraindications, possible complications, the cost of procedures and reviews of its effectiveness
By itself, the skin color depends on the number of melanin production which is produced in melanocytes. When the skin has a uniform color, this indicates that melanocyte cells work in the same way and produce an equal number of melanin. But when some of them begin to age, then the production of pigment occurs in different quantities.
Where its development is more significant, a defect in the form of spots begins to appear. Laser removal of age spots is the best way to overcome aesthetic imperfections of the exterior.
How is the
The process of removing pigmentation with a laser is based on the following steps:
- The skin is cleaned in those areas where the laser will work.
- Safety glasses are worn over the patient's eyes.
- The dermis is treated with antiseptic agents.
- Next, apply a composition that helps the laser beam to more effectively influence the skin.
- After the laser, the doctor has an effect on the skin.
- At the end, cleansing is done again with an antiseptic and applying a substance that helps the skin to return to normal.
Despite the fact that the procedure for such removal of the pigment defect is considered fairly harmless, it still has a number of contraindications that are not recommended to be ignored.
Thus, laser removal of pigment spots is prohibited, if available:
- pregnancy, lactation;
- malignant tumors;
- connective tissue ailments;
- inflammation in the laser area;
- the progression of infections in the body;
- viruses (herpes).
It is also impossible to manipulate if the patient was diagnosed:
- asthma;
- diabetes;
- hypertension;
- epileptic seizures;
- arthritis.
Possible complications
It is worth noting that the effective laser removal of various kinds of pigment spots for the most part takes place with virtually no complications. Can be marked redness, slight swelling, peeling, burns artificial nature. Then the treatment is prescribed, which will help to quickly return to normal.
Photo: before and after
The popular and popular method of getting rid of spots today increasingly discouraged patients. It is worth saying that the result that is visible in the photo before and after the manipulation is amazing. Even strong pigments removed, the skin becomes more firm, taut, smooth.
The advantages are considered speed impact, painless and quick recovery processes without negative manifestations. Looking at the photo before the laser removal and comparing it with the pictures after it, it becomes clear that the procedure gives the perfect result, the aesthetic complexes about the appearance completely disappear.
In the clinic, laser removal of age and physiological pigment spots will cost about 1000 rubles per square centimeter of skin. If the cost is several times less than the average, then it is better to refuse such a clinic. In the selection of the institution it is important to pay attention to reputation, real experience physicians, the availability of modern equipment and the qualifying licenses.
Kira, 29, manager
“I was at sea when I returned home, I saw that all my hands were sprinkled with freckles of such an unpleasant rusty color that I definitely decided for myself - to delete! I went to the clinic, looked at me, recommended laser removal. I am more than happy with the result! The skin is smooth, clean, smooth. Three sessions were enough for me, although I really had a lot of spots. The only thing that alerted, so that's what the doctor said about the possibility of the return of freckles. But it is not necessary, so I do not expect it. I advise you! ”
Viktor Ivanovich, 57 years old, pensioner
“I have not been young for a long time and have never gone to various clinics and salons before my age, because I think that there is no place for men. But last year I still had to overcome myself and ask for help. The reason is that a huge amount of pigment spots began to appear, and they were spread not only on the face, but throughout the whole body. Then the daughter took me to the clinic. I had 4 manipulations and almost all the pigmentation, as it evaporated. Now it takes another