Laser removal of spider veins: the essence of the treatment procedure, indications for treatment and types of lasers used

Vascular stars are a fairly common problem today, which is observed in more than 40% of adults. At the same time, dilated vessels are not only an aesthetic, but also a physiological problem, which suggests that a person has impaired functions of the vascular system. Vascular stars can be localized on different parts of the body. Most often they are found on the face and legs.

The first manifestations of this defect are insignificant, but if not dealt with, an ugly vascular grid of blue, red, and sometimes purple hue will appear on the skin.

Elimination of spider veins

For the treatment of such a disease, modern clinics offer several methods, and laser removal of spider veins is considered to be one of the most effective procedures among them.

What is the essence of the procedure

The cosmetic procedure helps to restore human tissue and remove various noticeable vascular dilatations. When using a diode or neodymium beam, the results after a similar treatment method are more than satisfactory.

Laser removal of spider veins is based on exposure to the affected tissue with a beam of different wavelengths. This provides the ability to destroy damaged tissue without affecting healthy cells. Thus, the laser beam will selectively affect only the dilated vessels and not cause burns to the adjacent soft tissue.


The main indication for the laser effect on the skin is the formation of a vascular network on the face or legs. Also, the procedure can be performed with the appearance of dilated single vessels, spider veins and wine stains. In turn, it should be remembered that the removal of dilated vessels with a laser has many contraindications, so before performing this procedure, a person is strongly advised to consult a doctor, as well as to identify the root cause of the disease.

Types of lasers

Today, the following types of lasers are used to remove spider veins:

  1. Neodymium laser. It is effective both for the removal of small and for getting rid of large vessels in different parts of the human body. Its main advantage is strong cooling, which allows you to protect the patient from burns.
  2. Diode laser. It is considered the most effective for the elimination of blue vessels. The red forms of the arterial vein are somewhat worse.
  3. American system of lasers. Its essence lies in the impact on the affected skin with outbreaks. It is best to use this method to clean the skin from spider veins and veins.

What equipment copes with the task best

Immediately it should be noted that the vascular enlargement of the skin can have different localization, the cause of the appearance and size. As a result, different laser equipment can be used to remove them. Thus, it is best to use equipment with a laser emitting light at shallow waves (Neodymium laser with a KTR Neodim Q-Switch of the LAZEST system) for treating delicate skin and removing thin vessels.

In turn, the equipment of lasers with a long wave (Neodim Long Pulse) will be the most effective for the elimination of large vessels. It is also important to remember that in each clinic there is a different equipment, which has its own functions and purpose.


Cleansing the skin of spider veins with a laser has the following advantages:

  1. No need to carry out harmful anesthesia.
  2. The possibility of cleansing the skin in different areas.
  3. After the procedure, the person can immediately go home. He does not need to go to the hospital.
  4. The speed of the procedure.
  5. Low risk of side effects.
  6. When using quality equipment, the patient does not feel pain. Also, the risk of burns is minimal.

Laser removal of spider veins: method of procedure, expert advice and risks of complications

The procedure begins with preparing the skin with rosacea for further exposure to the beam. To do this, a specialist cleans the epidermis from the remnants of cosmetics and sebum. Then he will treat the skin with a solution and apply cooling gel on it. In the event that laser removal of spider veins is performed on the patient's face, he will wear safety glasses.

As for anesthesia, it is extremely rare in those cases when a person has a low pain threshold and increased skin sensitivity. Also, anesthesia is shown when removing large capillaries and blood vessels.

Result after the procedure

When exposed to the affected areas of the skin with a laser, the specialist will first eliminate large vessels, and then small ones. Moreover, the larger the capillary, the more sessions will be required to remove it. Upon completion of the procedure, human skin is treated with soothing ointments or gel. The price for laser removal of spider veins will depend on the number of sessions conducted, as well as on the complexity of each particular case of rosacea.

How many procedures are needed

The number of necessary procedures is determined by the depth of the vessels, their size and diameter. Thus, with a superficial vascular grid (up to 1.5 mm), the problem can be eliminated in one session. If the vessels are large, then for cleansing the skin will need to perform at least 4-5 procedures.

Basic rules and restrictions after the procedure

In order to recover as quickly as possible after laser correction of spider veins and to protect yourself from unwanted complications, it is important to dress up the following rules:

  1. Keep the place of the impact of the beam from the water for a couple of days.
  2. Every day, apply an antibacterial agent to the skin for five days.
  3. For pain, apply ice to the site of exposure.
  4. Do not tear off the formed crust. It should wait until the skin heals, and the crust itself will disappear.
  5. Five times a day apply Bepantin for quick healing of the skin.
  6. Protect skin from direct sunlight.
  7. Refuse to visit baths and saunas for a month.

Moreover, if the effect of the beam was on the face, then no decorative cosmetics should be applied to the skin on the first day after the procedure, as they can cause irritation.


Everyone who wants to eliminate spider veins should understand that this procedure is not allowed to all. Direct contraindications to such treatment are diabetes mellitus, cancer pathology, epilepsy, the tendency to form scars and acute inflammatory processes. You can not practice laser treatment during pregnancy and lactation, with active skin diseases or acute chronic pathologies.

Side effects

In most cases, after laser exposure in patients there are no undesirable side effects, but experts do not exclude the risk of skin redness, swelling and the formation of cyanosis. There is less burn, crusting and soreness.

As a rule, with proper skin care after the procedure, complications can be avoided. If they do occur, the person needs to see a doctor. He will prescribe healing ointment.

Preventing the appearance of spider veins

As medical practice shows, it is much easier to prevent the appearance of rosacea, than to engage in its treatment.

Thus, for the prevention of the occurrence of spider veins, the following tips should be supplemented:

  1. Abandon the practice of vacuum massage.
  2. Do not wear shoes with very high heels.
  3. Avoid strong physical overloads.
  4. Do not use low-quality cosmetics.
  5. Eat right and take vitamins.
  6. Give up bad habits and treat high blood pressure.
  7. Do not stay long in the sun.
  8. Do not use hot wax, as well as irritating creams.

It is also important to monitor your weight, give your feet a rest during the day and not wear too tight clothes.


Patient comments will help to better understand the effectiveness of spider veins laser removal:

  1. Daria: “The problem of rosacea has been with me for a long time, since I suffer from excess weight. Because of this, I have ugly purple spider veins and large capillaries on my legs. The last time eliminated them with a laser. Personally, I didn’t really like the procedure because it was painful. Also after it, the skin became more sensitive. The capillaries themselves are now not so noticeable, but they have not completely disappeared. ”
  2. Anna: “After using poor quality cosmetics, I had a rash on my face. After she passed, but spiders appeared instead. I fought with their folk remedies, but they did not help. After I turned to a cosmetologist, who advised me to remove the laser rosacea. The procedures themselves were not painful. The effect of them became noticeable almost immediately. There were no complications. ”
  3. Sergey: “On my legs after excessive physical activity large vascular stars began to appear. Gradually, the problem worsened, so I went to the doctor. He said that it is too early to perform the operation, but laser exposure will help me. After five sessions, the skin became healthy. Vascular dilatations are no longer noticeable. ”

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