Laser removal of vessels on the face: methods of dealing with the vascular network

Laser removal of facial vessels Content:

Unfortunately, some women may appear on the face of the vascular mesh.

Such a cosmetic defect does not give rest, because it is practically not hidden under the cosmetics, in addition, the skin suffers as in summer from the sun, and in the winter - from a low temperature.

Today, this problem is solved fairly quickly, without prejudice to health. At the moment when the laser removal of blood vessels on the face is performed, the skin takes on an aesthetic look, the face looks healthy.

What is laser facial vascular removal?

Vascular mesh on the face most often appears in the nose or cheeks, it may be red or purple. This disease, called couperosis, is directly related to improper circulation, in which the capillaries inside the epidermis expand. If the redness takes up a large area on the face, in which case the blood circulates improperly, the nutrients simply do not enter here.

The skin becomes flabby, wrinkles appear, the face becomes covered with red spots. The removal of blood vessels with a laser beam is that the tissues absorb the emitted waves of different lengths. Hemoglobin accumulates in the vessels, it is able to absorb waves of the same length.

In addition to hemoglobin in the vessels there is melanin, it is the main pigment that paints the skin, waves of a different length pass through it. In the process of vascular removal with a laser, a special system is used that cools the skin; this allows you to avoid tissue burns with high temperatures. After the laser beam has passed through the skin, the blood in the vessels immediately coagulates, so that only a clot remains.

The blood stops moving, the vessel in its turn is glued together. After this, the clot is able to disappear on its own within a month, only after this period will the result be noticeable.

Blood circulation in the vessels may be disturbed due to the fact that the body appears pathology, in which the tone of blood vessels is significantly reduced, the walls become too thin. The capillary mesh quickly becomes visible, so it cannot be removed without medical assistance.

Indications for laser removal of facial vessels

This procedure is performed on the face only in the following cases.

  • If there are spider veins on the skin. This formation is a point defects as a result of the expansion of the capillaries.
  • If there is a grid of blood vessels due to numerous lesions of blood vessels.
  • In the case of rosacea, inflammation of the skin, in which multiple acne is formed, also small papules, which are filled with serous fluid, is called rosacea. At the same time, in the upper layer of the skin, small vessels are damaged, the face first becomes pink, after which it acquires a darker shade.

Laser removal of blood vessels on the face can also eliminate a vascular tumor of benign origin.



This procedure cannot be performed if:

  • A person has a blood disorder if the blood coagulates poorly.
  • Skin diseases, as this can only cause complications after a session with a laser on the face.
  • There is such a disease as diabetes, as it disrupts the body's metabolic process. A person suffers from varicose veins, or there is thrombophlebitis.
  • Developed vasculitis, a disease characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels.
  • If there is a pacemaker in the body, the procedure may affect its operation, leading to failure.
  • If a person has a predisposition to the formation of convex scars, called keloids. They can disfigure the skin of the face, as the connective tissue expands greatly. The emergence of such a pathology has not yet been clarified by experts.

Temporary contraindication to the procedure is:

  • Infections in the body or chronic diseases that are at the stage of exacerbation. With such deviations, the metabolism is disturbed.
  • Treatment with hormonal drugs or taking iron supplements.
  • Inflammation of the skin on the face or the presence of purulent acne. This can lead to scarring or scarring.
  • Just received a tan, as after removal of the vascular network in humans can increase skin pigmentation.
  • During pregnancy, lactation. The laser beam during this period can harm both the mother and the child.
  • Menstruation, as this makes the blood coagulate badly.

Such contraindications are considered temporary, as soon as a person removes one of them, he has a chance to restore the skin on his face. Experts advise to carry out a similar operation in the fall or early spring, because at this time there is no direct sunlight, and low temperatures in winter will not adversely affect the skin.

On the cheeks

Unfortunately, the red mesh cannot be removed from the cheek area in one session. In this case, you need to visit the doctor at least five times. The fact is that a person begins to pay for the disease at the second stage, so the operation takes a lot of time. To solder only one vessel takes about fifteen minutes.

On the forehead

The frontal part suffers most from the vascular reticulum, as in this area facial expressions are most pronounced. On the forehead, the laser removes only single dilated vessels.

On the nose

The nose part suffers most from rosacea. The vascular grid grows in the cheeks, therefore, under the influence of the laser immediately fall two zones. One spider is removed for at least two minutes. Laser exposure is carried out up to two times.

For centuries

On the eyelids, the skin is the thinnest, contains the least sebaceous glands. As a result, the vascular tone decreases, as a result, the vascular network occurs. The procedure of exposure to the eyelids with a laser is perfect does not cause pain.

Laser removal of facial vessels and rehabilitation after the procedure

Removal of blood vessels with a laser takes place in several stages. First, the doctor must treat the face area with anesthetic. After the operated area is anesthetized.

The patient and the doctor wear special protective glasses. So that other areas of the skin do not get burned, before they remove the vessels on the face with a laser, the skin is treated, a saprophyte glass is applied, through which the cooling gas flows.

Tests before the procedure

Then the vessel gradually heats up from thin to thicker. After the clot appears in the vessel, it should be said that it turned out to be sealed. After that, the laser feed is stopped. One capillary is processed on average three seconds.


After the patient has been removed the vascular mesh on the face, it is recommended to monitor and care for the skin in a special way.

You should carefully consider such a doctor's recommendation:

  • For two weeks, do not physically strain the body, also do not stay in the sun. If it is winter outside, then postpone the trip to the street for three days.
  • It is forbidden to go to San, pool for two months.
  • Try not to expose the face to a sharp temperature drop.
  • For two days, do not put cosmetics on your face, do not use scrubs or masks.
  • Do not wipe your face with an alcohol-based tonic; also do not use other face products with alcohol.

The main side effect of this procedure is redness in the area of ​​the face where the laser operation was performed. Red skin will look more like edema, but it goes away on its own within a few days. Quite often in this area there is a crust, it in no case can not be removed or promakivat, so that it would rather disappear.

The place can only be smeared with cream, for example, Panthenol, thus healing will be accelerated. Sometimes after laser removal of the vascular network on the face, scars or scars may appear, even burns and hematomas. You should not get upset ahead of time, since this can be directly related to the body's reaction to the laser beam, and this may also be the reason that the patient has not properly treated the skin after the procedure.

Removal of the mesh on the face with a laser is the most effective method in the fight against a cosmetic defect. Unfortunately, after such a removal, the red grid may appear again.

To avoid this, experts advise:

  • Strengthen blood vessels (take vitamins, food rich in vitamins, wipe your face with mint ice cubes or with the addition of other herbs, apply a special mask to strengthen the blood vessels).
  • You should not eat a lot of sweet, spicy foods, foods high in fat, give up coffee, alcohol.
  • Protect your face, do not injure it, do not use rough towels for wiping.
  • For prolonged exposure to the sun use a face cream with protection.
  • Do not allow weight gain, especially its dramatic drop.

Removal of facial vessels with a laser can lead to complications:

  • Swelling of the face. On this occasion, do not worry, as swelling happens in most patients, as a result of exposure to high temperature. This symptom passes on its own within a week.
  • Crust on the face. It is impossible to remove it yourself, it is only allowed to lubricate with Panthenol.
  • Bruises After laser removal, small hematomas may form on the face. They are eliminated if you put an ice cube with chamomile.
  • Increased body temperature. High temperature may be due to the reaction of the body. It happens not all, it is necessary to ensure that it does not rise above 38 degrees.

Vascular mesh on the face: how to get rid of it in alternative ways

In addition to laser removal of the vascular network, there are other safe methods.

Laser removal of facial vessels


This method involves the introduction of sclerosant into the vein, which is sealed dilated vessels. After injection, edema appears at the injection site. The vessel will close completely only after two months.

Ozone therapy

A mixture of ozone and oxygen is introduced into the vessels in order to activate the oxidative process. After this procedure, there are no burns, scars or scars. The effect turns out at once, keeps for a long time.


In this case, the extended vessels are affected by high-frequency current, which cauterizes them. The method is practically not carried out at the present time, since not only the vessels, but also the tissues around change. As a result, scars are formed on the face.

A lot of inconvenience is caused by the vascular grid on the face, only the doctor will tell you how to get rid of it, without his advice you should not take measures. The methods are different, they all do not harm the body. Much depends on the patient, the body, the professionalism of the specialist.

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