Laser tattoo removal of the lips: features of the technique, limitations and contraindications
Every woman dreams of smooth beautiful lips. Recently, tattooing of lips has become very popular among women. This is a great opportunity not to put cosmetics on the lips, as they always remain bright, natural.
With the help of a tattoo of lips, the contour is leveled, the lips become clear. Unfortunately, lip make-up is not always successful.
Even the most correct technology can lead to the fact that the paint over time flushes out of the lips, thereby leaving behind uneven stains. Lip tattoo removal with a laser is today considered to be quite a popular procedure that has its own characteristics.
What is the methodology
In the event that the tattoo began to wash off, fuzzy lines appeared, forcing the woman to hide her lips, the technology of laser tattoo correction will come to the rescue. The point is to neutralize the color contour of the lips, to replace the coloring pigment with a colorless one.
Modern cosmetology offers a special neodymium apparatus, which destroys microgranules of paint. Thanks to enhanced photoactivation, you can remove not only the tattooed tattoo on your lips, you can also adjust the color, contrast. After the first procedure, you can see a good result.
Many girls are afraid to visit the office of a beautician, because they do not want to get scars or scars on their lips. Immediately you need to refute this fact. The fact is that much depends on the experience of the master, the device itself by its nature will not cause any harm, it is only necessary to use it professionally, to know the clear limits of its capabilities.
If you adjust the device in the right way, the laser beam will never touch a healthy area of the skin, it will only affect the pigmented skin. Therefore, laser removal of tattoo from the lips should be carried out only in large centers of cosmetology or in beauty salons, where the client will be exactly confident in the skill of a cosmetologist.
The pigment on the lips can also be corrected by a master tattoo, if he has a special apparatus.
The method of hardware removal of the tattoo from the lips is the only way that does not have its own kind.
Who is shown the procedure
The procedure for removal of a tattoo from the lips with a laser is performed for women who have a pigment blurring several years after the first tattoo. In addition, those clients who have changed the color of the pigment on the lips fall under the correction of the pigment.
Paint after some time may become pale, low-quality pigment can change its color, for example, become darker.
Restrictions and contraindications
The adjustment of the pigment on the lips can not be carried out to all customers. To do this, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications, since in some cases the laser beam can provoke the development of a hidden disease and even cause skin cancer. For patients with sensitive skin types, a specialist should select the appropriate intensity of the laser beam so as not to cause skin burns.
The laser is prohibited in psoriasis, pregnancy, lichen planus, eczema, epilepsy, oncology, dermatitis. In addition, a contraindication to such a procedure is the presence of an allergy to bright sunlight, heart and vascular diseases, and diabetes.
In all other cases, the technique is permitted, but it is necessary to donate blood for analysis and make sure that there is no hidden pathology in the body.
Cost of
Lip tattoo removal by laser directly depends on the region, clinic, and specialist qualifications. On the average across Russia the price varies from 2500 to 3500 rubles.
Laser removal of the tattoo of the lips and correction of the picture
This question is of interest to absolutely all women who decide on such a technique. In the process of laser exposure to the painted areas of the skin of the lips, it penetrates into the upper layer of the dermis.
As a result, the powerful beam penetrates into the pigmented granules, from which they simply collapse. All this happens in a split second. When a beam hits a pellet, the temperature of its light becomes high.
As a result of such a sharp jump, the microparticles of the coloring pigment break, which subsequently enter the lymph, and then are removed from the body. The pigment gradually becomes pale, soon it does not remain at all.
The client should remember that, depending on the body, skin type, laser removal of tattooed lips can take a long time. You must be prepared for this procedure both morally and financially. The number of sessions depends on how deeply the pigment has penetrated the skin, how dense it is, and saturated.
A large role in the speedy removal of pigment plays the number of layers of paint. The easiest to remove gray, orange, red, black. The green pigment does not give in to laser destruction. Much time will take the removal of bodily pigment.
Girls need to clearly understand that, overlapping the old tattoo with new paint, there is a risk that further laser removal of the tattoo from the lips will take a lot of time. Quite often, clients complain about wasted money, they are not satisfied with the result, the paint remains in the same place.
It is worth noting
Experts say that the negative effect occurs because the laser beam does not see the solid colors, as they contain white pigments. Accordingly, laser removal of tattooed lips does not lead to the desired result.
How is the removal of tattoo
Before you carry out the procedure, a specialist cleans the face of impurities. Eye glasses are worn to the client’s eyes in order to avoid solution for cleansing the face in the eyes and on the skin around them. If desired, the doctor may apply an anesthetic on the face or simply cool it with a compress with ice.
After this begins the process of removing the tattoo from the lips. The intensity of the laser beam is set for each client, based on how the old tattoo was applied, how tightly the drawing was, the color of the paint.
After the client's lips have been processed by the device, they may appear slight reddening or even wounds, which often bleed slightly. According to numerous reviews of girls who have undergone this procedure, it becomes clear that several days after the sessions, the bloody contour of the lips begins to heal, after which no scars are formed.
What to do before and after visiting the beautician
After the laser tattoo removal has been carried out, the specialist makes recommendations on how to take care of the lips, how not to damage the injured skin:
- It is necessary as little as possible to touch the lips. It is important not to spread the infection with your hands, not to injure the already irritated skin.
- From the lips can excrete blood, blood. Such manifestations must be carefully wiped with a clean cloth.
- If a crust appears on the lips, it should never be removed forcibly, it should dry out, fall off on its own.
- Possible reddening of the lips gently lubricate ointment Panthenol.
- If suddenly the lips were accidentally injured, then the wounds should be treated with Chlorhexidine in order to avoid infection.
- In the first two weeks it is forbidden to visit the sauna, bath, pool. It is also not recommended to stay in direct sunlight, if the procedure was carried out in summer, if the session was held in the winter, in this case it is impossible to stay in the cold.
Correction after deletion
Correction of lips involves the re-application of a colorless pigment, the granules of which are absorbed into the remaining paint, finally neutralize it. By the time the correction is carried out as the first procedure, here the master will have to make special efforts so that the repeated session will lead to the desired result.
Olga, 28 years old
“I had a tattoo on my lips, after a year the paint began to fade, nervousness appeared on my lips, it was scary to eat, even to open my mouth. I was helped by a specialist in our city for tattoo. The correction lasted for forty minutes, now the contour of the lips is even and correct. I will advise everyone who started having such problems with their lips. ”
Irina, 31 years old
“My sister took a drawing from the lips with a laser, she says, the procedure is sick, as if with needles being pricked. Lips were painkillers of lidocaine, little sense from him, because the beam burns so much that there is no patience. I had to suffer a lot, now the result is beautiful, the sponges are natural and healthy. ”
Ekaterina, 35 years old
“I will never again do a tattoo of the lips, the paint does not last long, as the time comes to fade, the lips look like something terrible, for me they were even pink-blue. The pigment does not disappear well, several procedures were needed, besides this, the clinic had to pay so much money. It’s cheaper to have your natural, natural lips. ”
Unsuccessfully made tattoo lips today can be completely corrected. Unfortunately, even a normal tattoo after a while becomes not beautiful, the woman may experience complications after the procedure. The skin on the lips can redden, appear puffiness, the lips can hurt badly. These symptoms, as a rule, pass by themselves, however, sometimes the help of a specialist is required.
Every woman wants to remain beautiful, healthy, so before this procedure, you need to carefully look at the specialist, as his qualification is of great importance in this procedure. Do not forget that the method has contraindications. Therefore, before going to the clinic should examine your body for the presence of hidden pathologies or infections. An experienced doctor usually speaks about this to the patient.