Laser hair removal: types of lasers, what parameters should be paid attention to
Recently, natural beauty has come into vogue. However, in such a “naturalness” there is one major drawback - unwanted vegetation on various parts of the body, and more precisely, everywhere except the scalp.
Many women (and recently men ) have to go to a cosmetologist to remove them once every 3-4 weeks for waxing, shugaring, some use resin. However, be that as it may, the essence of such procedures is reduced to mechanical pulling of hair.
Such manipulations are quite painful, accompanied by a strong reddening of the skin, the appearance of foci of inflammation.
An alternative to regular hair removal is laser hair removal. The essence of the procedure is to affect the coloring pigment, its heating and destruction of the hair follicle. In this case, damage to healthy surrounding tissue does not occur. Compared with other methods of hair removal, this effect has several advantages. It is less painful, avoids the problem of ingrown hair.
But the main "plus" of laser exposure is the total removal of unwanted vegetation due to the irreversible death of hair follicles. However, this result can be achieved only after completing a full course of epilation sessions. When choosing a clinic, you should pay attention not only to the price of the procedure.
Currently used several types of laser devices, which are fundamentally different in the mechanism of action on the skin and surrounding tissue and radiation parameters, it is:
- Ruby laser. This is the most outdated hair removal technique. It is equipped with a small size manipulator, which limits the area of the treated area of the body. In addition, the wavelength of 694 nm allows you to remove only the hard and very dark hair. Also, this technique is not applicable for dark and tanned skin due to the high risk of burns. The advantage of using this type of device is a relatively low price, painlessness (most manipulators are equipped with an additional cooling system). However, a significant disadvantage is the limited use. Yes, the ruby laser “works” on any part of the body (bikini, underarm, face , legs, etc.), but it is not effective for removing red, light and gray hair. In addition, the pulses are generated quite rarely, which increases the duration of the procedure. Currently, these devices are morally and technically outdated, so in most clinics they were replaced with newer ones.
- Alexandrite laser. It works approximately 5 times faster than a ruby one, it is distinguished by a longer radiated wavelength (725 nm). However, its possibilities in relation to the hair too light shade are limited. Also, due to the more intense impact of the application area, soreness and discomfort often occur. But thanks to the deep penetration of the waves, the epilation with alexandrite laser can be performed on both light and dark skin. A large area of the nozzle (up to 1.8 cm) allows you to perform the procedure quickly enough.
- Diode laser. This is one of the most modern and professional devices. The wavelength can be adjusted in the range of 800-810 nm, which allows you to configure the device individually for each patient. This method of hair removal is effective and safe on the skin of a dark color, in addition, the diode laser perfectly copes with tough, dark hair with deeply located hair follicles (up to 4 mm). Therefore, this method of hair removal is suitable for representatives of the stronger sex, cleansing the problem area of the bikini. The disadvantages of the procedure include high cost, high risk of side effects (in particular, skin burns), but this factor largely depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist. In addition, a diode laser does not always effectively remove thin, weakened hair on the skin of a light shade.
- Neodymium laser. This technique has long gained wide popularity in European cosmetology clinics, and now it is gradually spreading in our country. Periodic laser pulses are produced with a high frequency and different wavelengths - from 532 to 1064 nm, which allows the device to be used for almost all skin and hair types. Proven effectiveness and safety of hair removal with neodymium laser, dark and tanned skin on any part of the body, while it affects even light and weak hair. Almost the only drawback of the procedure is its excessively high price compared to other methods of laser hair removal.
In a separate group, there are devices for IPL (Intensive Pulse Light) epilation. The principle of their work is similar to laser: the light pulses emitted are converted into thermal energy, which destroys the hair follicles. However, this method of removing unwanted vegetation is more suitable for fair skin in combination with dark hair. Like laser hair removal, the IPL method leaves no marks on the skin, easily solves the problem of ingrown hair.
Its main difference is a wide range of radiation parameters (from 500 to 1200 nm) and the inability to affect tanned or dark skin due to the risk of burns. Recently, devices have appeared on the market, with the help of which you can conduct a session of laser hair removal at home. One of the most reliable and popular models is the Hair Removal Laser 4X from the American corporation Tria Beauty. The device has a diode laser of the latest generation, which allows to obtain an optimal result in a short time.
The cost of such a device is about $ 500. On the one hand, this is not cheap, but on the other hand, it is quite comparable with the price of a course of epilation, including the treatment of several large areas on the body. Laser hair removal is one of the best ways to permanently get rid of unwanted vegetation. As a rule, if you follow all recommendations regarding skin care after a session and preparation for the procedure, no complications arise.
During the treatment of the epidermal cover sometimes there is a strong discomfort, which can be stopped with the help of local anesthetics in the form of creams or sprays. But it cannot be said that this method of hair removal will permanently remove body hair. Under the influence of various factors, they may appear again, but will be more weakened, subtle and imperceptible.
Laser hair removal: advantages and disadvantages, contraindications and possible complications
The main advantage of this procedure is the complete and long-term removal of unwanted body hair. True, one session is not enough to achieve the desired effect.
However, several visits to the beautician with an interval of 3-4 weeks is enough to get rid of unnecessary vegetation. In addition, laser hair removal delivers much less discomfort compared with waxing or no less popular shugaring today. The procedure is equally effective for both women and men, allowing you to process all the necessary, including hard-to-reach areas of the body.
After laser hair removal, the skin becomes smooth and clean - ingrown hair is not visible, there are no irritation and inflammation centers, there is no risk of subsequent folliculitis and the ingress of pathogenic bacteria through the damaged epidermal coat.
But at the same time, this method of getting rid of unwanted vegetation has its drawbacks. First of all, it is high cost. Although this question is quite controversial. Yes, for one procedure, you will have to pay a considerable amount, many times exceeding wax or resin removal. But on the other hand, such manipulations must be repeated every 3-4 weeks.
The same applies to the costs of razors, depilatory creams, etc. So would it not be better to give a certain amount immediately and for a long time, if not forget forever about this problem? A relative disadvantage of laser hair removal is the lack of a quick effect.
The radiation acts only on the hair follicles that are in the active phase of growth - and this is from 5 to 35% of the total amount of visible hair. This fact is due to the need for repeated sessions. The first result of the procedure will be noticeable after a few weeks.
More about hair removal
In addition, laser hair removal compared with the "mechanical" methods has a more extensive list of contraindications, it is:
- increased photosensitivity caused by any skin disease or taking certain medications (for example, a number of antibiotics have a side effect);
- oncological tumors;
- diabetes;
- visible lesions, foci of rash and inflammation in the area of laser exposure;
- viral or bacterial infections in the active phase;
- varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
It is worth noting
The risk of complications and adverse reactions largely depends on the quality of the instrument used for epilation and the professionalism of the beautician performed by the procedure. Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to the choice of the salon, give preference to clinics that can provide certificates for equipment and their own license to provide medical services.
In some patients, especially after treating sensitive areas of the body in the intimate area, the armpits, there may be a slight swelling and redness, discomfort when touched. Such symptoms are short-lived and usually disappear after a maximum of 2-3 days. Sometimes the procedure can cause a number of complications.
Basically it is the fault of the cosmetologist who was unable to recognize the type of skin, chose the wrong parameters of laser radiation. Naturally, the risk of complications increases with non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor regarding skin care before and after the session.
Sometimes after laser hair removal may appear:
- Burn. As a rule, this is a result of excessive exposure of the laser radiation to the cells of the epidermal cover. Patients with light tender skin are more prone to such a reaction.
- Disorders of natural pigmentation. The main target of laser radiation is the pigment melanin. However, it is contained not only in the hair follicles, but also in the skin. That is why a careful selection of exposure parameters is required for epilation in dark and tanned patients.
- Allergic reaction. Usually occurs with increased photosensitivity or individual intolerance to drugs for local anesthesia. To reduce the risk of such complications, you must first conduct a skin test: a little anesthetic is applied on the back of the hand or the elbow fold. A negative result is indicated by the absence of redness and edema after 15–20 minutes.
- Violations of the organs of sight. Before starting treatment of any area on the face, you must wear special safety glasses. When epilating other areas, this is not mandatory, but desirable.
- Inflammation of hair follicles. Such a complication is extremely rare. Patients with increased activity of sebaceous and sweat glands are inclined to it (which is better to warn the cosmetologist in advance). It can also occur if you do not follow the advice on subsequent skin care.
- The transition of chronic dermatitis in the active phase, herpetic eruptions. Laser radiation affects the work of epidermal cells and may cause a temporary decrease in local immunity, which in turn can lead to an exacerbation of systemic skin infections.
Separately, there is the question of conducting laser hair removal during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Theoretically, physiologically, the procedure does not affect the vital activity of the fetus and the lactation process, however, no clinical studies have been conducted on this issue.
It is clear that the removal of unwanted hair is not a vital procedure, so it is better and safer to postpone it until delivery and the end of lactation.
Laser hair removal: features of the session, aftercare, reviews
After deciding to carry out hair removal in a similar way and choosing a salon, you should sign up for a preliminary consultation. The cosmetologist will assess the condition of the skin of the body and, in principle, determine the possibility of the procedure.
Until an upcoming session is prohibited:
- sunbathing in the solarium or under the open sun - 14 days;
- use other methods of hair removal (including mechanical) - also 2 weeks;
- to treat areas of laser exposure with alcohol-based cosmetics - in 3-4 days.
It is worth noting
Laser hair removal should be prescribed at least 2 weeks after the end of the course of taking antibiotics from the tetracycline group and other drugs that increase the photosensitivity of the skin.
In the evening before the epilation session, it is necessary to shave the hair in the area of the laser exposure. The procedure begins with cleansing the skin from residues of cosmetics and possible impurities. Then an anesthetic gel or spray is applied (this manipulation is performed at the request of the client, since local anesthesia increases the cost of the procedure by 5-10%).
Sometimes this is not required, as modern devices serve a stream of cold air, cooling the surface of the epidermal cover. After that, they immediately start epilation - the beautician leads the skin-generating manipulator. The duration of the procedure depends on the area of impact and takes from 20 to 60 minutes.
During the session, the rays selectively affect the melanin of the hair follicles at a given depth, without affecting the surrounding tissue. As a result of heating, destruction of the growth cells of the follicle occurs. In addition, the laser also disrupts the blood supply to the bulbs.
In this case, the radiation is safe, it does not change the processes of synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids and replication of cells of the epidermal coat. Therefore, the common myth that laser hair removal is associated with cancer of the skin is nothing more than fiction.
A second session is prescribed in 3-4 weeks, the third - after another 5-7 weeks and further on. The number of procedures is determined individually. The course continues until all the hair follicles in a given area die.
It is worth noting
The processes of hair growth are regulated by endocrine mechanisms. Therefore, the effect of the procedure depends on the hormonal background. In addition, the formation of new bulbs periodically occurs. But the result of laser hair removal lasts at least 4-5 years (and when using a diode sapphire laser - even longer).
To reduce the risk of subsequent complications, you must follow these rules:
- It is strictly forbidden to go to a tanning salon or sunbathe for 2-3 weeks after the procedure, also during this period you should use sunscreen;
- take only a shower for three days, do not use swimming pools, steam rooms;
- do not apply alcohol solutions to the epilated area (3-5 days);
- if possible for a few days to refrain from intense physical exertion, accompanied by excessive perspiration - this way you can avoid folliculitis.
The number of required sessions is individual for each patient. For some, 4 is enough, others will have to visit a beautician 8-10 times. It all depends on the type and color of hair, skin. However, many are interested in a very practical question: when will hair fall out? With wax epilation, everything is clear, but in this situation, everything is also individual. On average, the visible result appears 2-3 weeks after the first session, and then it becomes more noticeable.
Epilation zones
Streltsova Inga, cosmetologist. “I've been doing laser hair removal for many years. At first, many were frightened off by the high price, various myths about complications, cancer and other complications. However, now this procedure is becoming as popular as other methods of removing unwanted hair. I recommend to all my patients (of course, in the absence of contraindications) once a course of laser hair removal, and then occasionally maintain the achieved result. This is quite enough to forget about the problem of ingrown hair. "
Christina, 21 years old. “I can see either the hormonal background in me, or just individual features, but the hair grows quickly, it is very dark in color and strongly visible on the skin. And if all my friends did waxing once every 3-4 weeks, I also had to endure this execution twice as often. The laser was a real salvation for me. I took the course in the fall and winter, in total I went through 8 procedures, and finally achieved a result. ”
Laser depilation: cost, possible alternatives
When choosing a method for removing unwanted hair, the beautician may suggest other alternative options. By and large, the final result of almost all hardware techniques is the same - the death of the growth zone of the hair bulb, but the technique is different.
To some extent, laser depilation can be replaced:
- Photoepilation The principle of operation is similar - light acts on the follicles. This procedure is somewhat cheaper, but is only suitable for removing dark hair on light skin.
- Electrolysis. The destruction of the hair follicles is achieved by the impact of low-intensity electrical discharges. However, in order to achieve the desired result, the micropulse must reach each follicle, which makes the procedure long and painful. In modern cosmetology, this method of hair removal is rarely used.
- ELOS. This is the newest technology that combines the effects of photoradiation and radio wave exposure. Unlike laser hair removal, this technique is suitable for getting rid of light, red and gray hair, regardless of skin type. The disadvantages include high cost.
The cost of the procedure depends on the equipment chosen, the method of conduction and the zone of influence. For example, laser depilation of the chin or upper lip area will cost approximately 1000-1500 rubles, underarms - up to 10,000 rubles (for both sides).
Hair removal from the deep bikini area - 7000-9000 rubles, legs (including hips) - from 16 000 rubles. However, everything is negotiated with each client individually, since many clinics offer a discount for complex treatment of several zones at once.