Removal of a wen: what it is, the reasons for its appearance, indications and contraindications for surgery

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A person, having discovered a subcutaneous neoplasm on his body, may be frightened. The first thing you need to calm down and examine the tumor. If the skin over it is not changed, when pressed it is mobile and soft inside, and there is no discomfort during palpation, then with high probability we can say that it is a wen.

In the medical dictionary, a fatty tissue tumor is called a lipoma. The good news for the patient is that it very rarely turns into a cancer tumor.

An accurate diagnosis will help the doctor, which is recommended to contact as soon as possible. Surgical, radiowave and laser methods of therapy are used to remove the wen.

There are clinics that specialize in the elimination of this defect, they can ask for help and find out the price of treatment. In most patients, the lipoma is a cosmetic defect, if it does not interfere with the normal functioning of organs and systems. An urgent operation to get rid of education is usually not required, but given that it increases in size over time, it is worth contacting a doctor and plan to remove a wen.

Independently squeeze out a benign tumor at home is strictly prohibited. This can significantly aggravate the situation if an infection gets into the wound. A prerequisite for a successful operation is the complete removal of overgrown fat cells and the membrane in which they are located. Otherwise, a relapse is possible.

The main reasons for not delaying the removal of the wen are the following:

  • It will not disappear on its own. If the tumor causes discomfort, then only surgery will help.
  • He will constantly grow. The pace of this process may be different, but the wen tends to increase with time in size.
  • It can degenerate into liposarcoma, although this happens very rarely. This is facilitated by adverse factors and poor heredity.
  • After removing a small neoplasm, only an inconspicuous trace will remain on the body. The destruction of a large tumor will leave behind a noticeable scar. The choice of method depends on the location of the tumor, it can appear on the back, head, arms, legs, face, eyes and internal organs.

To decide on the need to remove the wen, the patient can help the doctor, having carefully studied the clinical picture.

What is a Wen

Lipoma is a benign neoplasm that can occur in a person at any age. It occurs only where there is fatty tissue. Wen predominantly located under the skin, but there are tumors that grow inside the human body and are found by chance during examination. Neoplasms can be both single and multiple, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Lipoma is a separate formation and consists predominantly of adipose tissue. Its cells are enclosed in a capsule and do not participate in the body's metabolism. Therefore, the wen does not become less when a person loses weight, thus it is impossible to reduce it. To the touch, the contents of the lipoma are dense, but not solid. Palpation in some cases, you can find the lobules that make up the tumor. Lipoma lumpiness is normal.

Causes of

In order to avoid the appearance and the need to remove the wen, patients want to know the answer to the question of why lipomas appear on the human body.

The exact reasons for their growth have not been established, but doctors have determined the factors that contribute to their occurrence:

  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Violations of hormonal background.
  • Tobacco smoking.
  • Irrational food and the use of harmful products.
  • Improper hygiene or lack of it.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Violation of fat metabolism in humans and blockage of the sebaceous glands.

The presence of several factors from the list increases the likelihood of lipoma in humans. People whose appearance of wen has multiple character, it will be useful to pass an examination of the whole body to detect serious failures in his work.

Wen on the body

Indications and Contraindications

Removal of the wen is recommended for people who have discomfort, including an aesthetic one, as a visible cosmetic defect.

Definitely need to get rid of it, if the wen interferes with the normal functioning of organs and systems, and if the lipoma hurts during palpation and is constantly increasing in size. Conduct operations in the presence of cancer, diabetes, immunodeficiency, or common herpes in a patient.

If pregnancy should be delayed, this procedure is best carried out after the birth of the child to minimize the possible risks to the fetus.

Laser removal of adipose and other methods of treatment of adipose tissue proliferation

One of the most common methods of treating the proliferation of adipose tissue is laser removal of wen. Doctors choose this procedure because it has a number of advantages, is minimally invasive and less traumatic in comparison with surgery. The patient quickly recovers and returns to normal life.

Despite the fact that doctors noticed a slightly higher percentage of relapses after laser treatment, this does not affect its relevance among doctors and patients.

Methods of treatment and removal of wen:

  • Laser removal of wen is one of the most effective methods to combat lipomas, which has many advantages compared with other methods of neoplasm destruction.
  • Drug treatment is ineffective, since taking the drugs can not reduce the size of the lipoma.
  • The surgical method is the mechanical exfoliation of the tissues of the wen with the capsule in which they are contained. This method is used if the tumor is located deep in the tissues or has an impressive size.
  • The puncture-aspirator method consists in sucking the contents of the capsule with a special syringe.
  • The radio wave method allows the surgeon to excise the tumor with a radio wave knife.

Which of the methods of lipoma removal is preferable, the doctor will help to determine, having studied the clinical picture of the disease, localization and size of the tumor.

In most cases, laser removal of wen is preferable if you need to remove a subcutaneous neoplasm of not very large size.

Laser removal of lipoma and treatment with folk remedies: recommendations of oncologists and patient reviews

Many cosmetology clinics have a lipoma removal with a laser in the list of services. This procedure is in demand among patients, especially if the problem is not of a global nature and it is necessary to remove one or several small neoplasms on the body.

In case the tumor has reached impressive size or is in an inaccessible area, it makes sense to dwell on other methods of its removal, for example, on a surgical operation during which the surgeon cuts not only the contents of the lipoma, but also its envelope. It is very important to do this as carefully as possible so that a relapse does not occur.

Treatment of folk remedies

Removal of wen folk remedies

Treatment of folk remedies is widely used to get rid of many ailments, due to the fact that the preparation of the medicine is easy, it is relatively safe and its ingredients are cheap. There are recipes for getting rid of Wen.

Despite the fact that there are positive reviews of patients about their effectiveness, doctors do not recommend treating wen with folk remedies.

It is much more effective to remove the lipoma with a laser or surgically, and then raise the immune system and strengthen the body with infusions and decoctions of herbs. Illiterate use of folk remedies can be harmful and provoke accelerated tumor growth.

Recommendations of oncologists for patients with priests

The main recommendation is a timely visit to the doctor if any unknown neoplasm is found on the body. The medical literature describes the signs that are characteristic of lipomas. Removal of the lipoma by laser or other methods is not performed until the doctor is satisfied that there are no signs of cancer. After removal, tumor samples are necessarily sent for histological examination.


One of the reasons for the transformation of a lipoma into a malignant tumor is its injury. In no case do not try to get rid of it at home, it is better to seek the help of a surgeon.

Reviews of patients on removal of lipomas

Tamara, Moscow, 25 years old. “I started to have small Wen around the eyes . They really disturbed me and looked like scars. I went to the clinic and they removed me at once. I was pleased with the result. ”

Vladislav, Perm, 34 years old. “On the back, I noticed a small seal, which over the year has increased significantly in size and has begun to bring discomfort. I went to the doctor and I was ordered to remove the lipoma surgically. I am glad that the problem was solved simply enough, and it turned out not to be cancer. ”

Alina, Novorossiysk, 49 years. “Two months ago, I removed the wen on the sole. I had to go to the doctor, because he prevented me from walking. I had to stay in the hospital for several days, as it was necessary not to load the operated foot in order for the wound to heal faster. ”

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