Wen of a century: the main causes of the appearance, danger and symptoms of skin formation
Attractive appearance is an essential attribute of a self-confident person. The formation of a wen on the eyelid of the eye can be a real problem and the cause of many complexes, especially if this small defect is observed in women.
Doctors say that 90% of all cases, the occurrence of a wen on the eyelid is associated with various disorders in the body, so the solution to this problem should be approached as seriously as possible.
Also, experts argue that the most effective is considered to be complex therapy using a laser, folk remedies and cosmetic procedures.
Causes of
A wen of a century can be caused by the following most common causes:
- Individual genetic propensity of a person to these entities.
- Failure to follow proper hygiene and skin care.
- Reduced immunity in humans.
- Frequent use of alcoholic beverages.
- Hormonal disorders in the body.
- The use of poor-quality cosmetics for the face.
- Various diseases of the liver, kidneys or pancreas.
Also a significant role in the appearance of wen on the face is played by a sedentary lifestyle and dry skin. Photo lipoma on the upper or lower eyelid, as well as methods for its removal at home can be viewed in the Internet portals.
Symptoms and manifestations
Wen are on the skin in different parts of it. Outwardly, they look a bit like acne, but unlike them, due to the dense yellow content, they never open themselves.
Wen can be localized as single or in the form of clusters. Over time, they are able to increase their size. In this state, the lipoma will squeeze a person’s nerve endings and cause pain in him (if the wen is not treated).
What is dangerous wen
Some people do not attach importance to small formations on the skin in the form of Wen, but this is a mistake. In some cases, lipomas are reborn into cancers, although this is rarely the case.
Moreover, the presence of a lipoma on the skin becomes a good breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms that can cause inflammation and torsion of the eyelid. Also, the risk of infection in the eyes is not excluded.
How to remove a wen on the eyelid: the best methods of treatment, surgery and drug therapy
Many patients often wonder how to remove the wen on the eyelid correctly, and what methods are used for this. To date, you can eliminate this defect at home alone, as well as in the clinic with the help of a cosmetologist or a dermatologist. More preferred and safer is the second treatment option.
Removal of a wen on the eyelid will depend on its specific location, the reason for the appearance and size. Thus, if the formation is small, then it is well removed by deep cleaning. In more advanced cases, the patient may require laser treatment or removal of the wen with a sterile needle. Video of this method is presented in the reports of doctors.
Removal of adhesives using the drug method is completely painless and does not require a long recovery period. It should be understood that there are two ways of such therapy: the introduction of drugs directly into education, as well as local treatment using ointments. Most often, patients are prescribed local remedies (Gistan cream, Videstam ointment). They help to reduce lipoma, help protect against the formation of new wen.
Laser excision of Wen is considered the most effective and safe. In this case, the laser beam will burn the wen, and remove its contents. The risk of complications is minimal. Also the advantage of laser removal is that this procedure does not require the use of general anesthesia. Doctors use local anesthesia for this.
Radio wave method
Elimination of the wen by the radio wave method allows one to get rid of identical formations as well as of multiple lipomas. During this procedure, the pimple is affected by high-frequency current, which rejects fatty tissue. The recovery period after this procedure is 10 days. After it, a person may have a small spot on the skin.
Surgical intervention
A large lipoma requires surgical removal; three types of operations can be practiced for this:
- The traditional intervention, which involves the removal of growth by surgical incision.
- The endoscopic method is performed by inserting the endoscope under the skin and removing the wen.
- Liposuction Such a procedure involves the suction of the contents of the lipoma with a special device. This is the least effective method of treatment.
The recovery period after surgery is
Puncture aspiration removal
In case of multiple formation of lipomas, puncture-aspiration removal of formations can be performed to the patient. This procedure allows you to get rid of the wen needle, even in remote areas of the eyelids. The disadvantage of this method is its pain and the risk of secondary development of lipomas.
Wen on eyes eyelids: how to get rid of with the help of folk remedies, tips on preventing lindens
The best folk recipes from Wen are:
- Mix in 100 ml of warm vodka, 20 g of burdock root and the same amount of oak bark. Infuse the mixture for a week and grease the Wen.
- Mix Vishnevsky ointment with aloe juice. Apply on Wen.
- Add a spoonful of cinnamon to the daily menu.
- Lip lipomas with vitamin A.
- Apply on the wen a film of chicken egg shell.
In order not to cause a burn, the use of brilliant green, black pepper and celandine juice with wen is strictly prohibited. Wen on the eyelids eyes, disposal of which depends on the location and form of education, it is necessary to eliminate very carefully, so that during therapy does not damage the eye and its mucosa. To do this, it is contraindicated to use acids and other hazardous liquids.
With age, lipomas can affect all new skin areas. To prevent their occurrence, a person needs to give up bad habits, eat right and follow an optimal drinking regimen. It is necessary to carefully care for the skin of the face, tone and moisturize it. At the same time you need to use high-quality cosmetics and care products.
To rid yourself of the risk of lipomas, you need to regularly undergo a medical examination and treat diseases of the internal organs. It is important to remember that the wen on the eyelids, how to get rid of which the doctor must decide in each individual case, can hide in themselves dangerous diseases. Therefore, a person needs to eliminate them only under the supervision of a specialist.