Facelift: basic indications and recommendations

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Face lifting is the most comprehensive approach to treating facial wrinkles and skin hanging due to age. Surgery in this area ranges from minimally aggressive interventions to more extensive, complex practice. A face lift removes excess skin, squeezes the underlying tissues and muscle, and re-drapes the skin on the face and neck. This can correct facial wrinkles, sagging skin, unevenness of the oval and jaw, double chin. Every year, thousands of people suffer a successful facelift operation and are pleased with the results.

Indications for facelift:

  • If the face does not reflect the young energy spirit, the first signs of aging appear.
  • If the flaws on the face interfere with socialization and career.
  • If skin elasticity is present, but the first signs of aging have already appeared.

Face lifting can transform several areas at once, and its effect lasts up to 15 years.

This procedure has several drawbacks, among which a significant place is occupied by both physiological and psychological components:

  • The procedure does not create a new "I", but simply rejuvenates.
  • Depending on the age and type of skin, a repeat procedure is possible.
  • Loose skin of the face and chin line that has lost its contour.
  • Deep creases stretching from the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  • Lines from each corner of the mouth down the chin (puppet lines).
  • Excess fat on the face (volume).
  • Sagging and loss of muscle tone in the lower part of the face, up to the jaws.
  • Double chin due to loose skin and excess weight under the chin and jaw.
  • Loose and loose skin on the neck.

If a patient has a good general state of health, then the chances of the procedure are most likely.

How is the procedure of face lifting?

Most lifteig methods focus on lower facial areas, such as the chin, jaw and cheek line .

Tightening can be done on the cheeks or forehead.

In some methods, deeper wrinkles can be moved or compressed to restore a more “youthful” contour.

Today, there are many different methods that allow you to achieve consistently reliable, safe and long lasting results. The incisions on the face will depend on the area that needs to be fixed.

The goal of the aesthetic plastic surgeon and the entire staff of the team is to help the patient achieve the most beautiful and natural looking results, as well as to make the surgery as easy and convenient as possible.

Localization of face skin lifting

There are several methods of lifting the skin. A plastic surgeon will recommend a method based on the patient’s goals and facial features, including the shape of the face. The placement and length of the incisions vary depending on the reconstruction method that best suits the patient. A surgeon can use a “short scar” method to lift the skin, in which a short incision is usually limited to the area around the ear.

Regardless of the type of lifting, incisions will be made on the skin around the ear. With a traditional facelift, the surgeon makes incisions along the hairline, continuing down and around the front of the ears, then the incision goes into natural folds behind the ears.

With a minimally invasive lifting with a limited incision (CHEK-lifting), the surgeon makes short incisions along the hairline extending down and around the front of the ears, hidden in natural folds. There may also be incisions in the lower eyelids or under the upper lip.

Features of face skin lifting on the neck In the case of a neck lift, the surgeon makes incisions starting in front of the earlobes and continuing behind the ears in the lower scalp. There will also be a small incision under the chin.

Modified incisions include shorter scar changes with shorter incisions around the ear.

Facial skin scars may be virtually invisible. A narrow, flat scar behind the ear is positioned in such a way that it is quite possible to wear short-cropped hair.

The surgeon places incisions in areas that are hidden and in areas where scars look like natural wrinkles. The process of healing the incision depends on the surgical technique, prevention of infection, reduction of tension, diet, any diseases, smoking and genetic features.

When lifting the skin of the face, there is a risk of hypertrophic scars and keloid scars in each case when a skin incision is made. The probability of their appearance is greater in people with dark skin, such as African Americans and Hispanics. Choose a surgeon you can trust.

Especially important is the correct choice of the surgeon. Before discussing the procedure, you should find out:

  • Education, training and certification of the surgeon.
  • The experience of plastic surgery.
  • How comfortable you are with this surgeon.

During the initial consultation you will have the opportunity to discuss cosmetic purposes. The surgeon will evaluate you as a candidate for a lifting and explain what this procedure can do for you. Alternative treatments and follow-up treatments can be considered as soon as the surgeon understands the patient’s goals and examines his medical record.

At the initial consultation before lifting the skin of the face, the surgeon should ask the following questions:

  • Are there any medical conditions or allergies to medications?
  • Are you currently undergoing any treatment?
  • Have any operations been transferred before?
  • What medications, vitamins and herbal supplements are you currently taking?
  • What is the current consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs?
  • Have any cosmetic procedures been performed before?
  • What result do you expect from surgery?
  • What is your main motivation for rescheduling?

The surgeon at the initial consultation may ask the patient to look in the mirror and note what he would like to change. It is necessary to take photos for the report, measure the volumes in the face. Computer graphics are used to display and correct a possible result. It is necessary to evaluate the maximum of the patient's health, skin elasticity, discuss their options and potential results, including risks or complications. It is necessary to discuss the type of anesthesia, only after that an intervention plan is appointed.

Important recommendations before facelift:

  • It is necessary to stop smoking 6 weeks before the operation to promote good healing of the wound. Smoking also increases the risk of serious complications.
  • Exclude the use of aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins and homeopathic medicines, as they can increase bleeding.
  • Regardless of the type of surgery to be performed, the water balance in the body is very important both before and after surgery for safe recovery.

During the initial recovery period, the following recommendations should be followed.

  • If you dye your hair, do it before surgery. Otherwise, you will have to wait a month after the intervention.
  • The refrigerator should have a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as protein foods. Avoid foods that are high in sodium, as they contribute to an increase in edema. Freeze food in advance.
  • A recliner is well suited for lifting legs, knees and head.
  • Think in advance what you will wear for the first few days. Choose clothing that fastens in front.
  • Exclude heavy physical exertion, hot showers, baths and saunas for 2-3 weeks after surgery.

First week after facelift

  • It is forbidden to be behind the wheel for at least a week after the operation.
  • Feeling of tightness in the neck is a common phenomenon after surgery, which disappears 2-3 days after surgery.
  • During the first postoperative visit, the person is placed in a supporting elastic corset, which must be worn according to the instructions.
  • Do not take aspirin or any anti-inflammatory drugs for two weeks before and two weeks after surgery.
  • It is recommended to sleep with your head raised at 40 degrees for two weeks. Well helps extra pillow under the mattress, if necessary.
  • Cool compresses to the eyes will help relieve tension. It is forbidden to use ice or any other frozen product. Impact on the skin of the eyes, but not on the cheeks or forehead, without pressure. Application time - no more than 20 minutes. Heat should also be excluded.
  • Avoid lifting heavy things for one week. In addition to worsening edema, pressure can rise and blood flow in the suture areas can improve.
  • Hair washing is possible only 24 hours after surgery without a hair dryer.
  • Taking a bath and a shower is not prohibited, but you should try to avoid contact with water on the skin of the face.

The period from the second to the sixth week after lifting the skin of the face

During this period swimming, diving, water skiing and any other intense sports activity is prohibited. The patient may experience some sensitivity around the earlobes, face and neck. Cosmetics are allowed only according to the doctor’s instructions, sunglasses and a hat are shown.

Types of lifting: plasma, radio wave, ultrasound

Facelift results Genetics, skin quality and cosmetic care are important factors in choosing the method of lifting the skin of the face, since only the effectiveness of the intervention directly depends on them.

Plasmolifting for the face is an injection method of introducing human blood plasma rich in platelets into the tissue (PRP technology).

This method allows to treat nerve damage, is effective in bone tissue regeneration, plastic surgery and dentistry.

PRP technology refers to autohemotherapy, which involves direct intramuscular or subcutaneous re-injection of blood into a patient.

The use of platelet-rich plasma represents a unique opportunity to improve and control the treatment of wounds and to resist infection without the use of drugs. The method was developed for surgical dentistry, but quickly became widespread in cosmetology. Today, the scope of the injected PRP is significantly expanded, for example, PRP injection for the face increases collagen production and improves skin elasticity.

Minidirection or “S-lifting” implies intervention with a limited amount of skin tearing, produced in the SMAS area.

Recently, radio wave energy (RF) is a new and promising technology for non-surgical compression of early signs of aging skin. Radio wave face lifting allows you to remove skin weakness, it is best suited for patients with moderate amounts of facial wrinkles, with any skin color. Also called a face lift 3D procedure, it affects areas such as the forehead, eyes, cheeks, jaw and neck lines. RF can also be used with ultrasound cavitation (ultrasonic facelift).


Catherine 07/25/2016 20:42:28

I personally only for lifting (it is clear that at a certain age only), especially on the neck. Recently, a friend made ultrasound and the effect is simply amazing.

Yalina 08/19/2016 14:18:11

Lifting in a very short time gained such popularity that it is even difficult to imagine that world stars would not do such procedures for themselves. Although the procedure for tightening the skin of the face is now very accessible, which is good news.

Natali 11/18/2018 20:25:09

I chose a spacelift 3D, Nosova made me both a facelift and lipofilling at one time, I simply look like a smart match for our and world stars, and some of them even cannot hold a candle to me, but my favorite man says so, but I will be more modest, although I am glad that opinion I will not hide

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