Injection facelift: description, indications and contraindications
A facelift is also performed using non-invasive methods, one of which is an injection tightening.
Such a procedure is a manipulation of a cosmetological nature, with the help of which the structure and relief of the skin is changed.
The injection method is carried out by introducing special substances under the skin.
For the use of injectable facelift there are the following indications:
- loss of elasticity and the appearance of defects on the skin due to age-related changes;
- the manifestation of wrinkles around the eyes and mouth;
- pronounced nasolabial folds;
- sagging cheek area;
- vague and limp cheekbones;
- presence of scars.
It should be noted that the injection facelift is contraindicated in such cases as:
- the period of pregnancy and lactation;
- the presence of cancer diseases;
- age up to 18 years;
- psychological disorder in a patient;
- manifestation of the patient's body allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid or other drugs;
- problems with blood clotting;
- manifestation of dermatitis diseases in certain areas;
- viral or infectious diseases;
- injury or other damage in the relevant area;
1st and2nd type of diabetes; - renal failure;
- liver disease;
- malfunction of the connective tissue;
- diseases of the autoimmune nature.
During the procedures of injection facelift, modern preparations of various contents are used. The most common of these are synthetic drugs that can persist in tissues after administration for 5 years, or even more, and biological drugs that dissolve under the action of tissue enzymes, after which they are eliminated from the body naturally. The main components in the manufacture of such drugs is collagen, polylactic acid, and hyaluronic acid.
Often, fillers of biological origin are preferably used for injection suspenders, since they are antiallergic and do not leave negative traces in the patient's body. In their action, these drugs are also effective, the result after their use is already evident for several hours after the procedure.
To understand why such a procedure is very popular, you should consider its primary aspects:
- complete elimination of toxicity;
- minimal risk of trauma;
- no age restrictions, except for the age of 18 years;
- no additional training is required for the procedure;
- quick effect;
- painless during the process;
- rapid restoration of the skin;
- possibility of combination with other cosmetological procedures.
Thin needles are used for injecting a facelift, and certain areas of the skin require proper preparation with antiseptic solutions. In some cases, provided the use of pain medication. The duration of the injection face lift depends on the complexity of the procedure and the amount of work.
After the procedure, tingling or burning sensations may occur in rare cases. The body can also react to the injection by reddening a certain area of the skin. Within a few days, such phenomena disappear by themselves. The main rule of skin care after injecting the lift is to maintain cleanliness, you should also avoid exposure to sunlight and hypothermia.
Types of injections for facelift
For the injection method of lifting the oval face, special cocktails are used, which form clear features of the face, secrete the chin and cheekbones, relieve small and deep wrinkles, and give elasticity to the skin.
For injections used substances of the following groups.
- 1 group. Gels of synthetic origin, which have a long lasting effect. Such drugs include biopolymer gel, silicone-1000, offline and others. It should be said that such substances lose their popularity every year, since they have many nuances when used. If necessary, they can be removed from the body only by surgery. There is also a risk of gel shifting under the skin several years later.
- 2 group. Preparations of biological origin or biocompatible destination. These include polylactic and hyaluronic acid, natural collagen. Such substances are able to dissolve on their own, providing safety for the patient.
- 3 group. Preparations of the combined composition. Such substances are presented as a gel of biological origin in combination with synthetic fillers.
Injection facial rejuvenation methods
Injection facial rejuvenation is a relatively safe, effective, fast-acting and time-consuming method for performing the procedure. The most common options for injection procedures are mesotherapy, Botox rejuvenation, contour plastics.
In the process of mesotherapy under the skin, the doctor introduces biologically active substances, which include vitamin complexes and amino acids, as well as anti-inflammatory and stimulating substances. As a result of the injection, a regenerative as well as a new building cellular process is launched. After that, the elasticity and strength of the skin is increased, the hydration level is improved, the blood supply process, the facial contours are tightened.
About the contour plastic, which provides for tightening the oval face, already mentioned above. This procedure involves the use of special cocktails, which are called fillers . With their introduction, the contours of the oval face are aligned, the skin is smoothed and becomes bulky. Which cocktail to choose for injection facial rejuvenation - collagen, based on hyaluronic acid, or a combination one - depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and his skin.
Botox facial rejuvenation: advantages and disadvantages
Facial rejuvenation with botox is considered a popular and popular method in modern cosmetology. Botox is considered an effective substance in the fight against wrinkles, as well as effective for improving the tone of muscle tissue mimic.
The composition of Botox consists in the content of purified botulinum toxin bound by albumin. Getting into the muscle, Botox "paralyzes" it. Thus, wrinkles are smoothed, and the skin surface becomes smooth and smooth.
The use of Botox for injection in the process of rejuvenation is safe due to the introduction of minimal doses of the drug. From the body the substance is derived independently within a few days.
Side effects when using this method are not available, provided the correct administration of the drug. The exception leaves the case of drug intolerance by the patient. The age range for the use of botox injections is
The use of contour plastics hyaluronic acid
The use of hyaluronic acid in the procedure of contour plastics is widespread. With the introduction of such an acid, you can remove wrinkles, strengthen the skin and express the contours of the face.
This component is a natural and natural substance of the human body. Hyaluronic acid is able to hold water molecules in tissues. It is known that with the age of hyaluronic acid in the body is not enough, so the skin becomes dry and flabby. And injections with the help of drugs based on this acid save from this phenomenon.
The method involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid by injection under the skin. The acid is presented in the form of a viscous gel, which, when it gets under the skin, retains its structure and does not dissolve for a long time.
Most manufacturers include anesthetic in hyaluronic acid for anesthesia procedures for contour plastics . To get rid of wrinkles, injections are injected at the site of each of its manifestations. In the case of correction of facial contours, injections are carried out over the entire area of the skin that needs to be improved: cheekbones, cheeks, etc.