Face oval lift: what it is and why it is needed
Over time, many women pay attention to the face that has lost its shape, skin sagging and other defects. There is a question about the face oval lift.
Experts say that it is the face that is the most difficult part for lifting and transformation from the point of view of cosmetology, since This is the business card of any girl and woman.
You can use most of the ways to tighten the oval face at home, resorting to special gymnastics and exercises, as well as use anti-aging creams and lotions. But, often such methods of struggle with aging are ineffective. Therefore, for a quality solution, you should contact the professionals.
More recently, the face oval lift was possible only by surgery . But, today, when the world of technology and medicine are developing every day, there are methods for braces that do not require surgery.
To carry out facelift and achieve good results, you can use the procedure called thermolifting. This method involves the use of vacuum massage in combination with high-frequency electric current. As a result of the procedure, blood circulation is improved, the skin becomes toned, small wrinkles disappear completely, and deep wrinkles become almost invisible.
BVD procedure also allows you to tighten the face and achieve elasticity and elasticity of the skin and pronounced facial contours. The method involves the use of the action of light rays.
Using the method of laser polishing get rid of old and non-functioning cells, start the process of restoring the structure of the skin and tighten the shape of the face.
If the case is considered to be neglected, and the facial contours cannot be tightened with the help of hardware cosmetology, then one should turn to the methods of plastic surgery.
Tightening the skin of the face and oval: results
There are many methods and methods that will help to cope with such problems as swollen and fuzzy facial contours, the appearance of a second chin, sagging of cheeks, small and deep wrinkles and grooves, eyelids drooping or bags under the eyes.
The course of myostimulation, the procedures of which are carried out with the use of current pulses, will allow you to rejuvenate your face and heal the skin. The results of such a course of tightening the skin of the face and oval can be considered:
- restoration of a face form;
- the disappearance of more wrinkles;
- skin elasticity;
- elimination of the second chin;
- strengthening muscles;
- getting rid of puffiness.
There is microcurrent therapy, which is the use of pulses of electric current. As a result of such exposure, the following effects appear:
- a toned face;
- stabilization of the exchange process;
- improved blood circulation;
- increased muscle tone;
- pronounced facial contours;
- elimination of toxins from the skin;
- skin elasticity.
For the implementation of the tightening of the skin and facial contours, deep-end or surface-acting lifts are also used. Surface lifting is the treatment of the skin with special cosmetic means. In the process of deep lifting, the skin is covered with a film that rejuvenates the skin and tightens the contour of the face.
Such a procedure as bio-reinforcement is widespread, which implies the introduction of hyaluronic acid-based preparations under the skin. As a result of the effect of the drug, a net skeleton is created, which triggers the synthesis of collagen cells, after which the skin is renewed, becomes elastic and strong, and the shape of the face becomes pronounced and clear.
In some cases, lymphatic drainage procedures are used to tighten the skin and oval of the face, during which the lymph is cleaned. As a result of lymphatic drainage, the bags under the eyes disappear, the swelling resolves, the shape of the face becomes clear and taut.
There is also a method of mesotherapy, which consists in the introduction under the skin of special cocktails that promote skin elasticity and elasticity. As a result of mesotherapy, the oval of the face becomes taut and beautiful.
You can also contact a specialist to create an individual schedule of complex exercises for tightening the skin and oval face. This method is called face-building. It includes basic exercises for the face, and gymnastics against bags under the eyes, and a set of exercises for wrinkles on the forehead, and gymnastics against sagging cheeks, and exercises to remove a double chin.
Oval face plastics: features of rhytidectomy
To carry out the plastic oval face and give the skin youth and freshness will help a method called rhytidectomy, which is considered to be low-impact and has a fast restorative period. But, it must be said that one procedure, that is, an operation for a high result, is indispensable. Ritidectomy is to transform the shape of the face by removing excess skin, causing the face to become toned and beautiful.
There is another operational method that is more efficient than the previous one and it is called SMAS lifting. The surgical procedure involves tightening the skin with muscles, septums and ligaments.
For women over the age of 50, they often use the circular lifting method, which can rejuvenate by 10 or even 15 years.
To the natural rejuvenating effect leads to the use of the method of endoscopic lifting. The operation requires small cuts in the scalp and mouth. This method is considered a deep method of lifting the face and involves the movement of not only the skin, but also muscle tissue, as well as subcutaneous tissue.
Contour oval contour correction: methods for adjusting it
Contour oval contouring can be carried out with the help of injection cosmetology. In such cases, drugs are injected under the skin that may contain vitamins, irritants, or nourishing ingredients. Often, hyaluronic acid is preferred for injection, which is able to completely fill the gaps at the dermal level and promote the production of collagen cells.
For contouring plastics, fillers are also used - special compounds that include hyaluronic acid, biogels, Botox or vitamin complexes.
The use of filaments to achieve an effective face lift is also common.
Known and such a method as lifting the plasma. Contour oval contouring is performed by injections with the introduction of plasma processed in special conditions. Such methods are suitable for girls and women who have minor problems with the appearance of the face and clean elastic skin.
Contour oval contouring of the face is also performed by the surgical method. First of all, the patient must be examined, after which the doctor draws up a plan of further actions with clear instructions and instructions.
If the patient has such signs as sagging of the skin, manifestation of a second chin, sagging of the skin of the face, blurred contours, then there is a need to adjust the shape of the face.
It should be noted that it is impossible to carry out procedures in the following cases:
- asthma;
- poor blood clotting;
- circulatory system diseases;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- infections or chronic diseases.
The following methods are often used to make adjustments to facial contours:
- Ritidectomy. The procedure involves tightening the contours and removing excess skin on the face.
- Circular lift. Correction of facial contours is made, wrinkles are eliminated and smoothed.
- Lipofilling The introduction of the fat cells of the patient himself is used to increase the chin volume.
- Minilipro Suction Getting rid of excess fat.
Specialists recommend adjusting the facial contours with other cosmetic procedures such as plasma lifting, mesotherapy, bio rejuvenation, Botox injections , use of mesoniths .
The procedures for adjusting the oval face have their own distinctive features, which are as follows:
- the possibility of conducting operations using both local and general anesthesia;
- non-durable procedures that take from half an hour to an hour;
- fast recovery period;
- minor effects: bruising, swelling, or swelling that disappear within a few days;
- effectiveness of the result.