Plasmolifting: the essence of the procedure, use for the treatment of various diseases

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Initially Plazmolifting started to apply for therapeutic purposes in various fields of medicine: traumatology, dentistry, gynecology, etc. But after the specialists have thoroughly studied all the properties appropriately purified human plasma Plazmolifting widespread in aesthetic care, as an effective method of non-surgical facial rejuvenation and body.

The essence of the procedure is the introduction of purified and treated patient's blood. Depth of injection depends on the indications for plasma-lifting. Immediately prior to the manipulation carried out a venous blood sample into a special tube that is placed in a centrifuge.

During centrifugation, the liquid is divided into three fractions:

  • a mixture of uniform elements, mainly consisting of red blood cells and white blood cells;
  • platelet autoplasma;
  • plasma residue with a minimum concentration of blood cells.

Of interest to cosmetologists and practitioners of various specializations is platelet autoplasma. This attention is due to the fact that the platelets in large numbers contains a variety of growth factors and cytokines. The α-granules of platelets observed about three dozen different peptide compounds having a complex effect when administered by injection in cosmetic purposes and for the treatment of a broad enough spectrum of pathologies.

In the effect that plasma-lifting produces, the main importance are:

  • platelet-derived growth factor PDGF type stimulating chemotaxis, synthesis of collagen, fibroblasts (the structural elements of connective tissue);
  • vascular endothelial growth factor type PDEGF, which activates the regeneration operation and endothelial cells of the vascular inner wall;
  • TGF transforming growth factor type β growth consisting of several proteins exerting a complex action on epidermal tissue cover and musculoskeletal system.

It is worth noting

The corresponding result of the procedure depends on compliance with all the nuances of methods of obtaining platelet autoplasma. Therefore, if a clinic suggests that a procedure Plazmolifting very very cheap (with the exception of a variety of promotions), you should pay attention to the quality of the equipment.

Applications in Orthopedics

Studies on the use of plasma-lifting procedures in orthopedics have been conducted for a long time. In accordance with platelet autoplasma received data has complex effects on joint tissues, stimulating the synthesis of the structural units, normalizing the metabolic and regenerative processes.

Plasmolifting is used to eliminate symptoms and alleviate the condition of patients with:

  • deforming arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • lower back, neck and other spine pains;
  • pain and other consequences of sports injuries (usually suffer from knee, hip, tibia, the joints of the upper limbs).

During the manipulation, intra-articular injections of platelet autoplasma are made. Plazmolifting during the course of therapy can be combined with other drugs, possessing tonic effect on the joint tissue, such as Traumeel S.

Application in gynecology and urology

Plasmolifting is an excellent addition to the course of treatment of various diseases affecting the intimate sphere.

The representatives of the fair sex as indications for the course of injections are:

  • the effects of the inflammatory process of infectious and non-infectious nature;
  • cervical lesions (leukoplakia, erosion, etc.);
  • formation of adhesions and scarring;
  • endocrine diseases (only as part of combination therapy), accompanied by increased dryness of the vaginal mucosa, a decrease in the secretion of lubrication during sexual intercourse;
  • weakening of the muscles of the urinary tract, which lead to urinary incontinence.

Plazmolifting also shows women in the event of problems in sexual life after childbirth, operations on the organs of the urogenital system, excessive stretching of muscles of the vagina. Recently, this procedure is carried out for the plastic of the genitals. Using purified plasma eliminates pain and itching, swelling, redness, and others, bringing the expressed discomfort symptoms of the lower division of the urogenital system diseases.

Application in dentistry

Carrying out plasma lifting In the practice of the dentist, plasma-lifting is used relatively recently.

Feedback from doctors, this treatment strategy eliminates bleeding gums, increased tooth mobility fix, remove halitosis caused by inflammatory processes in oral cavity.

The use of plasma lifting in dentistry is justified with:

  • localized and generalized periodontitis of various degrees of severity;
  • gingivitis;
  • alveolitis;
  • implantation and removal of teeth to accelerate the regeneration and arrest of the inflammatory process;
  • Prevention of periodontal diseases tissues.

It is worth noting

Plazmolifting often recommends a neurologist in a variety of disorders of system and peripheral blood flow. They manifest themselves in the form of sleep disorders, constant fatigue, pain in the head, dizziness and other symptoms of hypoxia.

However, the effect of holding Plazmolifting not limited to gynecology, neurology and other fields of medicine. This method is also used to improve the condition of the hair, but the most common such technology has received in cosmetology. Plazmolifting widely used for relaxing expression wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, face oval equalization circuits.

Unlike other drugs used for subcutaneous injection in order to eliminate defects of the skin age, the patient's own purified plasma is much less side reactions, although it has a number of contraindications. Plasma lifting is almost universal procedure that can completely transform the appearance of a woman. On sites of profile cosmetology clinics posted a lot of photos and videos of the manipulation. Many supplemented by comments of experts, which explains in detail how the structure of the hair restoration and rejuvenation of the epidermal tissue cover.

Plasmolifting: before and after, indications and limitations to the procedure

Before and after plasma lifting For the use of platelet autoplasma for therapeutic purposes, there are separate indications.

Before the doctor "weighed" procedure, all the pros and cons, evaluate the likely result of manipulation, discussing the possibility of a combination with other medicines and physiotherapy means to improve the effectiveness of such manipulation.

For aesthetic purposes, cosmetologists recommend plasma lifting in the following situations:

  • for smoothing age and mimic wrinkles on the face, neck, decollete, hands;
  • treatment of a number of dermatoses, in particular, acne, pustular rash;
  • leveling the surface of the epidermal cover, the elimination of small scars, scars and other minor defects;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration after injury or surgery;
  • severe hair loss;
  • restoration of the integrity of the epidermis after aggressive or incorrectly conducted chemical peels.

During the consultation with a cosmetologist, the specialist offers to get acquainted with the results of the plasma-lifting procedure before and after. According to numerous photographs noticeable that a course of injections restores tone aging skin, improves complexion, removes pockets of pigmentation changes. Sessions injections of platelet autoplasma recommended to women after 40-45 years to prevent the occurrence of various signs of aging.

But there are a number of contraindications to the procedure:

  • various blood diseases, especially affecting the coagulation system and blood formation;
  • hepatitis, HIV and other such pathologies;
  • oncological diseases;
  • period of childbearing and breastfeeding;
  • autoimmune pathologies (with the exception of connective tissue diseases in which the possibility of Plazmolifting determined by a physician);
  • cachexia organism;
  • hypersensitivity reaction to drugs used during the procedure.

Relative contraindications to monthly injections are used, the temperature rise, a variety of chronic diseases in the acute stage. Furthermore, the risk of adverse reactions, the procedure increases when taking certain drugs (antibiotics, anticoagulants). Therefore, plasma lifting is better to postpone until the end of the course of therapy.

Plasmolifting: methodology, the essence of the procedure, possible complications and adverse reactions

How to spend Plazmolifting This method of rejuvenating the skin of the face and body is safer than the same mesotherapy or the introduction of Botox.

The fact is that the patient’s own plasma is taken for the procedure, so the risk of an allergic reaction is minimal.

But some experts believe that such injections can provoke the progression or resumption of the oncological process.

It is worth noting

The procedure is absolutely contraindicated in patients with cancer, both in the active state, and after regression.

During the consultation before the manipulation, the doctor issues directions for a series of laboratory tests. Be sure to pass the CBC indicating clotting time, also exclude hepatitis and other similar diseases. After receiving all the results, the beautician will schedule a visit to the clinic.

When is plasma-lifting performed? The methodology of the is as follows:

  • Venous blood is collected in a special laboratory test tube with preparations for further centrifugation. Its volume depends on the number of injections required.
  • The patient is asked to wait until the separation is performed, and the purification of platelet autoplasma.
  • The area of ​​the treated skin is cleaned of makeup residues; at the request of the patient, local anesthesia is performed.
  • After all the preparatory activities begin to plasma-lifting.

It is worth noting

For the prevention of secondary infection, the injection sites are re-treated with a disinfectant after performing the procedure.

The duration of one procedure usually does not exceed one hour; the frequency of injections is once every 7–14 days. The required number of sessions is determined individually for each patient. Women 30-40 years is enough 2-3 procedures, after 40 years Plazmolifting - the methodology of which is discussed in detail in the preliminary consultation at the cosmetician is repeated 4-5 times.

It is worth noting

Rejuvenation in a similar way is carried out no more than 1 time in half a year.

Plasmolifting: contraindications and consequences, recovery process

Injections are generally well tolerated, and no complications or adverse reactions occur in patients.

However, plasma lifting, contraindications and the consequences of which are taken into account in the individual approach, require compliance with certain rules:

  • before completing the full course of injections and a few weeks after they can not do facial massage with regard to other skin care procedures, the possibility of their implementation need to negotiate with the beautician;
  • avoid visiting saunas and tanning salons;
  • Do not apply decorative cosmetics on your face for several days.

It is worth noting

The effect of the Plazmolifting not immediately noticeable and manifested as the action of the active components of platelet autoplasma. On average, this process takes 1–1.5 months.

As shown Plazmolifting An alternative to the "classic" plasma lifting is a laser - plasma helium. This method comprises applying to the skin of dried platelets, and even its distribution in the subcutaneous tissue using a laser. There is a certain similarity between plasma lifting and mesotherapy. The essence of the latter is also reduced to a subcutaneous injection, but instead own plasma are administered various drugs: hyaluronic acid, vitamin cocktails for skin dressing, normalization of metabolic and regenerative processes.

However, when plasma-lifting is performed, contraindications and consequences have several advantages compared with mesotherapy:

  • low risk of allergic reaction and side effects;
  • long-term preservation of the result of the procedure;
  • rapid recovery and the absence of visible aesthetic deficiencies after injections.

But the final choice between procedures Plazmolifting and mesotherapy depends on the condition of the skin and its individual characteristics, the patient's age, personal preference.

Plazmolifting: reviews and cost

action Plazmolifting The cost of the procedure depends on the area of ​​the injection. For example, a facial treatment will cost approximately 150-170 dollars per session. Plazmolifting hair on the head is worth about $ 200, manipulation, covering the area of ​​the face, neck and décolleté - $ 300. Most experts recommend subcutaneous injections to improve the condition of the skin of the face and neck, which costs about $ 200 per procedure.

Opinions of cosmetologists concerning a similar method of rejuvenation converge.

Everyone considers it one of the most effective and safe ways to preserve youth for a long time and eliminate common cosmetic problems.

Plazmolifting, reviews which are positive both by doctors and by women are increasingly choosing patient clinics specializing in aesthetic procedures. The advantages and the result provided fully justify the relatively high cost of this method of rejuvenation .

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