Cheek liposuction to reshape the face

Cheek threads At the moment, medicine has many opportunities to carry out rejuvenating or corrective manipulations, but still we’ll stop at the choice of choosing wisely and correctly reading the indications and the desired outcome.

And after assessing the condition of the skin, you must directly choose the method that will be most effective in this case. Liposuction of the cheeks, or lipocorrection, is divided into two groups: surgical intervention and non-surgical.

Surgical liposuction methods of the cheeks include the classic perforation using the pumping of fatty material from skin matter. The method is a classic method of operation using anesthesia and a uniform rehabilitation period.

Non-surgical cheek liposuction techniques are performed directly using the devices. These include laser, ultrasound, radiofrequency methods, their function is to destroy the fatty material of the cell, transforming it into a liquid, which is removed from the body naturally.

The main indications for cheek liposuction are:

  1. Wrinkles, sagging skin of the cheeks, chin.
  2. Markedly pronounced age-related changes (flabbiness and lowered state of skin tone, rather deep sagging of skin tissue, etc.).
  3. Cosmetic excess fat deposits in the cheek area.

Tightening and correction of the cheeks: conducting and rehabilitation

One of the most mobile and stretchable places on the body is the cheeks. Naturally, during the vertical position the cheek tends to “sag”, due to which it stretches over time. The result of such a process is a downward movement of the cheek itself. It is worth paying attention to the fact that with time the formation of bryl occurs, from which the skin shifts towards the neck, as if weighing its contour. The consequences of such a shift are wrinkles and skin folds.

At a young age, due to a certain anatomical structure of the face, people may experience a lowering of the cheeks, while the condition of the neck will remain unchanged. In this case, the cheek lift will be relevant, which does not block the cervical region. There are also the opposite cases, when the skin of the cervical region sags, in this case there is a need for additional plastic surgery of the neck.

When tightening the cheeks, the suture line goes from the auricle, going deeper into the surface of the cheek, and ends at the back of the ear, in or near the hairline of the head.

With its considerable length, the scar is virtually invisible, thanks to a special technique for holding the face and the very location of the scar. In this method, two types of surgical intervention are used - superficial and deep.

The surface method of surgery is a more classical kind of intervention, during which the surgeon contacts a thin layer of fatty tissue and skin. And it is this option that turns out to be the least effective for the patient himself, although it is the simplest. The duration of the operation itself, as a rule, is 1.5-2 hours.

The second variant of the operation, the lifting of the superficial and already deep tissue material ( SMAS ), is more difficult technically, since it is performed at the locations of the main facial nerve in the deepest stratification. Duration of time is up to 2-3 days.

Already at the end of the intervention, the patient must wear supportive dressing cheeks at bedtime for up to 3 months and it is not recommended to sleep on the stomach or side.

Postoperative cheek lift

Change after cheek correction Normal marked temporary edema and light intradermal hemorrhage. They end for 2-3 days after the intervention. The majority of patients in the areas of the skin where the intervention was performed, the sensitivity decreases.

The middle part of the face is a purely soft tissue on the zygomatic areas, and tends to be the most prone to omission relative to the rest of the face. Cheek correction has gained popularity in plastic surgery, as it improves oval, completely removes the creases of the nose, lips, and starts the visible process of rejuvenation.

Not so long ago there was little information in medicine about how to solve the sagging of the skin in the middle part of the face. Only variants of the classical operation were considered, during which it was necessary to spend a lot of time, which did not bear the guarantee to correct the symmetry of the face and its oval. The use of endotin during cheek correction has become a revolution.


Endotins are materials for plastic surgery, that is, an implant from absorbable tissue. Due to the protruding elements endotins allow you to fix the fabric in the right sections in a convenient way.

Previously, only point-fixing threads were used in plastic surgery; therefore, too deep a tissue tension was impossible. Because of such a suspender, it was an image of a doll, not a person. Thanks to the endotin, the result of cheek correction became more rejuvenating, and therefore the image of the doll was created. Thanks to the endotin, the result of the cheek tightening procedure became the most optimal, rejuvenating, and even.

Tightening the cheek threads or thread lifting

Tightening the cheek threads is carried out without surgery. Thanks to hardware and surgical methods, past manipulations for rejuvenation were relegated to the background. Tightening the cheek threads does not provide for a long rehabilitation period, has the smallest number of contraindications, without provoking complications.

Indications for lifting the cheeks:

  • The omission of the face in the cheekbone.
  • Extensive sagging eyelids.
  • Sagging of the outer edge of the eyebrows.
  • Formed a second chin.
  • Too obvious expression of wrinkles in the lips and nose.

The main types of threads for suspenders:

  • Non - absorbable - gold, platinum, teflon.
  • Long absorbable - an example of this Tissoulift.
  • Absorbable - like 3d-mesonites, or Anchor lift and Happy Lift.
  • Combined - the base is non-absorbable, and the cone is absorbable.

For the reinforcement use threads made of the following materials:

  • gold, caprolac, polypropylene, acid on the basis of polylactic, etc.
  • The bulk among them has definitely applied notches and holes, for better retention of skin matter.

Holding the cheek-tightening threads

Lifting is carried out under normal local anesthesia, by the time of holding - no more than an hour. The thread is introduced through a microscopic puncture in the area of ​​the temple, and then it is “adjusted” to the right place of the skin and taken out on the cheekbone. Upon completion of the operation, the threads tension in certain directions, as a result, the notches are fixed inside the facial tissue. The tension itself thoroughly tightens the skin itself. Upon completion no scars or scars remain.

The result of a facelift with threads is observed immediately. After the intervention, it is necessary to apply a cold, in the next few weeks it is not recommended to take hot meals or to carry out procedures associated with heat. It is strongly not recommended to contact the skin on the face, sleep only on the back. During the first month, all power loads are excluded.

Cheek contouring

Cheek liposuction results Cheek contour is an intervention to give a certain shape to the cheeks. It is carried out in cases when the cheeks are drawn in, sunk, physiological features, age-related changes.

This procedure may be suitable for those who wish to give the cheeks volume, make them convex and relevant to the contour of the face.

Previously, it was possible to carry out the procedure due to polymer gels, but now it is already possible to perform contour plastics using implants.

The procedure itself can be carried out alternately or together with others, for example, tightening the cheeks.

There is also the plastic of the cheekbones themselves, the purpose of which is to eliminate sunken cheeks without implanting the implant itself. This intervention is called melokalatsii or tightening the cheeks subcutaneous sample.

As a rule, the rehabilitation period after this intervention depends on the chosen means and methods. A normal numbness of the lips is considered normal as after a visit to the dental office. During the first day it passes.

The doctor prescribes painkillers and antibiotics to prevent all sorts of complications and mainly infections. Also during the first days it will be necessary to follow the diet compiled by the doctor. The seams themselves are removed a week later or earlier. Scars after the intervention does not remain.

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