SMAS lifting - what it is, how it is performed and why

SMAS lifting results Content:

Currently, you can do a facelift without physical intervention. This became possible thanks to an ultrasonic lifting or SMAS (SMAS) lifting. Ultrasound technology will help improve skin turgor, as well as its structure.

Surgical method of facial rejuvenation and the fight against sagging skin began to apply in the 70s of the XX century. At that time, some scientists and doctors began to focus on the overall system of functioning of the muscles and tendons of the skin of the face, that is, on the system of aponeurosis.

Briefly, this skin-supporting mechanism is called SMAS, which stands for Sistema Muscular Aponeurytico Superficial. With the help of the SMAS brace, plastic surgeons get a rather visible lifting result.

In the SMAS lifting procedure, special devices are used that focus ultrasound and affect both the skin and muscular aponeurotic layers , up to a depth of 450 mm. This muscle layer is responsible for maintaining the facial skeleton, it is the “storage” for the elastin and collagen fibers contained in the skin. With age-related changes in these fibers, negative changes occur, provoking "gravitational aging." The contours of the face lose a beautiful oval, eyebrows begin to sag, and excess fabric appears under the chin. If you only work on the skin, then these surpluses cannot be eliminated.

The SMAS (SMAS) lifting procedure is simple: an intense, focused ultrasound heats up specific areas of the musculoaponeurotic layers, which causes a stressful situation. As a result, the skin cells become active and begin to restore the damaged. In other words, the effect of tightening is caused by controlled stress, although it takes several months to complete its formation.

The use of SMAS lifting is necessary for ptosis and flabbiness of the skin. It is desirable to apply with obvious age-related changes. It can also be used to observe the blurred oval of the face and wrinkles in areas such as the areas around the mouth and eyes.

  • It is strictly forbidden to use the procedure during pregnancy, especially during lactation, in the presence of severe (as well as cystic) forms of acne.
  • It is forbidden to carry out the procedure in case of diabetes mellitus, since the consequences can be serious.
  • SMAS lifting is prohibited if the client has implanted devices (or metal implants are present).
  • Not recommended for use in patients with open wounds or damaged areas of the skin, in the presence of keloid scars, systemic and common infectious diseases.

SMAS face lift stages

SMAS face lift has long been used as the most radical way of rejuvenation. The first tightening is done in most cases up to 45 years, to the second - about 60 years. Such a sequence will allow you to look "young" to old age.

A facelift is done not only in the case of sagging of the skin layer, but also when the muscle sags. SMAS - aponeurotic surface layer. It is at this level that an operation is performed that does not allow skin to be pulled over, overloading with sagging muscle.

  • On the scalp (in the area of ​​the temples), along the natural fold in front of the ears, behind the ear knot, in front of the lobe and in the back of the head, incisions are made.
  • The operation is carried out for 2 - 2.5 hours.
  • Another two weeks will be required for rehabilitation: the very first days - in the clinic, the rest - at home. During this period, bruises disappear, scars become barely noticeable.
  • Cuts are sewn up, and on the second day they remove the seams.
  • The strips are superimposed on top by completing the seams in invisible zones. This optimization of scars and allows you to make them virtually invisible.

SMAS lift will make the contour of the face clearly traced, fit and young. But the whole face is aging, which is manifested in the sharp expression of nasolabial folds and "creases" of wrinkles. Therefore, if you stretch them, then the face can be “pulled”. This deforms the appearance, so the surgeons set themselves the task - to optimally restore the correct geometry of the face.

After the operation, the beauticians are already working on the face; they will fill the areas in need of volume with a filler.

SMAS face lift should be carried out annually, due to which the effect of skin rejuvenation will last from 6 to 9 months, in each case individually. The rehabilitation period is (in rare cases) up to a couple of days, usually the beautician usually allows you to return to normal workdays. Very rarely, the client may experience edema, blue in the face or slight redness. Possible slight numbness of small areas of skin or blisters that will disappear in a couple of days.

The pain from the procedures is moderate, and given the need to do it only once a year, it is tolerable.

SMAS facelift with Altera (Ulthera Systems)

Facelift with SMAS technology The SMAS face lifting technique, carried out with the help of the Altera (Ulthera Systems) apparatus, became an innovation in therapeutic cosmetology 10 years after its invention.

The main objective of this technique - circular lifting of the contours of the face - has not lost its relevance among women and men of different ages for a long time.

That is why today therapeutic technology continues its dynamic development, helping people transform without surgical intervention .


Until now, many cosmetologists assert that it is the “Ulthera Systems” technique that shows the safest and lasting result of facial skin rejuvenation.

The English word "lifting" in Russian means "lifting." Therefore, the result of lifting in cosmetology is based on raising the tissues of the face, which with age lose their tone and elasticity, striving downwards. Previously, the long-term effect of rejuvenation was achieved only by plastics or a combination of various procedures, combining everything from massage and pumping deep skin peels. However, SMAS plastic face perfectly replaced surgical instruments: the opportunity to tighten the facial contour without surgery, to give facial symmetry, and skin smooth.

The main feature of this technique is that it acts on a subcutaneous level. Thus, the skin tissue is held in an elevated position, forming the contours of the face.

The SMAS face lifting technique is suitable in the following cases:

  • If you want to tighten the area of ​​the face, neck, neck, and give them freshness and well-groomed.
  • The effect of contour lifting is required: symmetrical shape of the face, clear lines of the lips, eyelids, eyebrows.
  • It is necessary to rid the skin of wrinkles and folds and at the same time avoid surgical intervention.
  • I want to see and feel the results after the first procedure.

Lifting "Altera" perfectly fights many skin problems:

  • "Floated" facial contour;
  • overhanging skin folds in the area of ​​the eyelids and chin;
  • loss of symmetry of facial features with age;
  • lowered corners of the lips and eyebrows;
  • deep nasolabial folds;
  • loss of former tone and elasticity of the face.

The technique is also used to prevent the occurrence of all the above problems.

Ultrasonic circular face surgery with SMAS lift

Features ultrasonic braces Circular plastic surgery of the face with a SMAS tightening is based on the same principles as plastic surgery, however, when using it, surgical intervention is not required.

The Altera device produces ultrasonic vibrations that have the ability to penetrate the skin layers and affect the SMAS. Thus, they trigger the production of collagen fibers in tissues, and the face lift is activated naturally.

The device "Altera" has modes of operation with multi-level vibrations. Each type of these vibrations can penetrate the skin to a specific depth, thereby rendering the result of a three-dimensional skin tightening.

All functions start to run exactly in the necessary areas of the skin and at the required depth.

In addition, after carrying out this technique in the process of renewing the skin layers, the result will increase over six months, and the final effect will last for more than one year.

The process of carrying out a facelift with ultrasound "Ulthera Systems"

During the very first visit to the cosmetologist, the doctor should explain all the key points of the procedure, as well as find out if there are any contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy;
  • feeding period;
  • oncological diseases;
  • open wounds.

On the day of the procedure it is not necessary to leave the usual pace of your life. After all, the procedure lasts no more than an hour, and the recovery period lasts for a very short time. At the reception, the client must lie down on the couch. The cosmetologist must first clean the skin and treat it with an anesthetic composition. Discomfort may appear during the period of radiation, but it lasts a short time. The beautician should assess the condition of the skin of the face, if necessary, apply markings on the face.

The device "Altera" processes first of all precisely the deep layers of the skin and only then the surface. During this period, the doctor must maintain control over the degree of exposure, for which the device has a special monitor. After a face plasty with a SMAS tightening, redness may remain on the skin, which disappears after two hours. The result of the procedure does not keep you waiting, it can be observed immediately, and within six months the skin renewal process will continue.

This facelift with ultrasound is necessary for mature skin, because at a young age the tissues are able to update themselves. This is due to the fact that the metabolic processes of the young body are quite dynamic. But over time, the lipid layer on the top layer of the skin becomes thinner, which leads to the appearance of the first wrinkles. Skin elasticity is lost due to loss of collagen, its fibers become thinner and less dense. As a result, the skin sags, muscles weaken.


Natasha 05/11/2019 16:51:48

The stolen result of the SMAS facelift on the Altera device (Ulthera Systems) is the result of a surgical SMAS surgeon's surgery Ishchenko AL

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