Thermal lifting of the face: description, types, indications and contraindications

The problem of aging and skin aging sooner or later affects every woman. And if earlier self-care was more about using different creams, the procedures of hardware cosmetology are quite accessible now. They are much more effective than cosmetic products, the result of their holding remains for a long time. Unlike plastic surgery, such techniques are non-invasive, painless, do not require serious subsequent recovery and are not accompanied by any complications.

Skin after thermolifting

Thermolifting of the face is a modern rejuvenating procedure from the arsenal of medical cosmetology. Its main advantage is the absence of a damaging effect on the tissues of the epidermal cover, but at the same time, the procedure activates all the processes occurring in the skin cells at the cellular level.

The essence of the technique consists in heating the surface of the face and body with the help of wave action. However, radiation has virtually no effect on the surface layers of the skin. The main changes occur in the underlying structures and subcutaneous tissue. The effect of heat serves as a kind of catalyst for biochemical reactions and the synthesis of new cells.

As a result of wave radiation, the production of collagen and elastane - the main "building materials" of the skin, ensuring its turgor and support - is multiplied. In addition, warming provides improved microcirculation in the adjacent vessels of the subcutaneous tissue. Together with actively flowing blood, oxygen, vitamins and trace elements are supplied to the skin cells, which are necessary for the complete synthesis of the melanin pigment and essential amino acids.

It is worth noting

Rejuvenation by the method of thermolifting can be carried out not only in the face, but also on the skin of the whole body: abdomen, thighs, buttocks, the inner surface of the hands, the region of the armpits, etc.

According to experts and patients, the procedure provides the following cosmetic effect on the epidermal integument:

  • eliminates fat folds in the cheek area and double chin;
  • smoothes deep and less noticeable wrinkles in the skin caused by a decrease in the tone of the facial muscles and an age-related decrease in skin turgor;
  • removes the main signs of aging - crow's feet, nasolabial folds, flews;
  • eliminates bags under the eyes, unhealthy swelling of the face;
  • lifts the hanging eyelids, adjusting the shape of the eyes;
  • evens out complexions, masking pigment spots;
  • removes small foci of inflammation, acne, acne.

When handling problem areas on the body, thermal lifting allows you to get rid of cellulite, subcutaneous fat deposits and, as a result, extra centimeters at the waist and hips. This procedure is a great way to tighten the skin of the abdomen after childbirth, generally improve the body and eliminate all manifestations of age.

Face thermal lifting can be carried out in one of the following modes:

With the help of infrared radiation . At the same time, the rays penetrate into the skin no more than 0.5 cm. This procedure has two goals: it eliminates wrinkles and, in general, provides a general facelift and body lift.

Laser thermolifting . The advantage of the procedure is the ability to adjust the intensity of exposure to the skin. Depending on the set parameters, the beam can penetrate the dermis to a depth of 0.6 to 0.7 cm. This method of rejuvenation is not only suitable for women of age, it can also be used to eliminate the first signs of wilting (from the age of 30).

Radio wave thermolifting (often this procedure is called RF lifting - according to the English abbreviation). The settings of the apparatus intended for performing the manipulation can be adjusted in such a way that the waves penetrate into the layers of the dermis to a depth of from half an inch to 3-4 cm.

After the thermal lifting procedure

Depending on the intensity of radio frequency exposure, this type of thermal lifting can be:

  • Monopolar . This is the maximum allowable level of radiation penetration into the skin. The advantages of the procedure include a pronounced cosmetic effect of rejuvenation and elimination of the majority of age-related skin changes, and the result is maintained for at least 2 - 3 years. A negative point is the fact that a course of monopolar radio wave thermolifting can be carried out no more than once. The disadvantages of the procedure include a fairly high price.
  • Bipolar . As a rule, when conducting a session, radio wave exposure is combined with micronidling. In other words, the skin is carried out with a roller, on the surface of which there is a multitude of tiny needles covered with gold plating. They practically do not injure the skin, however, they provide more intensive penetration of radio frequency radiation and, as a result, the maximum effect of the procedure.
  • Multipolar . This is the most gentle procedure of radio wave thermolifting. Waves penetrate the epidermal covers to a depth not exceeding 1 mm. Often, devices that generate radiation, are additionally equipped with a manipulator, which, in contact with the skin, creates a vacuum that has a massage and lymphatic drainage effect.

It is worth noting

Apparatus thermolifting in terms of the result cannot be compared with home skin care at home, even if it is carried out using professional cosmetics.

Indications for the procedure are:

  • change of contours and distortion of the shape of the face;
  • formation of the second chin;
  • appearance of mimic and age wrinkles;
  • unhealthy skin type associated with hypoxia and lack of essential vitamins;
  • frequent stressful situations, addiction to bad habits, which affects the condition of the skin;
  • the effects of prolonged aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • skin relief disorders caused by acne.

Thermal body lifting is recommended for cellulite, fat folds in problem areas, stretch marks after a sharp weight loss, childbirth, and breastfeeding. In addition, this procedure is also suitable for general care for aging skin to prevent the onset of the main signs of aging.

However, the use of the apparatus, generating various types of wave radiation, is contraindicated in some patients.

So, it is recommended to abstain from carrying out the procedure when:

  • pregnancy;
  • until cessation of breastfeeding;
  • implanted drivers of heart rhythm, insulin pumps;
  • open wounds, skin lesions, foci of inflammation, allergic and other rashes in the radiation exposure area; v
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • lesions of blood vessels (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis);
  • diabetes;
  • severe hypertension;
  • thyroid disease;
  • oncologic neoplasms;
  • pigmentation disorders of unknown etiology.

Also, it is recommended to abstain from carrying out thermolifting of the face and body until the end of menstruation, the disappearance of symptoms of acute infections or chronic diseases. Correction of the body in the abdomen is not carried out in case of pathologies of the urogenital area (polycystic, endometriosis, myoma, etc.). But in general, thermolifting, despite the relatively high price, is one of the most effective and common procedures for rejuvenating not only the face, but also the body (this is evident in the photo on the websites of specialized clinics). In addition, this technique allows you to get rid of excess body fat.

Skin condition after thermolifting

Thermolifting procedure: description of the procedure, features of subsequent care, reviews and cost

The manipulation itself does not require any prior preparation. However, a few days before the procedure, the patient is invited to consult a cosmetologist to discuss all the nuances of the upcoming session. The doctor explains in detail how the treatment of the skin will take place, determines the area of ​​impact, asks about the presence of possible contraindications.

The thermolifting procedure itself is as follows:

  • remnants of cosmetics, dust and dead skin cells of the epidermis are removed from the skin;
  • if necessary - marking of problem areas;
  • setting the desired radiation parameters on the device;
  • putting on special glasses to protect the eyes from radiation;
  • processing of pre-selected areas;
  • applying a regenerating nutrient emulsion.

It is worth noting

Depending on the amount of work, the procedure takes from 20 minutes to an hour. For optimal results, the course of rejuvenation consists of several sessions, which are carried out at intervals of 2 to 3 weeks.

In general, thermolifting is well tolerated and subject to the recommendations of a specialist does not cause any complications. Only in isolated cases may reversible pigmentation, redness and swelling of the skin.

To avoid undesirable consequences, within 3 - 5 days after the rejuvenation session, it is necessary to refrain from:

  • the use of skin-irritating scrubs, peels and other similar means of action;
  • use of decorative foundation creams and powder;
  • stay in the open sun, so it is better to carry out thermal lifting in autumn or winter;
  • to visit saunas, solariums, baths, swimming pools;
  • too strong physical training.

Face after thermolifting

Revina Irina Mikhailovna, dermatologist-cosmetol G: “I prefer thermal lifting to other methods due to its versatility. The variability of the radiation parameters used makes it possible to safely carry out the procedure when the first signs of aging skin wilt appear. In addition, thermolifting does not cause discomfort, does not require anesthesia, takes a little time, does not require special care after the session. "

Alexandra, 47 years old : “To be honest, I am not a regular at cosmetology salons, therefore I learned about thermal lifting by accident, from a friend. I was pleasantly surprised by her rejuvenated appearance and the sudden disappearance of wrinkles. After a detailed story I decided to try it myself. Signed up for a session and "voila". First of all, I was struck by an almost instant result, moreover, I was pleased with the absence of the need for a long recovery. ”

The procedure of thermolifting costs from 70 to 120 dollars and higher - it all depends on the area of ​​the treated area. However, according to most cosmetologists and patients, this price is quite justified. The effect is noticeable after a few hours, a strong redness and swelling also does not occur. The result can last up to 3 years, after which you can hold a second course of rejuvenation.

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