What is it? How effective is it and how is the operation performed?


Thanks to modern technologies and the latest methods of plastic surgery, today, without any problems, any deficiencies in appearance can be corrected, not only for the face, but also for the body as a whole.

One of these rather popular methods of body correction is fatgrafting or lipofilling, thanks to which in a relatively short period of time, it is possible to change beyond recognition beyond recognition, bringing them into ideal forms.

No artificial implants and chemicals, only natural and natural components for the body.

What is it

What is the procedure of fatgrafting. For the first time this procedure was started in the USA about 10 years ago, and today this technique is widely used in domestic beauty clinics. Its principle is to transplant its own adipose tissue from those places where they are in abundance, usually it is the abdomen area, where they are lacking.

What problems does it cope with?

Most often, the fatgrafting procedure is used for:

  • correction of leg curvature;
  • increasing or changing the shape of the buttocks;
  • breast volume expansion and correction;
  • hand rejuvenation;
  • eliminate wrinkles on the body and face;
  • elimination of nasolabial or eyebrow folds on the face.

Also, a similar technique is practiced to correct certain areas of the body after injuries that have led to aesthetic deformation.


The main and main advantage of this method of plastic body correction is the use of not foreign, but own fat. To which addiction is not required, the body does not reject it, allergic reactions are not manifested and the patient does not need rehabilitation after such a procedure. Also important is the fact that the so-called transplant "material" does not need to be looked for anywhere, everything is in the presence of the patient.

Some parts of the body are successfully reduced, due to the first stage of the operation, while others acquire the necessary volume. And all this is carried out by means of the smallest surgical intervention, which practically does not cause stress and does not disturb the natural process of the vital activity of the patient. After the operation, no scars remain, there are no painful or unpleasant sensations.

How quickly can the results of lipofilling be evaluated and how long does the effect last

Based on the practice of carrying out such operations, it should be noted that in 70-80% of patients who applied fat grafting, the transplanted fat cells successfully took root. The period for which tissues take root completely ranges from one and a half to two months, however, the first already noticeable positive changes appear after three weeks. The final result, which will be maintained for two years, should be expected to turn three months. If after the first procedure, to achieve 100% of the desired result did not work, it can be repeated.

Features of the transplantation of adipose tissue

Fatgrafting reviews

The main feature of conducting fatgrafting is the use of the patient's own biological material (fat cells). This ensures a high success rate of the operation and guarantees its complete safety, unlike plastic procedures for which foreign implants are used.

An unimportant role is played by the final result, in most cases, the corrected parts of the body look natural, and absolutely do not indicate that what was done here, however small, but all the same, surgical intervention. Completely absent scars and any other marks of the procedure performed.

Preparation and conduct of the operation

Despite the fact that fetgrafting is carried out fairly quickly and does not require special hospitalization of the patient, this operation, like any other, requires preliminary preparation.

Firstly , a complete medical examination, delivery of a general blood and urine test, consultation of some specialists are necessary in order to completely exclude possible complications after the procedure.

Secondly , the doctor will take several photos, and agree with the patient on how the contour of the corrected area should be. Especially it concerns those cases when carrying out a microfet grafrafting on a face is supposed.

Thirdly , before the procedure one should refrain from taking non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs, any vitamins, homeopathy and aspirin. It is also advisable to stop smoking and alcohol in 2-3 weeks.

The first stage of the operation is liposuction of fat, after which it is cleared of impurities of blood and tissue fluid. At the same time, the specialist tries to keep the maximum possible amount of whole fat cells.

Further, small cuts are made in the corrected places, their size is no more than 3 millimeters, and through them, the oil obtained after filtration is carefully injected in small doses (at least 0.1 ml) layer by layer in different directions, eliminating the defective places. Upon completion of the procedure, a special sterile bandage in the form of a plaster is applied to the incision sites.

This procedure lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the amount of correction of defective places and transplanted fat.

Surgery may be performed under local or general anesthesia. A patient’s condition and vital signs will be monitored by a specialist, while the plastic surgeon will begin his direct duties. During the operation, the preliminary plan of action may be slightly changed, this is due to the physiological characteristics of each particular organism.

Postoperative care and recovery

After the operation, the patient will be monitored for some time, it is possible to use painkillers. It is noted that more often puffiness and multiple painful hematomas disturb patients in places from which fatty tissue was extracted. To facilitate the condition, special compression garments can also be used.

Over the next three months, after the fatgrafting, no physical activity, massages of the area of ​​the corrected seats, as well as a trip to the sauna, bath, solarium and other thermal procedures are recommended.


As a rule, fetgraphing rarely leads to serious complications. Most often they are limited to small edemas, hematomas and seromas at the site of surgical interventions.

Problems may also arise related to:

  • adverse reactions to anesthesia;
  • allergic reactions to adjuvant medications;
  • temporary changes in the sensitivity of the tissues at the treatment sites;
  • scarring of tissues;
  • tissue infection;
  • unsatisfactory result.

Rare necrosis of injected fat cells.

To ensure that the transplantation of fatty tissues is successful, without any negative consequences, one should apply for such assistance only to qualified specialized medical institutions, and in no case use the services of dubious private clinics.

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