Types of abdominal liposuction: the main methods, their feature and cost
Liposuction is a method of surgical intervention that allows you to get rid of excess fatty subcutaneous deposits on the buttocks, thighs, in the face and chin area, as well as other problem areas in the case when other methods are ineffective.
With regard to abdominal liposuction, it involves the removal of fat in obesity, but does not cure the disease itself and does not eliminate its causes. Liposuction of the abdomen allows you to remove a limited amount of fatty deposits, but the aesthetic effect of such an intervention is much more revealing than if it was achieved with the help of exhausting physical activities and diets. There are different types of abdominal liposuction, which will be described in detail below.
Liposuction is carried out to people who know what physical activity is, have good health, as well as to those whose excess weight is no more than 10 kilograms and body fat is local. In this case, even with general slenderness, excess weight on the stomach creates disharmony. Such intervention allows you to adjust the shape, if other means were ineffective. Postoperative scars remain small and inconspicuous, despite the large surgical field, and the effect is clear and long-lasting.
It should be noted
The fatty layer is vital for the normal functioning of the body, so if the amount of fat is minimal, then you may be denied surgery. In this case, you should not distrust the specialist, if he says that there is no need for an operation.
In addition, the time that will need to be spent on preparation for the operation and rehabilitation after it can be spent in the gym, and the effect in some cases may be even more significant than from surgical intervention.
There are a number of contraindications for which the surgeon may refuse to perform the operation:
- poor liver and kidney function;
- circulatory disorders;
- recent skin diseases;
- lack of elasticity of the skin.
It is also important to understand that after the operation, skin sensitivity over the surgical field may be lost, unhealthy pigmentation may occur, hematomas, cuts may become inflamed and quickly pick up the infection.
More about the procedure
The most serious complication can be fatty thromboembolism - blockage of blood vessels with fat. Therefore, it is better to make sure in advance of the competence and experience of the surgeon performing the operation. There may also be a definite reaction to anesthesia and an anemic condition after surgery associated with blood loss. Therefore, such operations are performed only by qualified plastic surgeons in specialized clinics.
Laser abdominal liposuction: features of the procedure and its cost
Laser liposuction of the abdomen is the splitting of adipose tissue using a low-frequency laser. It is injected subcutaneously through an incision, laser radiation heats and produces lipolysis, and only lipocytes (fat cells) are destroyed.
In the second stage of the operation, the laser electrode is used to stimulate the lower layers of the dermis, as a result, the production of collagen is triggered. Collagen fibers are responsible for the relief, smoothness and uniformity of the skin.
The effect after the operation is slender waist, tightened hips with a uniform, smooth, elastic skin.
Laser lipolysis is used to eliminate the "apron" from women who gave birth to a Cesarean section, after sharp jumps in weight. As a result, this disadvantage will be completely eliminated!
Many patients may find local anesthesia unacceptable for themselves due to possible unpleasant sensations. In connection with the formation of a negative attitude and feedback to anesthesia, doctors conducting laser liposuction use “medical sleep”. The operated patient under his influence “sleep” the operation, the state during the manipulation, together with the plastic surgeons, is controlled by the anesthesiologist-resuscitator.
Laser liposuction is a surgical intervention. It is not shown in the following cases:
- Pregnancy, lactation.
- Blood disorders associated with bleeding disorders. Hemophilia.
- The presence of malignant tumors.
- Pathology of the biliary tract, liver.
The cost of laser liposuction of the abdomen in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan and other cities of Russia varies from 10 to 95 thousand rubles. In Kiev, such an operation can be done for
Ultrasonic Abdominal Liposuction: Cavitation Method
The cavitation effect of ultrasound - the destruction of excess layers of fat cells (cellulite) occurs due to the process of cavitation. The meaning of this technique is the emergence of a multitude of microbubbles as a result of vaporization, they increase and then burst.
Ultrasound passes through the tissues of the acoustic wave and causes the phenomenon of acoustic cavitation. As a result of heating, reducing the viscosity, microbubbles are formed. As they progress, they liquefy fat and push it out of the cell.
Then a collapse (microexplosion) occurs, the next largest fat cells are damaged and destroyed. Approximately 10% of fat is excreted through the blood, turning into glucose. The remaining 90% of the released fat leaves the cells with lymph flow. Non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction of the abdomen, in contrast to the surgical one, is characterized by a uniform distribution of the ultrasonic wave and the absence of tubercles, depressions due to the removal of a layer of adipose tissue of the same thickness. In this case, vessels, skin, muscles are not damaged, they are more elastic and are not subjected to the mechanism of cavitation.
The “recent” fat deposits are more effective. In such cases, in one session it is possible to reduce the volume to 5 cm!
The nozzle area is 19.6 cm². This allows you to quickly and evenly handle large areas of the body, such as the abdomen, back, sides. This manipulation does not bring painful sensations, does not require anesthesia and the postoperative recovery period. The patient can immediately return to his usual way of life.
Types of liposuction
Tummy tuck with threads: aptos tightens skin
In modern cosmetology and medicine, the need for surgical intervention has completely disappeared, because a non-surgical tummy tuck with Aptos threads appeared. The procedure of tightening the abdomen takes a minimum amount of time, is not dangerous, does not need a rehabilitation period.
Kaprolak is a special medical suture material that is absorbed in the body in a year, leaving only a dense and flexible collagen skeleton made of tissue.
“Excellence Body” is a self-absorbable biological thread with the smallest notches. They are necessary for the regeneration of the lost properties of the skin. The aptos thread is made to adapt to the physiological structure of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Using a thread of about 20 cm allows 3D-reinforcement of weak fabrics.
- Strengthens muscle and subcutaneous tissue.
- Restores the elasticity of the skin.
- Significantly improves the quality of the skin.
After the procedure, the result can be seen immediately, already with the naked eye. Since the biological thread is slowly absorbed, the result is significantly enhanced and lasts almost two years. Pricing policy is palpable: from 40,000 rubles.
Vacuum and Radiofrequency Abdominal Liposuction: Pumping Subcutaneous Fat
Vacuum liposuction of the abdomen is done through micro incisions in the skin, into which a cannula is inserted. It is constantly moved and destroyed by fat cells, which are then removed using a vacuum from under the skin.
This is one of the cheapest ways to liposuction, but also more traumatic than others. In one session, which is performed under general anesthesia, you can pump out up to 10 liters of fat.
Radiofrequency belly liposuction allows you to remove excess fat from the abdomen, get rid of cellulite and stretch marks. This is a non-traumatic procedure that does not leave scars. In one session, you can get rid of 5 liters of fat.
Radio frequencies can not only remove excess fat, but also perfectly tighten the skin. In addition, special ultra-thin nozzles provide an opportunity to work with the most inaccessible areas.
Abdominoplasty: removal of the abdomen surgically
Abdominoplasty is the removal of the abdomen surgically, during which adipose tissue is removed, muscle tissue is tightened in the anterior abdominal wall. This method is effective only when there is no other choice left. Most often, abdominoplasty is combined with liposuction to remove large fatty subcutaneous folds on the anterior abdominal wall of the patient.
However, in case of apparent obesity, this method is better not to apply, since in slimming the patient's skin will sag and have an unpleasant appearance.
A plastic surgeon performs surgery using local or general anesthesia.
The duration of the surgical intervention is individual and depends on:
- The general condition of the patient, including the initial weight category.
- The amount of work.
- The mental attitude of all participants in the procedure.
On average, abdominoplasty lasts from 1.5 to 5 hours.
Endoabdominoplastika - making minimal incisions on the skin. The skin is not removed, and all actions of the doctor are aimed at tightening the abdominal muscles. The result of surgery will increase significantly if you lead a healthy lifestyle (sports, diet).
All types of abdominal liposuction have their advantages and disadvantages and all allow you to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat. However, it is better to choose less traumatic methods in order to recover more quickly after the procedure.