How to reduce the stomach: the volume of the body is normal in adults and the causes of stretching
Good appetite and frequent overeating quite quickly can lead to a stretching of the stomach and a direct consequence of this - excess weight. That is why those who wish to bring their weight back to normal, quite often begin with a reduction in the volume of the stomach, which is undoubtedly the right decision. This can be done both at home and in the hospital with the help of a surgical operation (the establishment of an intragastric balloon, etc.).
According to statistics from the portal, more than 60% of adults now have a stretched stomach volume. In this case, most often this phenomenon is exposed to those people who have an unbalanced diet, eat on the go, and also practice dense evening dinners after a full day of fasting during working hours. That is why it is important to know how to reduce the stomach correctly, and what to do.
The volume of the stomach of an adult
Before you reduce the stomach, it should be noted that in normal its volume should be no more than two fists. Unfortunately, the weakness of people to overeat can stretch the body to four liters, or even more. In this case, it will be difficult for a person to get enough to eat a standard portion of food. To feel a full stomach, it may take two or three times more food.
Distended stomach
It should be noted that a distended stomach is both a cause and a consequence of overeating. At the same time, very often the habit of drinking food, drinking food without appetite, or uncontrolled dietary habits leads to a similar state. Moreover, often the size of the body shows the consumption of fatty foods, which are difficult to digest. It can persist in the stomach for up to twelve hours. With a stretched stomach, a person may experience frequent hunger. This, in turn, will contribute to the abundant food intake and rapid weight gain.
How to reduce the stomach at home
How to reduce the stomach correctly, largely depends on the degree of neglect of this state and the general well-being of a person. That is why before this event it will not be superfluous to consult with your doctor and carry out the necessary diagnostic measures. The safest, fastest and natural way to reduce the stomach at home is to comply with the diet. To do this, a person should gradually reduce the consumed portions of food. Instead of taking three meals a day, it is advisable to switch to a six-meal meal with small portions. Be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of water, but it should be done in between meals. Also very well helps in reducing the volume of the stomach breathing exercises and special exercises.
To reduce the stomach is well suited such an exercise: lie on your back and take a breath. Pori this, you need to draw the stomach.
Repeat this exercise several times a day. It can also be performed while standing or walking. Will help speed up the process of normalization of the volume of the stomach yoga, belly dancing and swing press.
How to reduce the volume of the stomach: effective doctor's advice
In many forums, frequently asked questions about how to reduce the volume of the stomach and reduce appetite quickly.
To do this, first of all, you should follow the following expert advice:
- When a feeling of hunger appears, a person needs to check whether he is really hungry. To do this, he should drink a glass of warm water. If after half an hour, hunger is still present, then you can eat a fruit or a small portion of lunch. The main thing is not to consume more than 300 grams. food at a time.
- In order to prevent overeating, and at the same time to support your body with the right amount of useful trace elements, food should be sufficiently high in calories. For example, to remove hunger you can eat a couple of slices of chocolate. This will be enough to satisfy hunger and prevent a negative mapping on the size of the body.
It is also important to be more discerning about food and not to use harmful foods that simply help you feel full.
Diet to reduce the volume of the stomach
Dietary nutrition to reduce the volume of the stomach has the following principles:
- It should eat fractional (eat separately meat and fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, etc.).
- Do not wash down food with water.
- It is necessary to refuse coffee, alcohol, fat, sweet and salty.
- The last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime.
- Sausages, convenience foods, fast food and other junk food are strictly prohibited.
The basis of the diet should be low-fat dairy products, boiled fish and meat, porridge on the water, dried fruits, vegetables and fruits. Also very useful will be greens, honey and fruit compotes. Once a week, a person is desirable to spend the so-called fasting days. During them you can eat only light porridges on the water, eat vegetables, a small amount of fruit and drink kefir. This not only favorably reflects on the process of reducing the stomach, but also contributes to the improvement of digestion.
Surgical reduction of the stomach is practiced if the diet did not help the person to normalize the volume of the organ, and he continues to overeat.
To reduce the stomach can be used three types of operations:
- Shunting
- Bandage.
- The establishment of the cylinder.
It is important to know that before reducing the volume of the stomach surgically, a person must make sure that there are no serious contraindications to the procedure, such as pregnancy, kidney, liver or heart disease, active allergies, ARVI, etc.
When performing a bypass, a large part of the stomach is pulled over to the person. With this manipulation, a small stomach is created with a volume of no more than 50 mg. The effect of such a procedure is imitation of rapid saturation. The operation using a bandage involves piercing the abdomen and applying a special ring on the stomach. This procedure is performed using laparoscopy. The last procedure to reduce the stomach is the establishment of an intragastric balloon in the body. He will remain in the stomach until the patient loses weight.
The results of this procedure are positive (patients only drop up to 20 kg in a year).
Before you reduce the volume of the stomach through surgery, a person must necessarily weigh the pros and cons, because often after such interventions, patients develop dangerous complications.