Laser abdominal liposuction: features and indications for carrying out
A thin waist and a flat stomach are desirable for many women and even some men. Unfortunately, very often even thin people in the anterior abdominal cavity are collected fat deposits. The reason for this may be insufficient mobility, poor nutrition and metabolic disorders. In the event that training in the gym and dieting do not have the desired effect, laser liposuction of the abdomen will help to get rid of excess fat. Reviews of such a cosmetic procedure for weight loss can be read on the numerous forums of patients who have previously undergone this method of correction of the abdomen. The price of abdominal laser liposuction depends largely on the amount of fat deposits, anesthesia used, as well as the specific clinic where the procedure will be performed.
Laser abdominal liposuction: is there an alternative
In that case, if a person is afraid of open surgery, he can use alternative methods of losing weight, namely:
- Regularly visit the gym and for 1-2 hours to carry out a full set of exercises for losing weight of the abdomen (to press a press, to work out on simulators).
- Go swimming.
- Observe diet food, which will completely limit the use of salt, sweets, coffee, alcohol, fatty and smoked. The basis of the menu for quick weight loss should be vegetables and fruits, herbs, nuts, honey, cereals, dried fruits, boiled fish, meat and seafood. Also, every day a person needs to eat low-fat dairy products.
Thus, making an effort, you can get rid of excess fat on the abdomen, without putting yourself at risk of postoperative complications after liposuction .
Differences of laser liposuction from classic
Laser abdominal liposuction is different from the classic in that it is characterized by minimally invasive intervention. Thus, for burning fat on the patient's skin, punctures are made with a size of just 1 mm, where the laser apparatus is inserted. Moreover, due to the painless impact of the laser patient does not require the transfer of harmful anesthesia.
The main advantages of this method of eliminating fat are:
- The procedure does not require any special preparatory measures from the person.
- Long lasting result.
- The destruction of adipose tissue, which will subsequently be absorbed by natural ways.
- General skin tightening.
- Minimal trauma to the skin.
- No need to stay in hospital after the procedure.
- Low risk of side effects.
- Fast recovery period.
Due to these advantages, laser liposuction is gaining more and more popularity every year among those who want to have a flat stomach.
Indications for
Indications for liposuction with a laser are the presence of large fat deposits in the abdominal area, as well as the patient's desire to correct this part of the body. It should be noted that only the surgeon can finally assess the condition of a person and approve the need for surgery. Liposuction is not carried out in cases where the patient has mental abnormalities associated with dissatisfaction with their forms with quite normal physical indicators.
It is not advisable to carry out liposuction for severe diseases of the kidneys and liver, cancer pathologies, impaired immunity and bleeding disorders. In order not to worsen his condition, it is strictly forbidden to practice this method of weight loss during pregnancy and lactation, with acute respiratory diseases, active infectious or allergic manifestations. Additional contraindications to this procedure are diabetes mellitus, advanced obesity, recently suffered a heart attack, hepatitis C or B, periods of exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
Cavitation of the abdomen: method of carrying out the procedure and features of rehabilitation
At the beginning of the procedure, the surgeon may mark the points where the laser will be inserted. After that, the necessary area of skin is treated with antimicrobial agents.
Laser liposuction is performed using a specially designed low-frequency laser that is inserted through a small surgical opening under the human skin.
After the laser heats the fatty tissue, splits it and at the end of the procedure is removed from the subcutaneous layer. Further, the electrode is introduced into the same channels. It is needed for heating the layers of the dermis. This will affect the production of collagen, and help tighten the skin.
At the end of the procedure, the electrode is also removed, and the damaged skin is treated with antiseptics. After 20-30 minutes, if the person's condition is satisfactory and he does not experience any deterioration, the patient can go home.
Rehabilitation period
As a rule, after cavitation of the abdomen and liposuction the recovery period is very fast. Thus, in the first few days after the procedure, the person should stop exercising (especially lifting weights, rocking the press, etc.), staying in the pool, sauna, or under the influence of direct sunlight. Also, do not drink alcohol.
For pain in the abdomen, it is recommended to wear compression garments, which will also protect against swelling.
In the event that a person is worried about pain after the procedure, then it is allowed to put pieces of ice to the puncture sites for a few seconds.
The first results of getting rid of cellulite will be noticeable only a few hours after the procedure.
After cavitation of the abdomen or liposuction, a person is at risk of developing the following complications:
- Infection and the development of the inflammatory process.
- Violation of outflow of fluid and hematoma.
- Impaired sensitivity due to damage to nerve endings.
- The development of necrosis in the area of laser exposure.
- The occurrence of allergies in the area of the procedure.
The fulfillment of all medical prescriptions will help reduce the likelihood of complications . Also, in no case should this procedure be performed if there are contraindications.
It is important to remember that if at least one of the above described complications develop, a person needs to consult a doctor as soon as possible before his condition worsens.
The cost of liposuction and cavitation of the abdomen can be quite different. This is determined by the clinic, where the procedure and neglect of the patient’s condition will be carried out. Thus, the average price for this surgical event is 10-15 thousand rubles.
With regard to the necessary tests, consultation of doctors and the use of drugs, they are paid separately.