The operation to reduce the stomach: the effectiveness of the method

Stomach reduction surgery

Without heavy grueling workouts, severe restrictions in food, a variety of expensive procedures in cosmetic clinics can significantly lose weight, and even in a relatively short time. Surgery to reduce the stomach for many of the fair sex looks like a panacea for excess weight. Is it so?

Is such an intervention so harmless, and what indications exist for its implementation. To understand whether a decrease in the stomach is shown to a particular patient, it is necessary to study such a thing as the human body mass index. Everyone can calculate this value on his own, for which it will be necessary to divide his own body weight, measured in kilograms, by height, measured in meters.

Then, the resulting number is squared and analyze the result as follows:

  • An indicator of up to 25 indicates an excellent state of the human body in the context of the ratio of height and weight. A figure may have some imbalances or flaws from the point of view of the modern person's view of beauty, but in general, it will most likely be called beautiful.
  • The figure ranging from 25 to 35 indicates that the body has extra pounds. This, of course, does not mean that it is urgently necessary to go to the surgeon and go "under the knife." But to think about the diet and lifestyle is already serious.
  • A figure above 40 indicates the presence of obesity. And the more neglected the situation, the greater the likelihood that a person will need to reduce the stomach surgically for the correction of body weight.

In other words, people with the so-called marbid obesity (body mass index of more than 40 units) and are patients who are shown a surgical decrease in the volume of the stomach. It is especially recommended to resort to such an operation for those people who suffer from hypertension, coronary heart disease, diseases of the joints against the background of excessive obesity. That is, those patients who are contraindicated substantial exercise. This procedure will allow you to adjust the process of absorption and digestion of food, reduce body weight, get rid of extra pounds.


The effect of the operating correction of the stomach volume is determined by the chosen method: more benign methods ( ballooning , bandaging) allow you to lose 40-60% of body weight, and more radical methods (resection, bypass) up to 85%.


Surgery to reduce the stomach is not shown to all patients with overweight. It is not recommended for people with heart problems, diabetes, mental disorders, children, elderly patients aged 60 years.

Complications after surgery to reduce the stomach

Complications that accompany resection of the stomach, reducing its volume with a balloon or a ring with liquid, are extremely rare. Often, a highly skilled surgeon is enough to avoid the negative effects of the intervention. But still they happen. This may be bleeding, thrombosis, thromboembolism, low motor activity, weakness, nausea.

Prevention of complications

For the prevention of complications, it is important to maintain motor activity in the postoperative period. If you have nausea or vomiting, an antiemetic can be prescribed to the patient. To prevent the risk of diarrhea and flatulence patients recommended a strict diet, the rejection of fatty, spicy foods.

To prepare for the manipulation of the stomach, it is important to remember the benefits:

  • Dieting. The diet should contain a large amount of protein, small - carbohydrates. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, which will help reduce the risk of bleeding during surgery, speed recovery after and reduce the volume of the liver.
  • Physical exertion. Activity will help maintain muscle tone, develop the lungs and heart, improve well-being.
  • Early arrival at the hospital. Many patients feel more comfortable if they carefully inspect the ward before the operation, psychologically prepare for their visit to the operating room.

Stomach resection for weight loss: price and reviews

Stomach resection for weight loss

Resection is a rather radical procedure that demonstrates high efficiency.

Sleeve resection of the stomach for weight loss allows you to lose up to 60% of body weight, since the stomach is significantly reduced. The excess part is cut from it, forming the so-called gastric tube. As a result, a person consumes much less food than before the operation.

After the intervention, rehabilitation in the conditions of a medical institution on average from 5 to 7 days will be required.

Gastric bypass surgery (gastroshuntirovanie)

Biliopancreatic gastric bypass is the most difficult method to correct for human body mass. To carry it out, eight punctures are performed in the abdominal cavity. Through them, the surgeon constructs a small stomach, bringing it to 20-30 milliliters, and connects it to the small intestine. The remaining part of the stomach does not need to be removed, it will simply cease to participate in the process of passage of food. Thus, the rate of assimilation of products increases, so a person is able to lose 60% to 80% of his weight in six months. The process is irreversible, a person loses weight forever, since it is impossible to restore the volume of the stomach.

Adjustable gastric banding

Overweight people can help a special operation called bandaging. It is carried out by means of tiny instruments and a chamber under general anesthesia. The instruments and the camera are inserted into the abdominal cavity through small punctures in the amount of five pieces. Each manipulation is transmitted to the monitor, and they all boil down to wrapping the stomach with a special ring with a straw. It will perform the function of a bandage buttoned with a silicone coating.

After 60 days after the operation, a liquid will be placed through the tube inside the bandage, which will squeeze the stomach. This is necessary to reduce its volume. In other words, the patient will begin to lose weight after a couple of months due to the fact that he simply cannot consume food in the same amount as before. As practice shows, the effectiveness of the procedure is 50%. That is, a person with a ring on the stomach can lose up to 50% of the mass of his body in six months. After the body gains the desired weight, the ring can be slightly lowered by increasing the volume of the stomach.


The simplest surgical technique on the stomach is ballooning. This method of body mass correction is not even an operation in its essence. It is rather a manipulation, for which no need to make cuts. It is indicated for patients with a body mass index in the range of 30-35 units. Balloon exercise patients under general anesthesia, for which through the mouth is introduced a special hollow tube. On this tube, an empty bubble with thin walls, made of silicone, is lowered to the bottom of the stomach.

After that, the cylinder is filled with liquid to a volume of 500 ml. Often, the liquid is painted blue so that if the wall of the balloon is damaged, it is possible to determine the presence of blue in the patient's urine. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor. After the procedure, patients are prescribed medication to reduce the level of acidity in the stomach.


Ballotting will cost patients, on average, 60-70 thousand rubles. Bandage - 90-140 thousand rubles. Gastric resection for weight loss is in the range of 140-160 thousand, and gastric bypass - in the range of 180-210 thousand rubles.


On the forums about losing weight, you can often find positive reviews about the resection of the stomach. “The procedure is simple, transferred easily, was restored a couple of months, then entered into the usual rhythm of life. I advise you! ”“ There was no strength in diets and sports, such was the weight. Gastrectomy helped quickly, and most importantly forever, lose weight. "

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