Liposuction surgery: features and indications

Liposuction surgery: results Content:

Liposuction surgery is a fairly popular procedure that can remove many flaws from the body, among which the most common are body fat and lipomas.

However, one should not think that such an operation will be able to remove all the flaws. Moreover, it can be difficult and quite painful. But the worst thing is that after the operation there can be various complications that lead to serious illnesses or even death.

The most unpleasant moments can be associated with the appearance of infection, burns and even allergic reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of liposuction.

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure used to remove unwanted fat. The operation involves the removal of small areas of adipose tissue that are difficult to lose through proper nutrition and exercise. Liposuction surgery is performed on areas of the body where fat stores tend to gather, that is, buttocks, thighs, and abdomen.

The purpose of liposuction is to change the shape in the long run. This works best for people who have an active and healthy lifestyle after liposuction.

How much does liposuction surgery cost?

In Russia, liposuction varies in price from about 60,000 to 500,000 rubles, depending on the area of ​​intervention.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a plastic surgeon. Pre-worth studying:

  • the number of successful liposuction for two years;
  • how many liposuctions were performed with complications;
  • specialist qualification;
  • membership in the surgical association;
  • features of postoperative care when administered by this specialist.

Liposuction is usually performed under a general anesthetic, a peridural anesthetic can be used for liposuction on the lower parts of the body. It usually takes about two weeks to fully recover from surgery.

If the operation was performed under a general anesthetic, the patient should be monitored for the first 24 hours. If the operation was carried out on a small area, then after a while you can return to the workflow. If the operation of liposuction was carried out on a large area, then you need up to 10 days off to recover to the workflow. Bandage or corset can be removed during water treatment.


The patient should avoid strenuous activity for a maximum of 4 weeks after the procedure, and walking and general activity during the day are not limited.

The results of the procedure can not always be noted immediately, especially if there is a significant swelling. It may take up to six months for the area to settle completely.

After about a week, stitches are removed (if not used soluble).

After 4-6 weeks, it is necessary to restore physical activity, which was performed before the operation.

After surgery, liposuction has the following complications:

  • swelling up to 6 months;
  • hypersensitivity, lack of sensitivity in places of scars (all these phenomena will disappear in a few weeks);
  • inflammation of the liposuction area or the vein below;
  • the appearance of fluid;
  • liposuction of the foot area may cause swollen ankles.

If liposuction was performed poorly, the following may appear:

  • rough and uneven results;
  • bleeding under the skin (hematoma);
  • lack of sensitivity for many months;
  • changes in skin color in the area under consideration;
  • elevation of fluid levels in the lungs (pulmonary edema);
  • a blood clot in the lungs (pulmonary embolism);
  • damage to internal organs during surgery.

Any type of liposuction surgery carries small risks, which include excessive bleeding, the development of a blood clot in a vein, infection, and allergic reactions to the anesthetic.

The surgeon should consider all possible causes of complications and eliminate them. Some patients do not get the desired result in one procedure, so they re-apply.

Types of liposuction: local, multiinjection, cavitation and others

Local Liposuction Liposuction for obesity is not a treatment for ailment; it will not remove cellulite or stretch marks.

This method of surgery is really suitable for people who have tried to change their lifestyle, but they have failed.

Preparing for liposuction of the body takes a long time. It is necessary to go through a huge number of procedures. First you need to consult a surgeon, it is he who will help determine whether an operation is needed and what needs to be done.

Such a surgeon should know his patient and all his diseases well. After this, the body is examined and there it is decided what to do.

The physician must consider all risks. If they are too large, then the operation will not be.

The next step is related to the survey. There will have to pass tests, undergo an ECG.

The patient is also tested for AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis. Perhaps the most important step will be an interview with an anesthesiologist. It is he who will decide how to conduct anesthesia. He needs to know the state of the internal organs.

You also need to remember that such a doctor should be aware of intolerance to anesthetics, if any.

The same anesthesiologist will have the opportunity to choose the appropriate type of anesthesia for the patient.

The last stage will be directly related to the preparation for the operation. Any patient will need to abandon certain types of products: coffee, fatty foods, sweet pastry dishes and others. Of course, it is unacceptable to take alcohol, tobacco. You also can not take drugs and vitamins, but here it is best to consult a doctor. For those involved in sports, you need to stop physical activity. Before the operation can not eat and drink. As for hygiene, you can take a shower, but here you can use only a special anti-bacterial soap.

Previously, body liposuction was used to minimize body fat only in certain parts of the body; today this method can be applied to any part except the face. Local liposuction is most commonly used in the abdomen and thigh areas. Fat removal on the chin and knees is increasingly in demand, where change with exercise or diet is not possible.

Local liposuction occurs quickly and efficiently, but this method is not suitable for everyone. Contraindications are:

  • diabetes;
  • violation of blood coagulation;
  • heart diseases.

It is important to know

Liposuction is a method of body formation and changes shape, only reducing the size in certain areas, and this is not considered a complex method for weight loss.

The procedure itself usually takes 2-3 hours, for three days a person can return to work. After you need to wear special clothes. Its use is necessary for accelerated healing, and also prevents swelling and blood clots. You should wear this clothing until about the tenth week.

Liposuction can happen:

Liposuction procedure itself implies a surgical intervention, through which certain fat deposits are changed in especially problematic places. There are several varieties of this procedure. There is vacuum, ultrasonic, and electronic liposuction.

The vacuum type of this procedure (cavitation liposuction) is the most popular among patients. Its essence lies in the fact that the impact on the fatty layer is through a special tube, which is introduced into the sections prepared in advance in problem areas. After such an intervention, the appearance of unpleasant bruises or bruises on the skin is minimized.

Liposuction with the help of ultrasound is the effect on the fat layer with a special ultrasound machine. However, this does not mean that in this case it will be possible to avoid cuts. Cuts are made too, but much shallower than under vacuum. Many experts do not advise to resort to this form of getting rid of fat deposits, because an ultrasound machine, in addition to its beneficial effect, can have a negative effect on human internal organs.

Multi-injecting liposuction is a change in the required area without surgery. It consists of the introduction of a certain mixture under the skin and its distribution through massage.

Electronic liposuction speaks for itself. If, in the case of ultrasound, ultrasound work is used, then current discharges have an effect.

The difference between them is insignificant, lies in the softness of the procedures and the ability to maintain the quality of the skin, which corresponds to the best laser technology.

The advantages and benefits of a particular method of operation should be the main topic of a preoperative conversation with a doctor. Of course, before you decide to do this procedure, it is desirable to find out the reliability of the clinic, professionalism, and the experience of specialists. It is also advisable to speak with patients who have done liposuction in this hospital.


In case of excess kilograms after pregnancy, it is not recommended to use liposuction. Yes, modern methods are suitable in these cases, but it should be remembered that they are implemented under local anesthesia. The problem is that local anesthetics are not suitable if a woman is breastfeeding, because they can penetrate into the milk.

Overall, the health risks of body liposuction are minimal. Scars do not remain after the procedure, as modern technologies allow not to make skin incisions or punctures. The number of fat cells is greatly reduced. The result for a long time.

The most effective liposuction: the pros and cons of the postoperative period

Liposuction for obesity The main advantage of liposuction is that after getting rid of unnecessary fat deposits, they will no longer appear again in this place.

However, this does not mean that you can completely relax and stop watching your health and appearance. Be sure to adhere to a certain not necessarily strict diet. Lead a healthy lifestyle and be sure to engage in any kind of physical activity.

If you do not follow the state of your health after the operation, there is a risk of disproportionate fat deposits in places that have not been subjected to surgery. With such consequences it will be much more difficult to fight.

The main significant advantage to make liposuction for people with excess weight problems is simplicity. Despite the fact that it is still an operation, it shortens the chain of power to perfection.

According to statistics, after this procedure, there is a small percentage of complications, which is revealed in the following problems: hematomas on the body, edema, pigmentation, inflammation and necrosis.

All the unpleasant consequences can be the result of an incorrectly performed operation, any technical inaccuracies, if the nerve endings are accidentally affected, or it is a certain hostility and reaction of the organism itself.

The most effective liposuction is the one that was carried out after proper consultation with a specialist, and preferably with a few.

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