Effects of liposuction: types of surgery and major complications

Is liposuction harmful? Striving for harmony, women subject their bodies to all sorts of interventions, even surgical ones, they perform real feats in the name of beauty and external aesthetics. One of the most extreme methods for the body to combat kilograms is liposuction .

Liposuction - spot surgical removal of fat.

The intervention is carried out on the hips, buttocks, abdomen, waist, arms and calves. The final result of successful lipoxation: correction of body contours, reduction of fat deposits, giving the figure a more elegant outlines. The consequences after liposuction can be of a different nature: from edema to infection.

The intervention is carried out under general or local anesthesia, has a number of absolute contraindications and a long period of rehabilitation after surgery.

The main types of liposuction:

  • Vacuum , in which the fat cells are sucked out by a special pump through cannula tubes.
  • Ultrasonic - using a low-frequency pulse. The surgeon uses two tubes, the solution for splitting fat is fed into the tissue one by one, and the liquefied material is removed by the other. Thus, interventions are performed on areas of the body that are difficult for vacuum aspiration.
  • High frequency electrosurgery uses high frequency currents. The current heats up the areas of intervention, the fat becomes fluid and is easier to clean. Two needles are used: one is supplied with a drug to liquefy the fat deposits, the contents of the fat depots are pumped out through the other.

Liposuction - stress for the body, disrupted natural homeostasis - the constancy of the internal environment, the integrity of the skin and water-lipid metabolism. The effects of liposuction are not always predictable and serious complications are possible.

Seals, bruises and swelling after liposuction

Consolidation after liposuction is an invariable companion of the operation resulting from the regeneration processes after the intervention. They are extensive interstitial hematomas. For several weeks after the operation, solidification sites have been felt in her area. Light massage and ultrasound procedures promote the resorption of dense zones.


Consolidation is a protective-compensatory reaction of the body to a sharp loss of a part of fat cells and normally passes on its own in a maximum of 2 months.

Bruises after liposuction Liposuction bruises result from damage to soft tissues and small vessels. Blood corpuscles leave the damaged vascular wall and stain the subcutaneous tissue. With brittle blood vessels, impaired blood clotting and vitamin deficiency, bruises are characterized by a special resistance and a sharp degree of severity.

Fresh bruises of bright purple color change their color to blue-violet, yellow-green and, at the last stage, to light yellow. There are simple, but effective methods for resolving bruises faster: exposure to heat, solutions of medicinal badyagi, arnica tincture, heparin ointment.

Swelling in the tissues after liposuction occurs as a result of gross outside intervention in the constancy of the internal environment of the body.

  • Edema is characterized by excessive accumulation of extracellular fluids at the site of intervention.
  • The edematous fluid contains water, sodium and potassium salts, blood leukocytes and a small amount of protein.

Since, after liposuction, a lot of fluid is released into the tissue, and the reverse suction is disturbed, edema develops. It does not occur immediately, but about the next day after the intervention. The volume of tissue increases gradually and lasts for about a week, then it declines.

Persistence of edema depends on the area of ​​operation. The most stable are located in the abdomen and lower leg. Prolonged edema disrupts nutrition in the tissues, delivery of oxygen to the cells, reduces the body's defenses. Careful observance of all recommendations of the operating physician (use of sufficient amounts of clean water, diuretic fees; refusal of spicy, salty foods, visits to the bath and extreme physical exertion) contributes to the rapid resorption of edematous areas.

What is harmful liposuction and how dangerous

Liposuction is a serious surgical intervention, which, if improperly performed, can have serious consequences. What is harmful to liposuction for the organism in general and the area being operated in particular?

  • The detrimental effect of drugs for anesthesia on the entire body and the cardiovascular system in particular, up to the development of anaphylactic shock.
  • A long rehabilitation period after the intervention may be accompanied by fever and pain.
  • The formation of unaesthetic scars, rough scars, mounds and surface irregularities on the skin.
  • The risk of developing foci of necrosis (tissue death), gray (accumulation of serous fluid under the skin), inflammation and hyperpigmentation sites.
  • Complications in the form of hyperesthesia - increased sensitivity at the site of operation, up to painful sensations with little effect or hypoesthesia - decreased sensitivity due to the integrity of the nerve endings.
  • Skin sagging due to its low elasticity or removal of a significant amount of fat cells.
  • The development of iron deficiency anemia due to blood loss. The condition is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood and is characterized by common symptoms: weakness, lethargy, fainting.
  • Rapid fat gain in places that have not been subjected to liposuction and a change in the harmonious proportions of the body as a result of this process.
  • The development of an infectious process up to sepsis;
  • The blockage of blood vessels by destroyed fat cells, resulting from thromboembolism entails serious consequences, even death.

The main causes of liposuction failure

The reasons for unsuccessful liposuction and complications after it are the following factors:

  1. Personnel errors: non-compliance with sterility, violation of the protocol of the operation, uneven suction of lipid tissue.
  2. The lack of preparation of the patient for surgery and non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctors in the postoperative period.
  3. Reduced elasticity of the skin, weak blood vessels, hormonal disorders, allergic reactions, obesity of the patient and concomitant somatic diseases.
  4. Neglect of operated healthy low-calorie fractional nutrition.

Unsuccessful liposuction requires repeated intervention or correction.

If the decision is made to go for liposuction, then for the predictability of the result it is necessary to follow the following recommendations:

  • Plan an operation only with an experienced surgeon in a good specialized institution.
  • Conduct a thorough preliminary examination of the general condition of the body.
  • Fully trust the selected doctor and follow all his recommendations.

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