Laser liposuction: advantages of the procedure over other methods

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Today, the fight against fat deposits is becoming increasingly important. Experts have come up with many ways to make the body beautiful, fit. Laser liposuction is done in cases where sports do not bring any results. With the help of laser liposuction method you can get rid of fat deposits, cellulite in a short time.

What it is

Laser liposuction is a special kind of cosmetic procedure that removes subcutaneous fat and corrects the figure. The essence of the method is that the laser destructs fat cells, after which they break up.

For the first time about liposuction found out in the 60s of the last century. Previously, the procedure was painful and traumatic, as doctors without special anesthesia simply incised the skin, extracted excess fat. Over time, experienced doctors came to the conclusion that they improved the method already in the 80s , stopped making large cuts, the doctors performed the operation, making very small incisions. They introduced a special substance that quickly split fat. Such a composition after some time was removed through the inserted drainage, it was a kind of plastic tubes inserted under the skin.

Modern technology has come to replace the old ways; today, laser technology is being used to combat excess fat. Liposuction with the help of a laser is actively used in all countries of the world.

Laser liposuction is carried out in such a way that micro-punctures are made in the skin, where laser energy enters with the help of the thinnest needle. Under the action of a laser, the subcutaneous fat melts to a liquid state. After that, the melted fat is naturally excreted from the body. In the event that fat accumulated too much, it is removed by drainage.

The big advantage of the laser method is the almost complete absence of traces. The fact is that the more area is processed, the fewer needles will be inserted under the skin. This, in turn, will have a positive effect on further rehabilitation.

Experts say that during the removal of adipose tissue from the body, blood vessels are burned through, they seem to be sealed. Thanks to this system, the patient will not have hematomas. During the operation in the client's body begins to produce a large number of collaggen, which leads to body rejuvenation. The advantages of laser liposuction do not end there. Using this method, you can remove fat in the most difficult places, where it is not possible to penetrate using the usual method. A single visit will be enough for a client to forget about skin sagging from fat, moreover, after laser liposuction, no traces remain, scars, scars, unlike working with a surgical scalpel.

Laser liposuction is considered the most effective, painless procedure for removing subcutaneous fat. General anesthesia is used quite rarely, only in special cases. During the rehabilitation period, the client does not have any pain, so there is no need to stay in the hospital under the supervision of specialists. The period of recovery of the body after liposuction is much less, in contrast to the traditional method for removing fat. The client will not need to wear special compression underwear for months.

Liposuction with a laser is considered completely safe in the absence of contraindications, performed by certain types of exposure. The method of external liposuction, using a laser, is based on the complete removal of fat through the directional introduction of a laser beam through microscopic punctures. External liposuction laser provides for the introduction of a laser for small fat deposits. The system works on the principle of ultrasonic liposuction .

Indications and Contraindications

Laser liposuction can be performed on patients whose body is covered with excess fat deposits. The method helps to level the top layer of the skin. Also, laser liposuction is performed when a person suffers from hyperhidrosis. This disease occurs due to the release of an excessive amount of sweat glands in the axillary zone. This removes the excess gland, located in the sweat gland.

Despite the small trauma, the method of laser liposuction has many contraindications, so for its implementation, you need to make sure that there is no pathology in the body.

Laser removal of subcutaneous fat is contraindicated in diseases of the heart, blood vessels, diabetes, various skin diseases, if the patient has poor blood coagulation. Once a person has had a heart attack or stroke, liposuction is not done. Absolute contraindication to laser liposuction is pregnancy, lactation, hernia.

Liposuction of the abdomen

In special situations, liposuction is postponed.

The most serious contraindications to liposuction with a laser are:

  • Line weight, in which you must first independently reduce weight.
  • The presence in the treated area of ​​skin diseases.
  • Exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.
  • Various viral diseases, especially if they are accompanied by fever.

This list of prohibitions for liposuction is not complete, so before this method it is necessary to examine your body, consult with your doctor.

In the event that a person is completely healthy, you can count on a speedy recovery, to obtain the desired result, the absence of complications.

The advantages of laser liposuction over other methods

The main advantage of laser liposuction is that the method is minimally invasive, as it is performed using a laser beam, does not cause pain, unlike conventional liposuction. The recovery period is much shorter after the intervention does not remain scars. After the fat is gone, the skin does not sag, on the contrary, it becomes taut, elastic.

Laser liposuction of the hips and the effectiveness of the procedure

Before carrying out laser liposuction, you should consult with a specialist who will evaluate the body, identify possible problem areas. The operation should be carried out only if the body is completely healthy.

Laser liposuction is performed in the hospital, the patient is administered local anesthesia, less commonly general anesthesia. Before starting work, the doctor makes a sketch with a marker on the body of those places into which the needle will be inserted, after which it will anesthetize. Zones for liposuction can be buttocks, stomach, legs, thighs.

Liposuction thighs

After the action of anesthesia, a specialist inserts a thin needle under the skin, through which the laser beam falls. Thus, there is an active effect on adipose tissue, it disintegrates, is eliminated from the body through special tubes, or is excreted independently, naturally.

Infrared light passes through a thin, sterile needle, which allows the doctor to observe the passing process. The operation lasts from one and a half to four hours, a lot depends on the area to be treated.

According to patient reviews, laser liposuction of the hips and abdomen is most in demand. In this case, anesthesia is also administered, after which the adipose tissue is broken. Liposuction of the abdomen last no more than one hour.

The effectiveness of laser liposuction

How effective the method of laser exposure to fatty areas of the skin concerns many customers. In this case, you need to know that fat cells can not be restored, so new ones will not appear on the site of the removed deposits. Sometimes, after liposuction with a laser in appearance, the problem seems to be solved, however, the problem may not be completely resolved, fat cells may lie deep under the skin.

Before deciding on such a procedure, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, because the body of each person reacts to such interventions in different ways. The method of laser liposuction is considered to be radical, which is not suitable for all patients. The effect of liposuction will appear only when a person leads an active lifestyle, eats in the right way, plays sports, moves a lot. Otherwise, body fat may reappear.

Unfortunately, in some patients, fat deposits appear some time later, after which laser liposuction of the hips, abdomen, or other part of the body is not performed. This is due to heredity, which may not at all yield to any method of removing fatty deposits.

Laser liposuction of the legs and possible complications

There is no need to spend the entire rehabilitation period in the hospital, immediately after the session the patient is at home. Within a few weeks, you must wear special clothes, dressing. After the laser liposuction of the legs, abdomen or thighs has been performed and there are no complications, the patient is sent home.

Foot Liposuction

Unfortunately, this method can cause some complications that may begin in the hospital:

  • The patient can get anaphylactic shock caused by a strong allergy to the anesthetic. To avoid this, the anesthesiologist must know everything about the patient's health, as well as whether there was an allergy to drugs before. Most often tests are performed on the body's response to anesthetics.
  • During liposuction, severe bleeding can begin.
  • Edema appears in almost all patients after surgery. This state goes away after three weeks, it mainly depends on the human body.
  • The formation of the inflammatory process in the operated area.
  • Due to the uneven pumping of adipose tissue, the skin can become uneven. This situation arises due to the lack of professionalism of the doctor.
  • After liposuction, adipose tissue may reappear. This is due to malnutrition, maintaining a sedentary lifestyle.


Irina, Kaliningrad

“Laser liposuction of the legs is also in my opinion the most painless procedure. In this way, you can quickly remove subcutaneous fat, while there are no scars. My girlfriend is pleased with the result, her skin is elastic on her legs, her body has become beautiful. The main thing is that the device should be modern, good, also an experienced doctor. ”

Olga, Kaluga

“I experienced liposuction of the hips three years ago. After the operation I go in for sports, I follow the diet, I often sit on diets that do not cause any damage to my health. The method is modern, there was no pain during the process, it was anesthetized locally. The operation lasted just over an hour, I wore compression underwear for two weeks, after I took it off, there was some discomfort. Those who suffer from excess fat, go for a liposuction laser, you will not regret. "

Tatyana, Simferopol

“I know about liposuction not by hearsay. I had to go through it a year ago, I was removed fat on my stomach. It was terrible to lie down on the couch to the horror, because there was no special idea about the method. Frankly, the pain is there, not much, it is better to anaesthetize the operated area, so it will be more comfortable. Rehabilitation does not last long, but the body is different for everyone, there is definitely no time limit to be established. ”


The procedure of liposuction in different regions of Russia is different. First of all, it depends on the clinic, the experience of the doctor, the area treated. On average, a person will have to pay for liposuction of the stomach from 25 to 40 thousand rubles.

Liposuction with a laser every year is becoming increasingly popular. Before the process, you should carefully listen to the instructions of the specialist, to observe all the preparatory aspects. The most important condition in which liposuction is performed is the complete absence of contraindications.

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