Removing fat from the abdomen in men: a review of methods, indications and contraindications

Removing fat from the abdomen in men Weight gain in the stronger sex often occurs in abdominal type, which is explained by the physiological characteristics of the organism. Removing fat from the abdomen in men with the help of diet and training in the gym requires some time and effort, so more and more cases of referral to plastic surgeons are recorded.

In most cases, the problem is solved by abdominoplasty - an operation that includes, in addition to liposuction, also the correction of the skin and muscle tissue of the abdominal wall. Like any other surgical procedure, this procedure can cause complications and scar formation, therefore it is not an alternative to measures to normalize weight. It is recommended to use plastic only if there is no effect from other methods.

Abdominoplasty in men, as in women, can be performed using the partial method, when excess fat is removed through a small hole below the navel (using a laser) or the classical method.

Depending on which of the methods is chosen, the removal of fat from the abdomen in men can be carried out both in the inpatient setting and on an outpatient basis.

  • The main side effects of such a plasty of the abdomen are pain and swelling in the first days after the procedure, and pain and sensitivity may be present from several weeks to several months.
  • In addition, the patient may have numbness, hematomas at the incision site, as well as general weakness during the recovery period. Analgesics (Tramadol, Ketanov, Diclofenac) are prescribed to relieve pain. In order to reduce swelling, it is necessary to use drains and make timely dressings.
  • In order for the scar after healing of the suture to look as inconspicuous as possible, stimulating healing of the cream and ointment is used (first Levomekol, and then Kontraktubeks).

Sometimes abdominoplasty can lead to complications such as infection of the wound surface, bleeding, pulmonary embolism. Moreover, these problems are more likely in people suffering from serious illnesses of the heart, kidneys and liver, bleeding disorders, diabetes, as well as in smokers.

Rehabilitation after surgery on the abdomen consists in carrying out timely dressings until the suture is completely healed ( about 2 weeks ), wearing a bandage and limiting physical activity ( 1–1.5 months ). In the vast majority of cases, the patient can return to work within a month.

Full recovery sometimes takes much longer. After plastics of the abdomen to maintain the obtained cosmetic effect requires compliance with a healthy diet and a visit to the gym. Sometimes, to remove excess skin in the area above the pubis, additional manipulation is necessary - pannicutectomy.

Abdominal apron removal operation

Male Liposuction Surgery to remove the apron of the abdomen is recommended in the presence of a sagging skin and fat fold in the anterior abdominal wall. In contrast to abdominoplasty, this type of surgery does not tighten any of the abdominal muscles.

Quite often, a paniculectomy is done simultaneously with liposuction of fat on the abdomen, if the patient has appropriate indications.

The skin and fat fold is not only an aesthetic, but also a serious medical problem, as it promotes the reproduction of pathogens, circulatory disorders and interferes with normal intimate life.

Appears apron due to a sharp drop in weight in the direction of losing weight, to get rid of the defect can only be surgically. If there are no contraindications (obesity ІІІ degree, diabetes mellitus, serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of infectious nature, malignant neoplasms of different localization, blood clotting disorders, uncontrolled hypertension), the doctor prescribes a preoperative preparation that lasts several months.

In order for the result of a paniculectomy to be successful, the patient must have a stable weight for a year prior to its holding, as well as a good level of physical fitness, which can be provided by visiting the gym 3 times a week, and every day, walking up to 10 thousand steps.


Good nutrition with reduced calorie helps to saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and also helps to maintain a constant body weight.

Not later than 14 days, you should stop smoking and drinking alcohol, and also clarify with the doctor the appropriateness of using certain drugs before surgery (for example, aspirin is better to temporarily cancel, and antihypertensive drugs should continue to be consumed). Before the day of surgery, you should purchase a suitable size compression garment or bandage.

Abdominal fat cutting operation Pannicukectomy is performed under general anesthesia, therefore, it is forbidden to eat food 8 hours before anesthesia, and water 4 hours before to prevent the occurrence of vomiting.

The operation to remove the apron of the abdomen is carried out in stationary conditions, the total period of hospitalization may take up to 7 days. The time of the procedure depends on the size of the apron, which can be located at the level of the genitals, reach the upper or mid-thigh, and also the knees.

Within a few days after plastic correction, there is a need for injectable anesthesia and frequent dressing changes. Then the patient is discharged from the clinic with recommendations to observe rest, not to lift weights more than 4 kg, to wear special underwear and to observe dietary restrictions for 30 days. In rare cases, the occurrence of postoperative complications is possible - the formation of a colloid, loss of sensitivity, infection of the suture, sepsis.

Liposuction of the abdomen in men will help get rid of the "excess"

Liposuction of the abdomen in men is carried out to remove fat, if neither sport nor diet has led to a positive result. The procedure consists in suctioning of subcutaneous fat with the help of a special device in persons with I – II degree of obesity.

In most cases, liposuction does not require hospitalization and is carried out on an outpatient basis, however, it is recommended to suck out a large amount of fat in the hospital.

  • The procedure requires general anesthesia, the patient is injected with saline, analgesic, adrenaline, a vasoconstrictor, an injectable drug for anesthesia.
  • Fat deposits are removed through small incisions using a special ultrasonic suction device that pre-destroys the lipid layer.
  • The duration of the manipulation depends on the degree of obesity.
  • After liposuction, hematomas, puffiness and soreness persist for some time, a change in the color of the epidermis, infection of the incision sites is possible.
  • Abdominal fat cutting is more dangerous in terms of side effects and complications.

Rehabilitation after ambulatory liposuction takes only a few days, after which the patient can return to normal life. When a person returns to an unhealthy lifestyle, body fat quickly returns to the treated area, therefore, in order to maintain an ideal figure, it is recommended to follow the principles of healthy eating after liposuction and ensure sufficient physical activity.

Choosing a clinic for surgery, pay attention to the cost of services, customer reviews. Quality assistance at a lower price can be obtained in Perm or Tolyatti, the main thing is that both the doctor and the clinic have an impeccable reputation.

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