Ultrasonic liposuction and other methods of abdominal rollers correction

Ultrasonic liposuction - what is it? It is possible to eliminate ugly rollers on the stomach in different ways - both at home and in beauty salons and clinics. It is important to choose a method suitable for your body to tighten and improve skin elasticity: breathing exercises, diet, mesotherapy, wraps, ultrasonic liposuction and other types of it, exercises with a towel.

In some cases there is no need to resort to such radical measures as an operation, and you can limit yourself to a massage or wraps.

  1. Breathing exercises. We inhale deeply with the nose on 4 counts, strongly protrude the stomach, hold our breath on 16 counts, slowly exhale through the mouth, exhale on eight counts. Repeat several times. We try to use diaphragmatic breathing.
  2. Engage in physical gymnastics. Gymnastics will help tighten the weakened muscles of the lower press. Useful twisting torso. They should be done in different positions - lying on the floor, standing, ten times each exercise in several approaches. Complicate the complex can be crossed with scissors. The lower the legs, the greater the tension of the lower abdominal muscles. Get a hula-hoop with weighting. Twist 20 minutes a day.
  3. Diet. A rigid diet is not needed, according to the nutrition and drinking regime should be adjusted. It is necessary to introduce into the diet more fruits, vegetables, celery, ginger. Useful herbs, garlic, homemade yogurts, pure non-carbonated water. It is better to drink water in small sips, one and a half to two liters per day.
  4. Mesotherapy against the rollers of the abdomen returns elasticity and firmness of the skin. Held in beauty salons.
  5. Cosmetics - creams, oils, lotions can be used at home to remove the abdominal rollers. Choose better brands designed for nursing mothers. These drugs are environmentally friendly, safe for the body, restore skin tone, increase elasticity. For greater effect, it is better to use them in the cabin.
  6. To remove the fat, you can do a massage . Hold regularly. Lying on your back, you need to make clockwise circular movements, tingling, patting. This massage can be done while taking a shower with a stiff brush.
  7. You can carry out wraps with masks . It is necessary to put a mask on the stomach, turn around with a food film for half an hour. Mask Recipes: 
    • mix 300 g of black cosmetic clay, add additives in the form of honey, chamomile decoction, coffee beans, essential oil;
    • Mix 3 tablespoons of nettle, one and a half to two glasses of water, steam the grass. After cooling down, moisten the diaper, put it on the stomach, wrap it with a film for 2-3 hours.
    Masks improve blood circulation, tighten the skin of the abdomen, promote weight loss.
  8. Ultrasonic liposuction removes fat. It is recommended for people with small fat folds.
  9. Laser liposuction removes fat, corrects the figure, gives quick results. Laser liposuction does not cause the formation of scars; the skin is well tightened.
  10. Radio wave liposuction solves skin sagging problems, reduces skin folds, breaks down fat deposits.
  11. Non-surgical liposuction is a type of mesotherapy. Into the skin are injected drugs that destroy fat cells, activating the metabolism. Before conducting any type of liposuction, you need to find out all the contraindications and choose the most suitable type for the body. Liposuction is performed in the clinic.
  12. Exercise with a towel . Twist the cushion of a large towel, lay down on your back, put the cushion across the body so that it is on the line under the navel. Spread your legs a little, connect your big toes. Stretch your hands behind your head, joining your little fingers. Lie down for about five minutes.

And finally. Luule Viilma, an Estonian healer, writes that the more “material” and earthly a person is, the more serious the problems with the lower abdomen. It is necessary to analyze all life and do its correction. In conjunction with the implementation of gymnastics, mode, cosmetic home and salon procedures, you can get the desired effect on the formation of a beautiful belly.

Features of liposuction by ultrasound

Non-surgical correction methods The newest cosmetology technologies allow women and men to safely get rid of excess fat in certain places.

The zones of the breeches, shoulders, sides, abdomen - these are parts of the body with local accumulations of adipose tissue. To simulate, bring the body to perfect contours, reduce the volume, the procedure of liposuction with ultrasound or cavitation is performed. Ultrasound acts on fat ruthlessly, especially on the newly emerged fat deposits. Under the action of ultrasonic waves, fat cells are heated, their walls are destroyed. The emulsion from dead fat cells is excreted from the body by the lymphatic and venous systems.

Unlike traditional liposuction , cavitation does not make incisions on the skin for pumping out destroyed fat cells, so anesthesia is not required. After treatment on the skin does not form subcutaneous injuries, scars, dimples, bumps. Due to the fact that the integrity of the skin is not broken:

  • In the process of removing the emulsion from the destroyed fat cells, the drainage system of the body is involved, so only a small amount of fat (500 ml) can be eliminated at a time. But this is a plus - the skin after the procedure does not sag. On the contrary, ultrasound activates the natural physiological changes of the skin, improves its condition.
  • If body fat is high, it can take from three to eight sessions at intervals of one month. Used fat will be removed more easily if cavitation is combined with manual lymphatic drainage or vacuum apparatus massage.

The effect of each liposuction procedure with ultrasound will be visible in about a month. To maintain it, you need to change your diet, reduce the amount of sweet and flour eaten, actively move. If you do not, fat deposits will be restored.

Before the procedure of cavitation is recommended to consult with your doctor, because there are some contraindications to the implementation of non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction.

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