Liposuction of the abdomen: who can do, indications, contraindications and types of procedures

Liposuction of the abdomen

Many men and women want to be beautiful and slim. Not all people from nature got good genes and accelerated metabolism, which will help to maintain a beautiful figure for life. While a person is young, it is easier for him to keep himself in shape. Age, unhealthy diet and inactive lifestyle lead to the fact that over time, body fat increases in problem areas, especially in the abdomen. Sports and diet require effort from the patient, and it is not always possible to achieve the desired result with their help.

The development of medicine and plastic surgery opens new horizons for people seeking to achieve perfection. Liposuction of the abdomen is a very demanded procedure, which is resorted to by patients who want to reduce body fat in this area of ​​the body and reduce waist volume.

This operation is in demand among women, since it is they who most often encounter fat deposits in the abdominal area, which is due to the genetic characteristics of the body structure. If at a young age, many people can boast a thin waist, then after birth, when the body undergoes physical changes and hormonal changes, in the abdomen, thighs and on the sides of body fat deposits increase.

Who can have fat surgery?

Liposuction of the abdomen can be done to patients who do not have contraindications for this operation. The recommended patient age is up to 40 years. A person should be aware that it is not recommended to remove more than 2 liters of adipose tissue at a time, because if we ignore this recommendation, it can provoke a “pituitary response”.

The body, without having accounted for the usual volumes, can begin to restore them at an accelerated rate. Therefore, you should not consider liposuction of the abdomen, as a method of rapid weight loss.

The operation is not recommended for people with overweight. If the patient wants, after dropping the extra kilos, to sculpture his body by pumping fat from problem areas, then the result should be secured for at least six months before the surgery.

You should not rely on the fact that excess fat can simply be cut off where it is not needed. It will not be possible to remove the surplus in this way, since it will require a lot of operations, which will be difficult for the organism to bear. For medical reasons, serial abdominal liposuction can be performed in the treatment of obesity if conservative therapies such as diet, exercise, and drug therapy do not bring the desired result.

Types of operations

There are various methods of carrying out liposuction of the abdomen, but they are united by the general principle of the effect on the patient's body.

The excess fat is pumped out through the cannula under pressure from the patient’s body, but there are still certain differences in the performance of different types of procedures:

  • Vacuum liposuction is to remove the destroyed excess tissue through small incisions in the skin of the problem area. The procedure can be dry and wet, both carried out under general anesthesia. In the second case, a special solution is used to destroy adipose tissue, which is introduced into the body to facilitate the removal of fat from it through the holes.
  • Syringe liposuction is used to remove a small amount of fat from sensitive areas of the human body, such as the chin, neck, and knees. The procedure is laborious, but the patient recovers very quickly after it.
  • Laser liposuction of the abdomen is the effect on the fat cells of the laser energy, which destroys them. This method of pumping fat has advantages, such as high efficiency, low invasiveness and tightening of the skin, so it can be applied to problem areas with loose skin. The laser beam not only destroys the fat cells, but also burns small blood vessels, preventing excessive bleeding. The rehabilitation period is short and does not bring the patient much discomfort. Laser liposuction is a good alternative to the classic fat removal procedure.
  • Vibrational liposuction is done with the help of a vibropneumatic apparatus, which ensures the forward movement of the cannula inside the body. Using this technique, the doctor can remove from the patient a large amount of fat at a time. The procedure performed in this way is less traumatic and does not require the use of general anesthesia. It provides a good result, since the risk of uneven fat suction is minimized.
  • Radiofrequency liposuction uses radio waves to transform fat cells into an emulsion, which is then sucked off using a vacuum. Its advantage is that the procedure helps to get rid of cellulite and tighten the skin. The method can be used when you need to remove a lot of sediment at a time.
  • Tumescent liposuction is to remove excess fat from the area previously chopped with saline, mixed with anesthetic. Liquified adipose tissue is easily removed. The procedure can be carried out without anesthesia, recovery of the patient after surgery lasts as much as with suction of fat in the usual way.
  • Water jet liposuction is performed using a special device that supplies pressurized solution to the subcutaneous layers. A strong jet of water breaks down fat deposits without damaging the connective tissue and blood vessels. The separated fat cells are excreted by the vacuum pump. The procedure allows you to pump up to 6 liters of fat at a time, is low-impact and is done without general anesthesia.
  • Ultrasonic operating liposuction of the abdomen is carried out with the help of a special apparatus, which ultrasound acts on the desired area. Destroyed fat cells are removed through titanium cannulas. The incisions are minimal to prevent the formation of scars.
  • Ultrasonic non-invasive liposuction is the use of ultrasound, which destroys fat cells. With this procedure, no scars, bruises or edemas remain on the patient's body. The person does not feel pain, so there is no need for anesthesia. The disadvantage of ultrasonic liposuction is that no more than half a liter of fat can be removed at a time.
  • Chemical liposuction is a gentle fat removal method. Special lipolytic substances are introduced into the problem zone, converting it into an emulsion, which is removed by the lymphatic system in a natural way.

Fat pumping

The cost of each of the liposuction procedures must be clarified in the clinic to which the patient plans to apply. A specialist will help the patient to choose the most suitable liposuction method by inviting him for a consultation. In order to achieve the ideal result, it may be necessary to use combined methods of exposure. The price in this case is not always the decisive factor, it is important to take into account also the medical indications. Before deciding on an operation, it is recommended that you carefully study the feedback on the procedure and the skill of the plastic surgeon who will conduct it so that you do not have to make a correction later. To achieve the best result, it is necessary to wear compression underwear during the recovery period so that the healing process takes place faster and without consequences.

Indications and Contraindications

Liposuction of the abdomen is done for men and women who want to look beautiful and improve their body shape. In many women after childbirth, the stomach becomes a problem area. It is not always possible to help him to become slim and fit only by pumping out fat, in some cases abdominoplasty is needed. The operation can be done to all patients who do not have contraindications, such as chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation, diseases of internal organs, problems with blood clotting, severe obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system, autoimmune diseases, oncology and mental disorders. Patients with flabby and saggy skin surgery is not recommended.

Liposculpture of the abdomen in a surgical and non-surgical manner, stages of the procedure

Liposculpture of the abdomen is a set of procedures for suctioning and implantation of fat in the waist area, the purpose of which is to correct imperfections of the exterior. Filling up the lack of volume using the patient’s own fat deposits is called lipolifting. The use of ultrathin instruments allows the removal of fat cells without damaging them, which contributes to their good survival in a new place. Liposculpture of the abdomen is often combined with liposuction, removing the necessary material from areas of the body where the accumulation of fat is excessive and implanting it in places where the volume is not enough.


Surgical abdominal liposculpture is performed under general anesthesia in combination with local anesthesia. Through micro incisions, a solution is injected into the right areas of the body, which helps to separate the fat and prevents blood loss. The fat is removed using a catheter, which is connected to a vacuum pump. Cuts are fixed with gluing to prevent scar formation. The duration of the procedure is about half an hour for each area of ​​the body.

Non-surgical abdominal liposuction

Non-surgical abdominal liposuction is performed using the latest developments in the field of plastic surgery. To get the result without surgery, the problem area is affected by one of the methods that do not require the suction of fat through incisions using cannulas. This may be ultrasound, mesotherapy or manual liposuction. The patient is able to remove the destroyed tissue that has entered the intercellular space through the liver.

Stages of

The main stages of the liposculpture of the abdomen are as follows:

  1. Lip modeling of the abdomen using the selected equipment. First, lipoaspiration is done (suction of fat), while tissue detachment is performed. The doctor, through incisions in the navel and pubis, models the muscular framework, correcting its shortcomings.
  2. Transplantation of adipose tissue of the patient in the area, the volume of which must be increased.

After the operation, it is necessary to wear tight bandages and compression underwear, as well as to be under the supervision of specialists, so that the rehabilitation period will go smoothly and the patient will be pleased with the result.

Pumping fat from the waist: rehabilitation, possible complications, results and price

Medicine is developing, and fat pumping today is performed using the most advanced developments in the field of plastic surgery. There are many methods that help to make this operation almost painless and without scars. The recovery process of the patient was not so long and easier, subject to the recommendations of the doctor.


Pumping fat from problem areas is an operation whose complexity depends on the method chosen. There are both minimally invasive procedures and those after which rehabilitation is a fairly long process.

In each case, the recommendations for the recovery period are determined by the doctor, but there are general requirements that must be followed by all patients who undergo the operation:

  • Wearing a special compression garment.
  • Limitation of physical activity.
  • The observance of a diet that excludes the use of fatty, salty and fried foods. Food should contain a minimum of salt.
  • Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Exclusion of the massage of the operated area.
  • Restriction of stay in the open sun, as well as visits to tanning salons, saunas and swimming pools.

The doctor will prescribe the necessary physiotherapy that will help recover from surgery.

What does the stomach look like after lipomodel?

Belly liposculpture

Immediately after surgery, the abdomen may look swollen, in some places there may be bruises. The result of liposuction depends on many factors, but if the operation of pumping fat done professionally, then the belly in the photo after the rehabilitation passed looks more fit and tidy, you can clearly see a decrease in volumes in the waist area.

Possible complications

Previously, complications after liposuction carried a serious threat to the health and life of the patient, which made this operation recommended only according to medical indications. Over the past ten years, plastic surgeons have significantly improved their work methods, put together a theoretical base and identified contraindications for liposuction, which have minimized the negative effects on the patient's body.

Pumping fat from the abdomen can trigger the following generalized complications:

  1. Blood loss The greater the amount of fat removed from the waist, the greater the likelihood of vascular damage and blood loss in a patient. If it is more than half a liter, then it is recommended to stop liposuction in order to prevent the development of anemia and brain ischemia in the postoperative period in a patient.
  2. Pulmonary embolism. A rare complication in which there is a separation of a blood clot and getting it into the bloodstream. This can lead to a decrease in pressure, pneumonia or death.
  3. Fat embolism syndrome. This complication is due to the ingress of fat into the vessels, where it disrupts the microcirculation of the blood and provokes the formation of microthrombus. This process can trigger swelling of the brain, disorders of the functioning of internal organs, diffuse bleeding and hemorrhage.

Complications of a local nature include: the appearance of extensive hematomas, the formation of gray, edema of tissues, necrosis and suppuration of tissues, disturbance of sensitivity and the appearance of pigmentation. It is possible the appearance of cosmetic defects of the silhouette after the operation, due to poor skin contraction or insufficient professional liposuction.

How much does it take to remove fat from the belly

The price of pumping fat from the waist is usually calculated after consulting a specialist, as it depends on many factors. The selected method of liposuction, the need for general anesthesia, the complexity and volume of the procedure, the length of hospital stay directly affect the cost of the operation. Liposuction in the abdominal area is one of the most expensive, since this area contains more fat. The price of the service may be 45-110 thousand rubles.

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