How to remove flakes on the face and what it is
Age-related changes are most noticeable on the face. Drooping of the skin on the chin and cheeks makes the shape of the face is not smooth, unpleasant. But this problem can be solved independently or with the help of professional surgeons.
This concept came from the animal world, so in dogs is called saggy lip. That is why the bulls are also called “bulldog cheeks”. In cosmetology, this means the omission of the lower side of the cheeks on both sides of the chin. There are many effective methods for removing fleas on the face.
But to start taking care of the chin and cheeks must be from a young age. Elastin cells, important for maintaining elasticity, are no longer produced at the age of 14. The collagen responsible for the tone reduces its synthesis after 25 years. To think about how to remove the flakes on the face, it is necessary during this period, then by the age of fifty the face will look fresh and attractive.
The appearance of fleas on the face is unpleasant, they cannot be hidden, disguised by the tonal basis. Before you start dealing with such a defect, you need to find out why it appears. The main reason is age-related changes, but bryl can appear at a young age in people who are overweight.
In addition, there are factors that provoke the appearance of bryley:
- abuse of alcohol, drugs;
- peculiar mimicry;
- unfavorable climate - strong wind, scorching sun, frost;
- stress, depression;
- smoking;
- special structures of the face;
- chin line underdevelopment;
- drastic weight loss;
- consequence of endocrine diseases;
- hormonal changes in the body;
- poor nutrition;
- medication effects;
- lack of sleep;
- heredity.
Sagging of the skin on this area appears on the face of any woman, the laws of attraction affect everyone. But to delay the time of the appearance of bryley real.
How to get rid of flesh with the help of a beautician, massage and exercise
It is best from a young age to carefully care for the skin of the face, in order not to take emergency, expensive measures.
You need to have time and patience, because getting rid of bryley is not quite easy. Especially if they have already become very visible on the face.
Conservative ways are:
- masks;
- massage;
- exercises.
Special masks can be purchased at the pharmacy. They are already prepared on the basis of marine plants, active substances, they must be applied according to the instructions. In beauty salons will offer a course of masks for such cosmetic defects.
At home it is not difficult to prepare effective masks. You need to take lemon peel, grate on a fine grater, add 3-4 drops of lemon juice and 1 large spoonful of liquid honey to it. Apply to the problem area, wait until dry, apply another layer. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water. Lubricate the skin with a moisturizer. The course of such masks consists of 5-8 procedures.
For a massage, it is better to go to a medical center or beauty salon, they will tell you how to get rid of the bryles, how to choose a procedure. Lymphatic drainage massage helps very well. Movement specialist conducts in the course of lymph flow. The patient does not experience pain during the procedure, all movements are soft, pleasant, aimed at relaxation.
During the massage, the lymph flow increases. Cells are released from toxins, they get more nutrition. Removed excess fat, interstitial fluid, it reduces the manifestation of edema. As a result, the facial contour is tightened, the flews disappear after several procedures.
Special exercises can strengthen the muscles of the chin, tighten the skin. There are 57 muscles on the face, but few strengthen them, so over time they become weak, flabby. 15 to 20 minutes a day is enough for gymnastics, but it should be done every day without a break to get a positive result.
Complex exercises:
- strongly inflate the cheeks, count to 10, exhale slowly;
- inflate cheeks, drive a “balloon” from the air along the cheeks in the mouth for 3 to 5 minutes;
- open your mouth wide, utter vowels, trying to close your mouth as little as possible;
- lips pull forward with a straw, say alternately “Y”, “Y”;
- imagine that blowing out a candle, not one, but 50 - 60 in a row;
- lower lip pull to the nose;
- clench your teeth tightly, count to 20, relax.
You need to have time and patience, because getting rid of bryley is not quite easy. Especially if they have already become very visible on the face. It is best from a young age to carefully care for the skin of the face, in order not to take emergency, expensive measures.
How to remove the bulldog cheek surgically
For women, in whom age-related changes manifest themselves strongly, massages and masks may no longer help. It is necessary to use techniques that affect problem areas more intensively. Hardware procedures are well suited for this purpose. They can be made at home or in medical centers, where they will tell you how to remove bulldog cheeks, by what method.
For example, thermolifting uses electromagnetic pulses of various ranges. This allows you to stimulate the extracellular membrane, to resume the production of elastin and collagen in tissues, that is, to start the process of skin rejuvenation. But the effect of thermal lifting lasts only a few months. Since the bulldog cheeks can not be removed forever, we have to repeat the procedure.
Tatiana Zelenina, Krasnodar, 38 years old: “I have already done this procedure 2 times. The doctor advises to repeat every 7 months. To maintain such a good effect, it is not difficult. I like it a lot. I will continue.
Another hardware procedure is myostimulation . This is a local impact by pulses of electric current. As a result of muscle contraction, the blood supply and metabolism improves markedly. Mimic wrinkles are reduced, the oval of the face becomes clearer, the tone of the muscles of the face, neck and chin increases. The disadvantage can be considered soreness with increased sensitivity of teeth, muscle discomfort.
Laser nanoperforation is a hardware technique that stimulates the natural rejuvenation of the skin. A focused laser light is used, which is divided into many microscopic nanowires. They create a large number of nano-channels that are damaged. The skin tends to restore them, that is, it is updated.
Ekaterina, Ryazan, 41: “I made a laser perforation to tighten the facial contour. I liked the result. The skin is now smooth, elastic, beautiful color. I will have such sessions all the time. ”
Surgical methods of deliverance
Such methods are resorted to when other methods do not give positive results. Bryl clean with fillers . These are active substances that are injected under the skin, for example, hyaluronic acid. This method will help with not pronounced violations in the chin. With large flea fillers can not cope.
Intralipotherapy is performed with fillers . A special agent is introduced into the cheek area, which provokes subcutaneous fat to self-burning.
The procedure is safe, the injection acts only on adipose tissue, without affecting others. The active substance in a few days out with decay products.
Oksana B. Omsk region. 32 years: “I have undergone intralipotherapy procedures. There was no pain, the result appeared after the third session, the doctor said that it was normal, especially the skin. The contour of the chin has returned to normal. "
On the basis of hyaluronic acid make volume facelift . Special gel is injected on the problem areas of the face. The volume is created where it is not enough, thus creating skin tension, the flaps are eliminated.
Shibaeva K. Novosibirsk: “The result is good. After the procedure I got used to my face a little, it seemed to be swollen. Then everything went, the main thing - there is a positive result, I advise everyone. ”
Another procedure with fillers is bio - reinforcement . Hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin of the face according to a special scheme. Something like a web or a strong frame is created on the problem areas of the face. This will strengthen the muscles and skin, does not allow the skin to sag. The method is very popular, although it is expensive. The disadvantage is that a positive result does not last long, about 1 year.
Valeria, Moscow, 53 years old: “Bio-reinforcement is very pleasant. I always do in the same clinic, professionally, efficiently. Sometimes the result lasts for a month, two longer, if you save your face from stress, sun, emotions. But the method is good, effective. ”
The endoscopic facelift is also a surgical method for removing bryle. In inconspicuous places (behind the auricle, on the scalp, in the mouth) make small incisions or punctures, through which with the help of an endoscope they tighten the skin with muscles. The technique is progressive, low-impact, after it complications rarely occur, but a positive result is guaranteed.
Daria, Kaliningrad, 45 years old: “A good procedure is an endoscopic lift . They did it quickly, removed the bulldog cheeks, nasolabial fold. No cuts, no seams. Home quickly discharged. As if the operation was not. There was a little swelling, after 3 weeks has passed, I saw myself new, I really like it. ”