Paint bags on the cheekbones: how to get rid quickly and efficiently
The beauty of your own body is hard work. Every person, especially women, always want to look beautiful and well-groomed, but it does not always work. The main enemy for many is age. Many with age began to notice that their beauty is no longer what it was before, and over the years they do not become more beautiful. Skin problems begin to appear.
Many, looking at themselves in the mirror, are already a little upset. But is it worth it to dwell on it?
This problem is not fatal. Today, medicine is developed quite well, and it is easy to find for yourself those procedures and methods that will help a person to become more beautiful.
One of the common problems today is the formation of such a phenomenon as painting bags on the cheekbones, how to get rid of which is described below.
Paint bags in appearance are very similar to edema. To understand how to get rid of them, you need to understand the reason for their appearance.
- This problem may appear since childhood.
- In many cases, this problem is a problem of heredity.
- In most cases, the paint bags begin to appear during the age-related changes in the body. In a young body, when the skin is toned and the amount of fat on the cheekbones is large enough, this problem is not visible. But over the years, when the fat is displaced, and the skin sags a little, the problem is already clearly visible.
Paint cheekbones are delineated skin folds that are filled with fat. It is advisable to consult a doctor in the early stages, when this problem is not very pronounced. In this case, you can do without surgery. If you run the problem, then over the years the problem will only escalate.
Doctors say that there are two aspects of concern for patients in this problem:
- the amount of fat formed in the bag;
- furrow, which eventually deepens.
Very rarely, this problem occurs against the background of other diseases. How to get rid of paint bags on the cheekbones? Education data without problems are eliminated in specialized clinics. To understand the true cause of education, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive survey. At the moment there are several ways and methods that help get rid of paint bags on the cheekbones.
The most common include the following:
- Thermal lifting - this procedure includes a laser effect on the accumulated adipose tissue. After that, it thickens, ceases to be so loose, so that it absorbs water less, and the skin becomes more taut. Thanks to this procedure, the skin defect will be visually hidden.
- Filling nasosculoid sulcus. There are several options for filling:
- Own fat - the most modern way that allows the best way to correct deficiencies.
- Adjacent fabrics , often performed with a suspender.
- Fillers or implants .
- Lymphatic drainage massage - consists of manual and hardware effects. It is held in places of lymph outflow. Impulses relax the muscles, causing them to contract. This leads to an effective smoothing of the skin.
- Liposuction
- Blepharoplasty is an operation to improve the appearance of the eyelids and the surrounding area. This happens by removing excess skin and accumulated fat. The eyelids and the periorbital region are most influenced by age, so the problem of paint bags is most noticeable on them. Due to the fact that the skin there is the most thin, it promotes rapid healing.
Most of these operations have to do after 35 years. According to the results of analyzes, an individual technique for the operation is selected for each patient.- If a patient is
35-40 years old, then it is enough to remove fat through transconjunctival access. - If the person is already older, it is often necessary to remove excess skin and sometimes even muscles.
- For people who have 4 types of age-related changes, you will need to perform a mid-face lift. With this procedure, the skin becomes more taut, and the swelling around the eyes is reduced.
- If a patient is
- Diprospan injection . This method is often used for young skin. Diprospan is a hormonal drug that contributes to the destruction of adipose tissue and reduce its volume.
Liposuction of paint bags on cheekbones
The liposuction procedure of the cheekbones itself consists in removing the fatty tissue from this area. First, a special solution is introduced to thin the fatty tissue, and then it is removed from the body using a special suction.
Naturally, after such a procedure, the skin on the face may sag slightly due to the lack of the pillow that was there before. What then to do? Laser liposuction of the cheekbones perfectly solves this problem.
- First, with the help of laser radiation removes fatty tissue.
- After that, the surgeon heats the skin from the inside with a laser beam so that new cells appear on the site of cells that are scorched with life-giving light.
- In this method, the human body is able to create a natural skeleton for the face, without the help of surgical sutures. The effectiveness of such threads, unfortunately, has not been proven to date.
Laser liposuction of the cheekbones is a very complex surgery on the face. Plastic surgeons have to work in the area of the facial and trigeminal nerves. For such operations, the plastic surgeon must have extensive experience, ideally feel the tissue, follow the algorithm of action. Surgeons without the proper experience of such operations are best not to do.
Laser liposuction is a complex microsurgical job. Surgeons have to move millimeter by millimeter with the help of special optics.
There are no specific medical prescriptions for liposuction.
The main contraindications for liposuction of the cheekbones:
- allergic rash;
- skin neoplasms;
- the presence of many moles;
- sore nerves;
- eczema and psoriasis.
After carrying out liposuction of paint bags, the patient should be at home for at least a week so that hematomas will resolve. After surgery, surgeons pull a special bandage on the soft tissues, which contributes to tightening the skin.
The results of the operation will be visible in a few weeks, but the natural image of the face will be sufficiently pronounced in six months. During this period, you must adhere to the recommendations of doctors.
One of the drawbacks of liposuction paint bags is the fact that, after a certain period of time, the accumulation of fatty tissues may return.
Before you decide on such a procedure, you need to have a good consultation with your doctor. Only after that you can already find out if you have any contraindications for it.
One should never give in to the opinions of others and advice on when some advise certain doctors. After all, the body in each individual. Not all procedures are suitable for everyone. Trusting your body and getting rid of an existing problem is necessary for qualified specialists with many years of experience.
Reduction of cheekbones with non-surgical methods
In medical practice, there are several ways of non-surgical cheekbone reduction.
- Lymphatic drainage - this principle is the constant kneading zones around the limf. This method allows you to significantly adjust the shape of the face. It is thanks to her that women manage to get rid of edema. Lymphatic drainage on the face is quite an intensive intervention. After several sessions, the amount of fat will decrease, and the skin will become slightly saggy.
- Lymphatic drainage mask - less traumatic method than lymphatic drainage. Only
30-40 minutes of pulsation and tightening will significantly improve cheekbones. - Masks with lifting effect . This procedure is definitely not harmful. They act on the same principle as the lymphatic drainage mask, only less effective. Without turning to specialists, you can make these masks at home.
- Massage A very necessary thing in building the perfect cheekbones. A person who plays sports will have a more toned skin. This massage can include Asahi massage. It contributes not only to the rejuvenation of the skin, but also leads to muscle tone. If you strictly adhere to the method of massage, then in a month you will be pleasantly surprised by the result. Instructions must be followed strictly to avoid rash or puffiness. You can also hold a pencil with your teeth, and holding it, write letters through the air. It will also bring your muscles to tone.
- Losing weight is a great way to significantly reduce cheekbones. You do not need to keep a strong weight loss, sometimes it is enough to throw off about 7 kilograms to make the cheekbones more toned. And for some, losing weight per kilogram of 20 becomes insufficient.
These methods are able to reduce and correct the cheekbones. They are the most common procedures that help a person get rid of paint bags.